Original Yang Ying’s comeback gossip continues, the "selfie" is obviously thin, and the state after breaking up with Huang Xiaoming is worrying

Recently, Yang Ying posted her latest photos on the social platform. Unexpectedly, netizens were in an uproar. What happened? It turned out that Yang Ying’s latest photos did not have a photo, but were taken with a real original camera.

Therefore, Yang Ying’s true appearance was also completely exposed in front of everyone. I don’t know if it was because of the breakup that Yang Ying looked very haggard, but if the hair was down, it wouldn’t look so haggard. When the hair was curled up, the thinness on the cheeks disappeared visibly with the naked eye, and the seams in the hair were also very obvious, which made everyone wonder if this was still the bright Yang Ying from the beginning?

You must know that Yang Ying, as the most beautiful female star in the circle, once overwhelmed Qunfang in the group photos of many female stars. However, after breaking up with Huang Xiaoming, Yang Ying has also undergone tremendous changes.

The saying that red gas nourishes people seems to be true.

Earlier, Yang Ying had the same storm at the Lantern Festival Gala of Hunan Satellite TV. In front of the camera, Yang Ying was in a worrying state. As a popular figure, she received great attention, but she did not have the confidence and charm of the past. Instead, she looked very tired.

Is this still the original Muse?

What was even more exaggerated was that when Yang Ying and He Jiong were on the same stage, netizens couldn’t tell who was thinner. Although He Jiong had always been very thin, he didn’t expect to be almost compared in front of Yang Ying, which showed how worrying Yang Ying’s state was.

Did breaking up really hurt so much? It made Yang Ying mentally exhausted. Although Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying only officially announced their breakup in August, their marriage has long been a public fact. Since 2018, Yang Ying has no longer been in the same frame as Huang Xiaoming.

For the two of them, this marriage and relationship should have been released long ago, and there should be no more regrets, but after the breakup, Yang Ying’s spirit and spirit obviously changed a lot, but this is also related to Yang Ying’s desperate filming after the breakup. Recently, many fans have posted about Yang Ying’s itinerary, and they can see that Yang Ying is working very hard to get rid of the bad reputation before.

After all, when Yang Ying was happy in 2017, because she couldn’t make an action drama, the TV drama "Gufang Does Not Appreciate Yourself" eventually became a bad movie of the year. The stuntmen and cutouts that could be seen everywhere were criticized by netizens, so Yang Ying’s career continued to decline. Now Yang Ying is working hard to make a drama, and I believe she also wants to prove that she can do it. However, what she didn’t expect was that she returned after breaking up and kept gossiping.

When they just broke up, the media exposed the shooting scene of Yang Ying and Wang Anyu. It was obviously a simple action scene, and Yang Ying only needed to pounce on Wang Anyu. However, such a simple action still required the use of a substitute, and from the scene, it can be seen that Yang Ying was on the set at the time. This move was also complained by netizens again that it was the crew who raised the baby, which put her under a lot of pressure. Although fans later clarified the matter and said it was just a misunderstanding, but many netizens did not receive the rumor. They did not know that Yang Ying was misunderstood.

However, this also shows that Yang Ying’s current situation is not optimistic, especially after leaving Huang Xiaoming, many people no longer look at Huang Xiaoming’s face and show mercy to her, and even criticize her for relying on Huang Xiaoming to live, but now she broke up with Huang Xiaoming after she became famous.

We don’t know about the relationship, but making such an evaluation is also a groundless accusation for Yang Ying. I wonder if Yang Ying can rely on herself to counterattack the current reputation after breaking up?

There is no representative work, but Zhao Liying is used as a foil for her?

In 2017, Zhao Liying won the endorsement of Dior, which was also the first time she had received a high-end brand in the circle for so long. It was also her first time showing English on the screen. However, her English pronunciation was in sharp contrast to Yang Ying’s fluent spoken language. After the video was circulated online, it was mocked by various netizens. Zhao Liying was a grassroots star who had no high education and lacked fashion sense. Being a spokesperson for Dior simply lowered the style of the brand.

And this endorsement also made Zhao Liying attract no ridicule.

Forced to be at a loss, the brand can only take down a video, not only that Dior declares Yang Ying’s identity as a brand ambassador for the appearance, but Zhao Liying’s title is a famous actor, and even Yang Ying occupies the C position when taking a photo.

In the same year, Zhao Liying became the spokesperson of a certain chocolate. Coincidentally, Angelababy was the previous spokesperson of the brand. Compared with the two, many netizens said that Zhao Liying’s temperament was still inferior to Yang Ying’s. Perhaps it was two dimensional reduction strikes that made Zhao Liying not contact any luxury endorsements for a long time.

The explosion of a takeaway plan finally allowed Zhao Liying to win once. Both sides were spokesmen for a certain group, and the planner suggested that it was a surprise. Therefore, netizens couldn’t help but compare the two together and sigh that one was a Muse and the other was a female nerve. The surprise in Zhao Liying’s eyes was very natural and unpretentious.

And baby still can’t get rid of the embarrassing acting skills of staring and opening her mouth in the past in this planning, and the traces of being mocked by netizens are too obvious. However, Yang Ying has long been in the international circle like a duck to water, and Zhao Liying, who entered the fashion circle later, is indeed a move away.

In 2009, Wu Yanzu said that angelababy could not be put on the table, while Chen Weiting turned his face. After the reporter saw that Chen Weiting’s face was not good, he deliberately asked, Do you think the baby can go?

Wu Yanzu asked about the baby’s height, and saw Chen Weiting raise his hand and point "

Taller than you anyway

"At this time, Chen Weiting did not expect that his girlfriend, who he defended in every possible way, would turn around and become someone else’s wife.

A month later, after the baby starred in "Global Love" invested by Huayi, it was reported by the media that he disappeared with Huayi’s major shareholder Huang Xiaoming for two hours when they first met on KTV. Not long after, Chen Weiting officially broke up with Yang Ying, and even became the object of ridicule on the whole network because of Huang Xiaoming’s "I don’t know who Chen Weiting is". But Scorpio Chen Weiting is not willing to be bullied.

So he soon fell in love with Ah SA and claimed that the two had just been dating for 3 months, but at this time Yang Ying said sarcastic, do you really believe they have only been dating for 3 months?

And this piece of gossip has to start with a movie. The "Flower Field Wedding" starring Yang Ying can be said to be the peak of her acting skills. Interestingly, the original candidate for this role was A SA, while the baby played a couple with A SA’s husband Zheng Zhongji in the play. The two also brought the feelings in the play to reality.

So Chen Weiting and Ah SA also made a big fashion film not to be outdone, but during that time the baby was not idle, often traveling to and from Shanghai and spreading scandals with Huang Xiaoming, but Li Feier was his girlfriend at that time. Later, Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying came together:


Maybe she has a good background since she was a child, and she has really worked very, very hard.


Before she met Huang Xiaoming, she could only rely on her eyeballs to maintain her popularity. At that time, Yang Ying wore braces because of uneven teeth, so the modeling career did not develop smoothly. When she was a model abroad, she had to laugh humbly at being criticized for wine bottles. Maybe she knew that she couldn’t make a name for herself abroad, so Yang Ying focused her work on China again, and also dated Chen Weiting, who was unknown at the time.

But the difference is that Chen Weiting is a rich second generation, and his family background is not comparable to Yang Ying, so this has also become a stepping stone for Yang Ying’s career development.

In 2007, it can be said that Yang Ying’s career was a turning point. Although her appearance in the movie "In a Trouble" did not stir up any water, she was favored by Jay Chou and appointed her as the backup dancer of his concert. Therefore, Yang Ying agreed without hesitation and mentioned the matter many times in subsequent interviews.


By far the luckiest thing for me is to be able to work with Jay Chou


For a time baby by Zhou Dong’s light some heat, but it is not satisfied, 2009 to baby led by the collective model in a book fair in Hong Kong debut, and shoot big fashion photo, Hong Kong people think that this group of small models insult Sven, so nearly 50,000 people launched a boycott, although boycotted but angelababy took this fire, she also has close to Huang Xiaoming capital.

In order to win Huang Xiaoming’s liking, the baby has paid a lot of money and will wear sailor clothes to celebrate Huang Xiaoming’s birthday. Even if she is said, she can’t bear it. In the end, Yang Ying entered the room and became Huang Xiaoming’s beloved wife, jumping into the post-80s Four Little Flowers.

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