Tik Tok’s head online celebrity "Crazy Xiao Yang Ge" will also March into Tik Tok?

Original title: Tik Tok’s head online celebrity "Crazy Xiao Yang Ge" will also enter Tik Tok?

Recently, "Crazy Xiao Yang Ge" admitted that he would enter TikTok and "earn money from foreigners", which triggered a discussion craze among netizens about TikTok red man "leaving" Tiktok.

"Crazy Xiao Yang Ge" responded to the opening of Hangzhou Branch in the live broadcast:"We will change our name to Three Sheep Holding Group in July, and the three sheep in Hefei will be the global headquarters in the future, because there will be e-commerce behind TikTok. Entering Hangzhou is to integrate better resources and introduce products, brands, talents and other resources into their hometown of Anhui. "

The popularity of "Crazy Brother Xiao Yang" stems from a "self-teasing" video. A few tens of seconds of short video has brought more than 600,000 fans to "Crazy Brother Xiao Yang", and received the first brand advertisement since the short video started its business, earning 500 yuan.

At this point, "Crazy Xiao Yang Ge" seems to have mastered the traffic password, relying on"self-deception"The number of fans of "Crazy Xiao Yang Ge" in Tik Tok has soared. At present, "Crazy Xiao Yang Ge" has more than 99.99 million fans in Tik Tok. He revealed in the live broadcast that he can earn 100 million yuan just by bringing goods live for one month.

"Crazy Xiao Yang Ge" is not the first person who wants to enter TikTok. Before that, Luo Yonghao also revealed that he wanted to enter TikTok.In November last year, the live broadcast e-commerce organization founded by Luo Yonghao, the anchor of online celebrity, TikTok, made a friend to arrange overseas business, focusing on the live broadcast training of Tiktok.

Nowadays, TikTok’s global territory is accelerating its expansion. Not only do many cross-border sellers join Tik Tok to seek a new way out, but even many domestic reds smell the huge business opportunities behind Tik Tok and plan to start a journey to the sea.

Comparison between Tik Tok and Tik Tok in China;

1. Domestic Tik Tok market tends to be saturated.

2.Tik Tok e-commerce is a blue ocean with great development potential.

3. Successful experience of live delivery in Tik Tok.

With the recovery of international flights and logistics, many domestic sellers have long been eyeing Tik Tok, a pool of traffic depressions, ready to enter the Nuggets. Because TikTok is very similar to the domestic e-commerce model, but it is in the initial stage of development, Internet practitioners who missed the first wave of domestic short video marketing naturally do not want to miss this opportunity.

Not long ago,TikTok’s monthly active users in the United States exceeded 150 million.After TikTok’s cross-border live e-commerce went through the fanatical period last year, sellers no longer blindly followed.

For some sellers, it may be a new opportunity. Nowadays, the domestic live broadcast mode can run smoothly, obviously thanks to the huge manufacturing industry since this century, the whole e-commerce industry has developed at a high speed, regardless of logistics, supply chain, and even consumer acceptance, the industrial chain has been very perfect, and live broadcast has only played a role as a catalyst.

However, in overseas markets, especially in Europe and America, due to its developed retail industry, e-commerce has not squeezed the traditional retail industry too much, and the popularity and convenience of e-commerce platforms are not as good as those in China.

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