A week’s news: CPI turned negative again; China’s gold reserves "increased for 12 consecutive years"; IMF raises China’s economic growth forecast this year and next; China Ping An denied the acquisiti

(Original title: Weekly news: CPI turns negative again; China’s gold reserves "increased for 12 consecutive years"; IMF raises China’s economic growth forecast this year and next; China Ping An denied the acquisition of Country Garden)

A picture reviews the important news that affects the market trend.

China’s CPI in October decreased by 0.2% year-on-year, and PPI decreased by 2.6%.

Statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics show that in October, the national consumer price dropped by 0.2% year-on-year. In October, the ex-factory price of industrial producers nationwide decreased by 2.6% year-on-year, which was the same as that of the previous month. The purchase price of industrial producers decreased by 3.7% year-on-year and increased by 0.2% quarter-on-quarter. From January to October, the ex-factory price of industrial producers decreased by 3.1% compared with the same period of last year, and the purchase price of industrial producers decreased by 3.6%.

At the end of October, China’s gold reserves reported 71.2 million ounces, increasing its gold reserves for the twelfth consecutive month.

According to data from the central bank, China’s foreign exchange reserves at the end of October stood at $3,101.22 billion, a decrease of $13.85 billion from the previous month. At the end of October, the gold reserve reported 71.2 million ounces (about 2214.57 tons), an increase of 740,000 ounces (about 23.02 tons) from the previous month, and the gold reserve increased for the twelfth consecutive month.

General Administration of Customs: In October, the monthly growth rate of China’s import and export of 3.54 trillion yuan changed from a year-on-year decline for four consecutive months to an increase of 0.9%.

According to the data released by the General Administration of Customs, the total import and export value of China’s goods trade in October was 3.54 trillion yuan, and the monthly growth rate changed from a year-on-year decline for four consecutive months in June to an increase of 0.9%. In the first ten months of this year, the total import and export value of China’s goods trade was 34.32 trillion yuan, a slight increase of 0.03% year-on-year.

IMF raises China’s economic growth forecast this year and next.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced on the 7th that China’s economy is expected to grow by 5.4% in 2023, 0.4 percentage points higher than the forecast in October this year.

Central Bank: Real estate policy will be adjusted and optimized in due course.

On the 9th, the central bank issued the Report on Regional Financial Operation in China (2023), which mentioned that the real estate policy should be adjusted and optimized in time to adapt to the new situation of major changes in the supply and demand relationship in the real estate market, so as to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

Central Bank: Steadily and prudently promote the internationalization of RMB, steadily and orderly promote the comprehensive institutional opening of financial markets.

On the 9th, the Macro-Prudence Administration of the Central Bank issued "Steadily and Steadily Promoting the Internationalization of RMB", proposing to further improve the openness and access of China’s financial market, improve the liquidity of RMB financial assets, enrich risk hedging tools and improve the convenience of foreign exchange transactions.

Pan Gongsheng, Governor of the Central Bank: When necessary, the central bank will also provide emergency liquidity support to areas with relatively heavy debt burdens.

Pan Gongsheng, governor of the central bank, said on the 8th that the financial sector has taken a number of measures with relevant departments to actively support local governments to steadily resolve debt risks. When necessary, the central bank will also provide emergency liquidity support to areas with relatively heavy debt burdens.

Four ministries and commissions held a symposium on housing financing to understand the financial situation of the real estate industry and the financing needs of enterprises. Vanke, Poly and Longhu attended the meeting.

The People’s Bank of China, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the General Administration of Financial Supervision, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission jointly convened a discussion with several housing enterprises on the afternoon of the 7th to learn about the financial situation of the industry and the financing needs of enterprises. Participating enterprises include Vanke, Poly, China Resources, China Shipping, Longhu and Jindi.

Minister of Commerce: We will continue to promote the whole chain of new energy vehicles going to the countryside to promote automobile consumption.

Wang Wentao, Minister of Commerce, said that new energy vehicles will continue to be promoted to the countryside, and the whole chain will promote automobile consumption. In terms of home, we will focus on three directions: green, smart and suitable for the elderly, and accelerate the release of home consumption potential. The Ministry of Commerce will also promote the consumption of green smart home appliances, promote the high-quality development of the catering industry, and better meet people’s needs for a better life.

The Electronic Information Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will hold a symposium on photovoltaic manufacturing enterprises to guide the rational distribution of photovoltaic industry capacity

The Electronic Information Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology plans to hold a symposium on photovoltaic manufacturing enterprises, focusing on the development status, existing problems and challenges of the photovoltaic industry, guiding the rational layout of the photovoltaic industry’s production capacity, and promoting the high-quality development of the photovoltaic industry. It is reported that the enterprises convened this time include the head enterprises in all links of the industrial chain.

Association: The auto market will surge by more than 20% in November.

The Federation said that there were 22 working days in November, which was consistent with the number of working days in the same period last year. In general, November is the third year’s sales volume, second only to December at the end of the year and January at the beginning of the year, while November 2022 is the eighth year’s sales volume, which leads to great potential for low base and high growth in November this year. What is particularly beneficial to the auto market is the rational decline of the high level of the property market in the past two years. The downward adjustment of the stock interest rate has eased the pressure on the original purchase consumption to squeeze the disposable income of families, and the income of residents’ investment in buying houses fluctuated greatly. As an optional consumer product, the car purchase consumption began to recover rationally, so the retail trend of the auto market in recent months has always exceeded expectations. With the gradual strengthening of the auto market, the confidence of auto companies in their efforts to achieve their annual goals has increased, and the auto market will surge by more than 20% in November.

The National Development and Reform Commission issued the "National peak carbon dioxide emissions Pilot Construction Plan"

It is proposed that by 2025, the pilot cities and parks in peak carbon dioxide emissions will make positive progress in carbon neutrality, and the policy mechanism conducive to green and low-carbon development will be basically established within the pilot scope.

Eleven departments, including the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, recently issued the Action Plan for Methane Emission Control.

It is proposed that during the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" period, the policies, technologies and standard systems for methane emission control have been gradually established, the basic capabilities of methane emission statistics and accounting, monitoring and supervision have been effectively improved, and the work of methane resource utilization and emission control has made positive progress.

Federal Reserve Chairman Powell: The Fed will not hesitate to raise interest rates if appropriate.

The Fed made hawkish remarks. Federal Reserve Chairman Powell said that if the time is right, monetary policy will be further tightened decisively. Federal Reserve Governor Bowman reiterated that further interest rate hikes may be needed.

Yi Huiman: Maintaining the stable operation of the capital market and taking the road of developing the modern capital market with China characteristics.

Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission said in a keynote speech at the annual meeting of the 2023 Financial Street Forum on the 8th that the tracking and judgment of quantitative high-frequency transactions should be strengthened and the regulatory measures should be improved. Accelerate the cultivation of "smart funds" in China, promote the strength of industry institutions, effectively enhance professional investment capabilities and market leadership, and take our own path.

Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges: guide listed companies to rationally implement refinancing, strictly review the use of raised funds, and strictly control the financing scale.

On the 8th, Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges officially introduced specific measures to optimize refinancing and appropriately tighten the refinancing of listed companies. There are five main aspects: strictly limit the refinancing of listed companies with broken or broken net; Strictly require the financing interval of listed companies with continuous losses; Limit the financing scale of listed companies with high financial investment; Require that the previous raised funds have been fully used; Strictly control the refinancing to raise funds to invest in the main business.

The funds released from the adjustment of control indicators will be mainly used for investment banking, market making and other business stocks. The new scale of OTC derivatives needs to be effectively controlled.

A "brokerage DMA business is controlled" quickly fermented on social platforms. It is reported that some brokers did receive a regulatory notice, requiring that starting from November 9, the daily end-of-day quantitative DMA business according to the manager dimension should not exceed the end-of-day scale of November 8. Some insiders explained that the fundamental reason for this move lies in the regulatory requirements for the stable development of capital-intensive specialization of securities firms.

Both NVIDIA and Intel plan to launch improved AI chip NVIDIA products in China market or mass production at the end of the year.

It is reported that NVIDIA has developed the latest improved series of chips for China. The latest three chips are improved from H100. NVIDIA will announce them as soon as possible after 16th of this month, and domestic manufacturers will get the products in these days at the earliest. At the same time, Intel is also planning to launch an improved version of Gaudi 2.

Shi Lanwei: The second phase of the Big Fund plans to invest 1.5 billion yuan to subscribe for the company’s fixed shares.

Shi Lanwei announced that the company’s related person, National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Phase II Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Big Fund Phase II") sent the company a quotation for issuing shares to a specific target, and it plans to invest 1.5 billion yuan to subscribe for the company to issue shares to a specific target in 2022. The final allocation will be subject to the announcement documents such as the subsequent issuance report.

Ping An, China: The report that the company was asked to acquire Country Garden and inherit its debts is inconsistent with the facts. At present, the company does not hold Country Garden shares.

China Ping An issued a clarification announcement that the report that it was asked to acquire Country Garden and inherit its debts was not true. At present, the company does not hold Country Garden shares.

Re-financing has caused controversy. HHLR, a subsidiary of Gaoying, was investigated for reducing Longji Green Energy.

Longji Green Energy announced that HHLR Management Co., Ltd., a shareholder of the company, received a notice issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission decided to investigate HHLR Management Co., Ltd. for allegedly transferring Longji Green Energy shares in violation of restrictive regulations.

Yu Chengdong, Huawei: The number of M7 customers is 87,000, and the number of M9 customers is over 30,000.

At the release of Huawei’s smart travel solution and the pre-sale meeting of Smart World S7, Yu Chengdong, chairman of Huawei’s smart car solution BU, said that up to now, the cumulative delivery of the M5 has exceeded 120,000 units, the M7 has definitely broken 87,000 units, and the booking volume of the M9 has exceeded 30,000 units. "We are making every effort to increase production capacity, so I hope you will wait patiently, because the order volume is indeed much higher than expected."

Tesla China raised the price of Model Y long battery life version by 2,500 yuan to 302,400 yuan.

Tesla’s German factory will produce a new car with a price of 25,000 euros, which will greatly lower the price of Tesla’s cheapest model in Europe.

OpenAI held the first developer conference and launched a user-defined version of ChatGPT.

OpenAI launched a user-defined version of ChatGPT. At the first developer conference held on Monday, OpenAI also said that it will launch a preview version of the latest GPT-4 Turbo, which is a more powerful and faster version of the big language model that supports the company’s technology.

ASML, a giant in mask aligner, the Netherlands: He is very optimistic about the business in China next year.

During his stay in China International Import Expo(CIIE), ASML, the global senior vice president of Dutch mask aligner giant, said that the business in China, ASML has grown rapidly this year. It is expected that China will account for more than 20% of ASML’s global revenue in the whole year, and he is also very optimistic about his business in China next year.

TSMC: Net income in October increased by 34.8% from the previous month and 15.7% from the same period last year.

TSMC announced today that its net income in October 2023 was NT$ 243.2 billion, up 34.8% from September 2023 and 15.7% from October 2022.

This article comes from: financial circles

Wen Jie Xin M7 belt explodes Cyrus.

Zebra consumption model construction

Huawei’s energy is once again reflected in the new M7 and Cyrus.

After the 11-day holiday, the stock price of Celeste has been trading daily for two consecutive trading days, and its market value has once again stood at 100 billion.

At present, the question before Cyrus is, how to maintain stable sales after the release of the new M7? In the longer term, it is the overall profitability of the company.


Old bottle and new wine

Since the beginning of this year, due to the continuous sluggish sales of the series of cars in the world, the share price of Sailis (601127.SH) has generally fallen sharply, and once fell to a low of 24.75 yuan on June 8. After that, it briefly bottomed out and then continued to fall sharply.

Until September 12th, the new M7 series in the world was officially listed, which finally added a fire to Celeste. On September 14th and 18th, the company’s share price successively won two daily limit boards. And on September 28, the last trading day before the 11 th holiday, another daily limit was used to close the first three quarters.

The new M7 is really attractive to users in terms of both product and price. On the basis of the original 6-seat version, it adds 5-seat versions, giving users more choices.

Huawei said that it has invested 500 million yuan for the new M7, and has upgraded its safety, intelligence and battery life. The functions of seat ventilation, heating, etc., which were only available on the old M7 models, have become standard in all new models.

Information from all sides shows that the new M7 is sincere to users.

More importantly, while upgrading the product and configuration, the price is cheaper than the old one. There are five configurations of the new M7 in Wenjie, with a guide price of 249,800-329,800 yuan. The starting price is lowered by 40,000 yuan compared with the old M7, and with the limited time discount of 6,000 yuan, the entry threshold becomes lower.

Then, at a time when new energy automobile products are constantly innovating and choosing more diversification, will users pay for the new M7?

As soon as the 11-day holiday was closed, Yu Chengdong, Huawei’s managing director, terminal BG CEO and chairman of smart car solutions, couldn’t wait to report good news to the outside world: "The new M7 in the world was set to hit a new high of 7,000 units on October 6; It has only been listed for 25 days, and the cumulative number has exceeded 50,000 units. "

Stimulated by this, after the holiday, A shares opened for trading, and Cyrus’ share price went up for two consecutive trading days. The company had to make an emergency announcement and give a risk warning.

It is understood that since August 28 this year, Sailis shares have increased by 110.42%. In the same period, Shenwan Automobile Index has increased by 7.28% and Shanghai Composite Index has increased by 0.36%. In fact, the company’s fundamentals have not changed significantly, so there is an obvious risk of overheating market sentiment.


(of a doctor) bring the dying back to life

Asked about the hot sale of the new M7 in the world, Yu Chengdong couldn’t help sighing in his circle of friends that "it’s not easy to come back to life!"

In the past, Xiaokang Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Seles) spent several years developing a new energy vehicle, named SERES Seles. In April 2019, Cyrus made its debut at the Shanghai Auto Show, and many people didn’t know who it was.

The following year, Sellers’ first SUV model SF5 went on the market in mass production, and only 732 vehicles were sold in the whole year.

At this time, Huawei appeared, pointing out a new path for Cyrus to build a car together.

With Huawei’s blessing, it instantly became radiant. In 2022, the product was officially released by AITO, and after deep binding with Huawei, it became the fastest growing brand of new energy vehicles.

At the beginning of the release of AITO, it set a proud record of delivering more than 10,000 vehicles for several months in a row, and delivered 75,000 vehicles in 2022.

However, since the beginning of this year, the glory of the world of inquiry has ceased.

According to the production and sales report disclosed by Sailis, in the first half of this year, the cumulative sales of Sailis Automobile (actually a series of models) was only 25,800. Among them, the sales volume of M7 is extremely bleak. According to the data of car home, the monthly sales volume of M7 has been less than 1,000 vehicles since April this year, and it was as low as 432 vehicles in June this year.

The reasons for asking the world to go away are very complicated. Tesla cut prices at the beginning of the year to compete for the market, which triggered a new wave of price cuts for new energy vehicles, which is one of the important reasons.

In the early days, the HarmonyOS cockpit carried by the asking world really won a wave of goodwill from users. However, with the increase of users and the extension of actual use time, many users find that the product strength of the world is not as strong as expected.

The outside world has always had doubts about who AITO belongs to. At the beginning of March this year, the brand official once changed the "AITO asking the world" in the relevant promotional materials to "HUAWEI asking the world", but it was quickly changed back and slapped itself, which further aggravated users’ doubts.

It is in the context of the continuous collapse of sales volume that the press launched the new M7, hoping to make a turnaround.


Sustained loss

Formerly known as Xiaokang Co., Ltd., Cyrus used to produce mini commercial vehicles and low-end SUVs of Dongfeng Scenery brand, and its main target users were concentrated in low-tier cities.

In the era of traditional fuel vehicles, the company’s business is not sexy, and the market attention is not high, but with its leading position in the segmentation field, the small life is still good.

In 2016, the company launched the first SUV Scenery 580, with sales exceeding 10,000 for five consecutive months. The following year, the total sales volume of the company’s SUV reached 188,600 units, which directly promoted the annual sales volume of the whole vehicle to reach the peak sales volume of 404,200 units.

It was this year that the company’s operating income exceeded 20 billion yuan, and the net profit returned to the mother also achieved the best performance in history of 725 million yuan.

However, Xiaokang shares only caught up with the brilliant last bus of fuel passenger cars. Soon, the growth rate of passenger car market in China declined to negative growth, competition shifted from incremental to stock era, resources were further concentrated in the head car enterprises, and small and medium-sized car enterprises struggled to survive.

Zhang Xinghai, the head of the company, has a forward-looking strategic vision. Under his leadership, Xiaokang invested and established SF MOTORS in the United States as early as the beginning of 2016 to build new energy vehicles.

Helpless, the car was built and could not be sold. Until the emergence of Huawei. In 2021, the company changed its name, demonstrating the determination of strategic transformation.

Cooperating with Huawei to build a car, not only the products sold well, but also the company’s share price soared due to the blessing of Huawei concept. In June last year, it once reached a historical high of 90.50 yuan, and its market value exceeded 100 billion.

With the increase of product sales, the company’s operating income has increased significantly. From 14.30 billion yuan in 2020 to 34.10 billion yuan in 2022, the loss also further increased, from-1.729 billion yuan to-3.832 billion yuan.

In the first half of this year, the company’s growth momentum came to an abrupt end, and its operating income fell by 11.14% year-on-year to 11.03 billion yuan, and it continued to lose 1.344 billion yuan.

Leaking Xiaomi Auto, both companies apologized: fire employees and never hire them!

On December 20th, the Red Star Capital Bureau reported that ZAKER official blog issued the "Apology Statement on Xiaomi Automobile Information Disclosure", saying that Bao Moumou, an employee of the automobile division, had been dismissed and would never be hired. A few days ago, Xiaomi Automobile’s real car shooting scene map was exposed, and it was suspected that the media leaked out when shooting the scene map.

In the apology statement, it was mentioned that on December 17th, 2023, ZAKER was invited to participate in the static product tasting shooting activity of Xiaomi Automobile. Before the activity, Bao Moumou, an employee of our automobile division, signed the Confidentiality Commitment Letter.

During the tasting shooting, Bao Moumou mistakenly thought that the photos of Xiaomi Automobile publicized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology were the materials shot by other media in the same place, and mistakenly thought that your company (Xiaomi Automobile) was allowed to publicly release the photographed photos, so he sent three work tidbits with Xiaomi Automobile to his personal WeChat circle of friends for personal purposes without the permission of your company (Xiaomi Automobile) on-site staff and without informing our company, and was reminded by the on-site staff. Bao Moumou immediately realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately deleted the content of the circle of friends. The release time lasted about 5 minutes, but the photos have spread and caused heated discussion on the Internet.

Our company attached great importance to the incident after learning of it, and immediately set up an incident investigation team on the same day to verify the relevant situation and relevant personnel. Bao Moumou, the employee involved, was fully aware of his own mistakes, and our company severely criticized and educated Bao Moumou. His personal behavior of unauthorized disclosure has seriously violated the rules and regulations of ZAKER Employee Manual and the confidentiality obligations of employees. According to the relevant rules and regulations of the company, our company dismissed Bao Moumou, an employee of the automobile division, and never hired him.

The incident was triggered by our employees’ violation of the Confidentiality Commitment Letter, which brought some pressure and influence to your company. We sincerely apologize for this. Our company is willing to maintain active communication with your company, and cooperate with your company to take all necessary measures to properly handle the adverse effects caused by leaks and emotional incidents and fulfill its due responsibilities.

At the same time, our company will earnestly learn lessons, reflect deeply, take a warning, comprehensively strengthen the legal awareness, confidentiality awareness and professional ethics education of relevant teams and employees, and resolutely put an end to the recurrence of such incidents.

"Xiaobai buys a car" apologizes:

On the afternoon of December 20th, Xiaobai bought a car and issued a "Statement on the Number of Information Leaks of Xiaomi Automobile" to apologize.

The statement said: On December 17, 2023, our company participated in the tasting and shooting activities of Xiaomi’s static products. Before that, our photographer Guan Moumou had signed the Confidentiality Commitment Letter. After the filming ended that night, Guan Moumou mistakenly thought that the confidentiality was limited to the company platform. Without the permission of the on-site staff and without informing the company, he sent a partial photo of the car penalty taken on the spot to two WeChat friends for personal reasons, and was later forwarded to the riders by his friends. When he realized the seriousness of the problem, the photo had been expanded on the network and could not be withdrawn.

We are deeply sorry for this, because we violated the "Confidentiality Commitment" and caused pressure and loss to Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd.. After careful reflection and internal investigation, this incident was caused by the weak legal awareness of employees in our enterprise, the lack of contract concept, personal misconduct, and the inadequate internal management supervision of our enterprise. Here, we sincerely apologize to all the affected people and Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd.

In order to ensure that this kind of incident will not happen again, our company has seriously criticized Guan Moumou, and his unauthorized disclosure has seriously violated the company’s rules and regulations and affected the company’s reputation. Therefore, according to the relevant rules and regulations of the company, our company will dismiss Guan Moumou and never hire him. And here we solemnly promise that we will strictly abide by laws and regulations, fulfill confidentiality obligations and re-train and educate all employees of the company in the future.

Once again, I sincerely apologize to all the affected people and Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd. Our company will maintain a positive communication attitude, do its due duty, cooperate with all relevant investigations of Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., and properly handle the impact caused by this leak.

Xiaomi is angry! Lei jun forwarding

On December 19th, Xiaomi Group issued a statement in the official Weibo, saying that recently, malicious leaks and false rumors about Xiaomi automobile appeared in batches on the Internet, and the company made a formal response.

The statement mentioned that on December 17th, Bao Moumou, an employee of the media "ZAKER", and Guan Moumou, an employee of "Xiaobai Buying a Car", intentionally leaked the confidential shooting content without permission, knowing the confidentiality obligation and corresponding penalties. As verified by Xiaomi Group’s confidential management team, the above two people have admitted their violation of confidentiality obligations.

After communicating with its media, Xiaomi will investigate the responsibility of the two people and their media for leaking secrets according to the corresponding provisions of the Confidentiality Commitment signed by both parties, including but not limited to public apologies and fines.

At the same time, Xiaomi Group verified that in November and December, 2023, three former employees of Xiaomi Automobile Department participated in the so-called "Xiaomi Automobile Seminar" organized by external brokers and investment institutions without permission for the purpose of collecting "consulting fees". Xiaomi said that it "spread a lot of wrong and false information, seriously misleading the market and disrupting the normal business development of Xiaomi Automobile".

Xiaomi said that the above three employees seriously violated the Code of Conduct for Employees of Xiaomi Group and the confidentiality obligations stipulated by the company. Xiaomi Group has dismissed them and never hired them, and investigated their legal responsibilities according to law. At the same time, Xiaomi Group reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility for brokers and investment institutions that organize related activities.

On the evening of December 19th, Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi, forwarded the Statement on his personal Weibo, and sent three expressions of bowing.

According to public information, the car involved in this leak is Xiaomi SU7, and the content involved is the static experience spy photos of Xiaomi SU7.

According to the interface news report, with the gradual exposure of various configuration data of Xiaomi Automobile, the last remaining key information is the price. Earlier, it was reported that Xiaomi SU7 will be available in four versions, with the price ranging from 190,000 to 300,000 yuan. The official has not released the information yet, and the sales staff also said that it is still unclear.

Some analysts predict that the lowest price of Xiaomi car starting at 190,000 yuan is hard to be surprised, and I am afraid it will not be able to replicate the sensation caused by the original price of Xiaomi mobile phone at 1999 yuan. In addition, for Xiaomi, which is famous for its cost performance, Xiaomi still needs to establish its own advantages in terms of performance and design.

Xiaomi Automobile has invested 3400 engineers.

R&D expenditure exceeds 10 billion yuan.

According to the news of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in official website on November 15th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the contents of the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products (the 377th batch) and the Catalogue of Energy-saving and New Energy-using Vehicles with Vehicle and Vessel Tax Relief (the 56th batch), and two Xiaomi brand pure electric cars were listed.

According to the public information, the trademark of Xiaomi Automobile is Xiaomi brand, which is a pure electric car, and the manufacturer is Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd.

Recently, Xiaomi Automobile has caused a heated discussion. A few days ago, Lei Jun, the chairman of Xiaomi, a figure in the heat center, also appeared in front of the public to express his views on Xiaomi Automobile. In an interview with CCTV news "Face to Face", Lei Jun said that Xiaomi’s investment in building cars is ten times that of other automakers. For example, he said that the average car brand invested 300 to 400 people in building a car, and the cost was 1 billion to 2 billion yuan, while the first car of Xiaomi Automobile invested 3,400 engineers as a whole, and the research and development cost exceeded 10 billion yuan.

However, Lei Jun also expressed his concern about the sales situation. He was worried that no one would buy Xiaomi after it went on the market, and that everyone would buy it, but it would take a year or two.

Source: Comprehensive Red Star journalist Wu Danruo, Red Star News previously reported, national business daily

Original title: "Leaking Xiaomi Auto, both companies apologize: fire employees and never hire! 》

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Five forces at the same time: explore the best cost performance! Revealing Five Popular Redmi K Series Mobile Phones

The following are my opinions on several popular millet K series:

First, let’s take a look at Xiaomi (MI) Extreme Edition. This mobile phone is equipped with top-class Tianji 9200+ processor and independent display chip X7, which provides excellent running speed and image quality. With the combination of 1.5K direct screen and large storage capacity, it is an ideal choice for gamers. It is worth noting that this mobile phone has sold more than 5,000 units in the past month, showing strong market competitiveness.

Next, we will introduce the new mobile phone of Xiaomi Redmi K50 Pro 5G. With a 2K flexible straight screen and an oversized 12GB RAM+256GB ROM configuration, this device is first-class in visual effect and performance. The 100-megapixel rear camera and 20-megapixel front lens can meet the professional needs of photographers. At the same time, the fast charging function above 120W makes the power supply quick and convenient. In order to ensure a long-term and stable working environment, the mobile phone also uses a three-dimensional cooling solution.

Then let’s take a look at Xiaomi Redmi Redmi K60. As a brand-new 5G mobile phone, it features ink feather color matching and is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 processor, so its strength cannot be underestimated. It is worth mentioning that this mobile phone introduces liquid cooling technology, which can maintain good performance even in the face of high temperature. In addition, the 5000mAh battery with 30W wireless charging fully solves the user’s electricity anxiety problem.

Let’s pay attention to Xiaomi Redmi Redmi K60E again. Although there are some differences compared with the first two models, such as lack of liquid cooling technology and eye protection certification, the performance in other aspects is still remarkable. For example, it still continues the ink feather color matching, and its internal configuration has reached the standard of 12GB RAM+512GB ROM.

Finally, I want to mention the "quick spot" Xiaomi Redmi Redmi K50 Extreme Edition Ultra 5G mobile phone. The biggest selling point of this mobile phone is undoubtedly its luxurious hardware configuration: a large memory combination of 12GB RAM+512GB ROM and a 100-megapixel main camera, so that users don’t have to worry about being stuck or blurred when operating. More surprisingly, it also supports high-speed charging of 120-150W, which greatly reduces the time required for charging. To sum up, these products are quite competitive in the market. No matter whether you pay attention to performance or long-lasting battery life, you can always find your favorite choice.


The following are my opinions on several popular Xiaomi Redmi K series mobile phones: First, let’s take a look at Xiaomi MI)Redmi K60 Extreme Edition. This mobile phone is equipped with top-class Tianji 9200+ processor and independent display chip X7, which provides excellent running speed and image quality. With the combination of 1.5K direct screen and large storage capacity, it is an ideal choice for gamers. It is worth noting that, …

I won the 2021 Beijing Benz E300L E260L.

At the beginning of March, the domestic long-wheelbase version released 2021 redesigned models, only six months after the release of 2021 mid-term redesigned products in September 2020. The new product cancels the 1.5T+48V light hybrid power of the previously controversial E260L model, adopts a 2.0T low-power engine +48V light hybrid system, and completely removes the "small displacement" hat. The price range of 10 models is 43.99-562,900 yuan. The new car still offers two styles, the standard version and the sports version, and there is also a certain upgrade in configuration. Recently, we took a real shot of the 2021 modified 00L sports luxury model (hereinafter referred to) in Daxing, Baoan, Shenzhen, to see the specific changes.

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment
Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

New car features:  

First, the mid-term change model will be changed again in the year, and the appearance will continue to be standard and sporty.

Second, the carriage adopts the classic layout of double 12.3-inch continuous screen, and the sense of luxury atmosphere is the strongest in its class.

Third, E260L model cancels the 1.5T+48V light mixing system and replaces it with a 2.0T low-power engine +48V light mixing system.

Four, 00L fashion increase the whole car keyless entry, electric trunk and induction trunk.

V. The driver assistance enhancement kit including adaptive cruise is added to the 00L distinguished model.

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The 2021 E-class itself is a mid-term product, and its appearance has changed greatly. As an annual redesigned model, the appearance and interior are not the key points. The configuration and power of some models are mainly adjusted to achieve the purpose of increasing distribution and enhancing competitiveness. Still provide a standard and sporty double-style appearance. In terms of color, the new car only offers two color schemes, Obsidian Black and Arctic White, which is not personalized enough.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The front face still provides standard and sporty double-style modeling, the sports version adds a sports kit, and the flat middle net is decorated with a complex grille, which matches the huge round LOGO;; The standard version fills the net with multi-spoke trims, and the LOGO stands above the hood. The two versions bring different visual effects and are suitable for users of different ages.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The headlights have been redesigned, and the original dual-spoke LED daytime running light has been changed into a brush with a folded corner in calligraphy, which is as close as possible to the latest family style. The high-profile models are also equipped with geometric multi-beam LED light sources, which have more intelligent effects. The side cheeks are not equipped with front fog lights, and the sports version adopts a more exaggerated double-spoke diversion groove shape, which looks a lot of spirit.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The body size has not changed, the length, width and height are still 5078/1860/1480mm (1490mm for four-wheel drive version) and the wheelbase is 3079 mm. Compared with the main competing products at the same level, it has no size advantage and the overall performance is moderate.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The exterior rearview mirror is decorated in black, and the shell is integrated with LED side turn light and side camera. Except E260L model (reversing image), it is equipped with 360 panoramic images, and the display screen is very clear. The E300L model also comes standard with electric adjustment, folding, memory, heating, automatic reverse rollover, automatic lock folding and automatic anti-glare functions, while the E260L model lacks memory, automatic reverse rollover and automatic anti-glare.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The door handle with the same color on the body is decorated with chrome, and the keyless entry function of the whole vehicle is standard except E260L models. Among them, the E300L fashion model in this redesigned model has increased the keyless entry function of the whole vehicle.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The whole system comes standard with 245/45 R18 front and rear wheels, and the wheels with five-spoke petal shape look very fashionable. The tires are matched with Han Tai Ventus Evo 20,000 Tushi series products, which are high-performance tires focusing on sports and handling.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The tail shape of the new car pays more attention to flattening, inheriting the flat conical taillights of the "Big Brother" S class, and the multi-point lighting effect looks radiant. The bottom still adopts double exhaust pipes on both sides, and the nozzle is decorated with quadrilateral chrome-plated frame and connected with chrome-plated strips, so the overall exquisiteness is still very high.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The layout of the car has not changed, and the digital cockpit is still composed of double 12.3-inch integrated screens. The bent center console is particularly beautiful under the decoration of the ambient light, and the connection with the door panel is also smooth. The design and luxury of the car are still very prominent. The car is equipped with the latest MBUX intelligent interactive system, and the playability is further improved.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The steering wheel has been replaced with a new family style, and the left and right double-spoke shapes have increased the three-dimensional effect, and the functional area division is also clearer. Among them, the left side is mainly the driver assistance system, and the right side mainly controls multimedia, etc. The center still uses touch mode, which feels good. The E300L Premium Model adds an enhanced version of driver assistance components including lane departure warning, lane keeping assistance, road traffic sign recognition and adaptive cruise. In addition, the size of the steering wheel is too large, the grip is particularly full, and the touch of the leather is also delicate.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The 12.3-inch full LCD instrument panel is standard for the whole system, and the UI interface basically continues the style of the old model (2020 model), providing three themes to choose from, and the information status of various vehicles can be seen at a glance.   

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The 12.3-inch central control panel is also standard for the whole system. Compared with the old model (2020 model), the car is equipped with Mercedes-Benz’s latest MBUX intelligent human-computer interaction system, which, like the new generation, can be controlled by touch screen, touch keys, touchpad and voice recognition. At the same time, it also supports fashionable functions such as navigation and OTA upgrade, and the human-computer interaction experience is greatly improved.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The air-conditioning outlet still adopts the classic four-circle shape, and the air-conditioning system, multimedia and vehicle function panels below are basically unchanged. The clock in the center of the old model (2020 model) is cancelled, and the functionality is no problem, and the style is less tasteful.   

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The central armrest is made of very textured solid wood, which looks quite luxurious. There are two water cups, a Type-C interface, a 12V power supply and a mobile phone storage compartment with wireless charging function under the foldable cover, which is unique. Although the 12.3-inch central control panel has achieved touch control, it still retains the control panel of COMMAND, which will be more convenient for the old users of Mercedes-Benz. The buttons on both sides include driving mode adjustment, parking radar, 360 panoramic image, automatic start and stop, volume adjustment, screen switch, sunshade opening and closing and other functional buttons.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The split armrest box has a large opening and a good volume, and two Type-C interfaces are built in.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

Mercedes-Benz has always been a benchmark for the construction of cockpit interiors, and this car is no exception. The center console is covered with a large area of soft leather, decorated with rich wooden decorative plates and chrome trim strips, and with the addition of penetrating atmosphere lights, the vision, touch and smell of the carriage are very pleasant, and the 13-speaker Burmester Berlin sound creates a first-class auditory experience. This cockpit can really make people stay for a long time without getting tired.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The front seats are wrapped in imitation leather (the top models are made of genuine leather), the padding is moderate in hardness, and the side supports of the seats are in place. The front and rear, backrest, height (4-way) and waist (4-way) electric adjustments are supported by the main and co-pilot seats, and leg rest adjustments are also provided, so the ergonomics is well done. The front seats also support the functions of heating, memory, and adjustment of the front and rear seats. Seat ventilation and rear seat heating need to be optional.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The rear seat is made of the same material as the front seat. The inclination angle of the cushion and backrest is large, and the backrest supports angle adjustment. In addition, there is plenty of space, so that the rear passengers can get a comfortable "Ge You Lie" sitting posture, but the middle cushion is short, the platform bulges obviously, and the comfort of the middle seat is not high. In terms of configuration, it is equipped with three independent telescopic headrests, and aviation headrests are also equipped on both sides. The size of the central folding armrest is very large, and even the headrests are folded down as a whole, which integrates more storage space.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The air outlet of floor-type air conditioner is adopted, and the shape is changed compared with the old model (2020 model), and the original open storage compartment is cancelled. The sliding cover below has a built-in water cup slot and two Type-C interfaces, which maintains the same convenience and aesthetics as the front row. In addition, the E300L distinguished model in this modified model has added independent air conditioning in the rear row.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

All models are equipped with segmented electric skylights, the first half of which can be opened and the area is considerable.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The side wall of the rear compartment has been tightly wrapped, showing good performance in depth and height. The volume has not been announced yet, but the visual volume is considerable, and the luggage for four people on a long trip should be able to accommodate it. There is also a storage compartment under the floor, but there is no spare tire. The car is also equipped with an electric tailgate and a button to close the door and lock the car. E300L fashion model adds the functions of electric trunk and induction trunk.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The change of power is the focus of this change. The core is to cancel the 1.5T+48V light hybrid power, and replace the E260L model with a 2.0T low-power engine +48V light hybrid system. The maximum power of the engine is 145kW(197Ps)/6100rpm, and the maximum torque is 320Nm/1650-4000rpm, matching the 9AT automatic manual transmission. E300L adopts a 2.0T high-power engine with the maximum power of 190kW(258Ps)/6100rpm and the maximum torque of 370Nm/1800-4000rpm, which is also matched with 9AT automatic manual transmission.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The chassis layout has not changed. The front and rear are multi-link independent suspensions, and the front and rear drives are still the main ones. Among them, E260L is equipped with two full-time four-wheel drive models, and the central differential is a multi-plate clutch, all of which support variable steering ratio and suspension soft and hard adjustment. Only the top-equipped premium model E300L comes standard with a driver assistance system close to L2, which has lane keeping function. However, the adaptive cruise is not at full speed, and the rest E300L is optional, but E260L doesn’t even support it.  

Brother Kan’s comments:

On the whole, this generation is relatively, with elegant and atmospheric appearance and very attractive cockpit. However, it is indeed controversial because it is equipped with a 1.5T engine. It is not necessarily said that the power is not enough. After all, it is assisted by a 48V ISG motor, which mainly causes psychological pressure to users. Is it still a luxury medium and large car? This time, the purpose of the modified model is to let the small-displacement engine leave completely, and let the E-class return to its sense of grade. Of course, the entry price has also increased slightly, but it is not excessive. In addition, the E300L fashion model and the distinguished model have increased the configuration, and the price has also increased accordingly. Generally speaking, the new products hope to maintain the overall image and status of E-class, rather than relying on low prices and concessions to attract users.

E-class long wheelbase quotation:

Mercedes-Benz E260L sedan 439,900

Mercedes-Benz E260L four-wheel drive 461,900

Mercedes-Benz E300L sports fashion 479,900

Mercedes-Benz E300L limousine 498,900

Mercedes E300L limousine 562,900

Mercedes-Benz E350L four-wheel drive 642,800 

Mercedes E300 e L plug-in hybrid car 509,800

E-class standard wheelbase quotation:

Mercedes E260 442,800

Mercedes-Benz E260 4MATIC 463,800

Mercedes E300 499,800

E class coupe

E260 coupe 521,800 

E260 four-wheel drive 547,800 

E300 595,800

E350 4MATIC 689,800

E260 convertible 633,800 

E260 convertible coupe 4MATIC 653,800

E300 convertible coupe 707,800 

E43AMG 895,800

E53AMG 948,800

E53AMG coupe 978,800

E63 S 4AMTIC+ 1,560,800

4S shop |AMG4S shop

Beijing 4S store Mercedes sales center

Mercedes-Benz AMG authorized dealer.

> > Please consult the dealer for more details < <

BYD’s pure electric and hybrid vehicles are listed at a price of 215,800 yuan.

The new Han DM-i/DM-p is equipped with a plug-in hybrid system based on a 1.5T engine with a maximum power of 102kW and a maximum torque of 231N m.. Han DM-i is equipped with two kinds of battery packs with different capacities, which are 18.3/37.5kWh respectively, corresponding to NEDC operating range of 121/242km and average fuel consumption of 4.2/4.5L per 100 km under power failure. The 0-100km/h acceleration of Han DM-p vehicle is 3.7s, the pure electric cruising range of NEDC is 202km, and the average fuel consumption per 100km is 5.2L in the state of power failure.

BYD Han DM-i or 1.5T hybrid system listed in the third quarter.

  [Aika Auto Domestic New Car Original]

  A few days ago, Aika Automobile learned that BYD Han DM (parameter picture) (parameter | inquiry) -i is expected to be listed in the third quarter. Han DM-i continues BYD Han’s design and makes adjustments in details. BYD Han DM-i is equipped with a DM-i plug-in hybrid system composed of 1.5T engine and motor.

Byd Han DM (inquiry module, please don’t edit it manually, if you need to delete it, please right-click on the picture to delete the inquiry)

  In terms of appearance, BYD Han DM-i basically continues the design of the current model in terms of appearance. The air intake grille adopts hexagonal design and the interior is decorated with lattice chrome. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4960/1910/1495mm and the wheelbase is 2920mm respectively.

  In terms of power, BYD Han DM-i is equipped with a DM-i plug-in hybrid system consisting of a 1.5T engine and a motor. The maximum power of the 1.5T engine code-named BYD476ZQC is 102kW (139HP), and the model of permanent magnet synchronous motor is TZ220XYG, with the maximum power of 145kW (197HP). In terms of batteries, the new car will be equipped with lithium iron phosphate batteries.

Wonderful content review:

Comparison between Chinese EV and Tucki P7 Domestic Flagship Pure Electric Car

Byd Han EV real shot experience pure electric new flagship attack!

The other half of "Han" tests the high performance version of Han EV four-wheel drive.

Cancel the physical button. Is BYD’s new generation of Tang a breakthrough or playing with fire?

BYD’s last bomb in the new energy battlefield this year was finally dropped, and a new generation of BYD Tang, which received much attention, was officially listed. The BYD Tang released this time has made great progress over the previous generation in terms of appearance, interior, powertrain and technology configuration. Undoubtedly, its appearance means that BYD has reached a new level in new energy vehicles.

The car is definitely a good car. From the attention before listing, we can see how high expectations manufacturers and fans have for it. However, there is a detail in BYD Tang that makes me uneasy, that is, the new generation Tang will remove all the physical buttons of the central control, leaving only a few buttons around the gear lever and on the steering wheel, and replace them with a 14.6-inch intelligent floating large screen. At first glance, the sense of science and technology is full of intelligence and high-end atmosphere, but combined with the actual use process, I can’t help but think about it.

Nokia becomes Apple BYD is playing with fire.

BYD has always had an inexplicable ambiguity about the buttons on the central control. From the first model released in Dynasty series, BYD changed all the buttons on the central control to Chinese printing, in order to highlight that the vehicle was made in China and convenient for China people to use. A few years later, BYD developed to the second stage. The Tang released this time simply saved all the central control buttons, leaving none, just playing with the IPod. Technology has been upgraded, but what should we do about safety?

All Chinese keys

To give a simple example, the earliest popular mobile phone was Nokia. At that time, it was all physical buttons, and each button only represented a function. After a long time, we could operate the mobile phone to send text messages and make phone calls without looking at the screen, because each step was fixed and the buttons were fixed. Later, Joe helped the Lord break the pattern of mobile phones, and Apple brought the whole mobile phone industry into the era of smart touch screens. The mobile phone has no physical buttons, only a big screen is left. No matter how long it takes, it won’t be able to send short messages without looking at the screen as before, because every operation you make is a non-directional command, and you don’t know what you ordered at the moment. At the same time, the functions of mobile phones and the amount of information they carry are also increasing, and people’s eyes stay on mobile phones for a long time, thus ignoring the surrounding situation. The emergence of smart phones once increased the road accident rate.

The same thing happened in the car. In the past, we could control the switch of the air conditioner with one hand without leaving the road ahead, and adjust the temperature, air volume and radio frequency of the air conditioner. Now I want to do this series of actions with Tang, so I must shift my eyes to this big screen, then slide the screen, click on the air conditioner application, and then click on it to adjust the temperature and air volume after entering the interface.

In case I miss something in any step, I have to press the back button again, so my eyes will look at the big screen from time to time, I can’t concentrate on the road ahead, and the risk factor of driving will be greatly improved. This is just a function. If you put a movie on the big screen, the ending is too beautiful for me to watch. . . .

It’s dangerous for drivers to look at their mobile phones while driving, so you just put a big ipod next to me naked. Can I paint Tik Tok, eat chicken and drive a good car?

Voice control system cannot represent everything.

If you can cancel the physical keys, there will inevitably be a successor, that is, the popular voice control system, which is linked to the Internet and can complete the corresponding instructions through voice recognition. The voice control system has been used by major brand manufacturers in recent years and has gradually become the standard of new cars. But the voice system is the icing on the cake after all, and it still can’t be the dominant one at the present stage.

Analysis, although BYD has not announced it, the supplier of voice system should be iFLYTEK, and iFLYTEK has always been in a leading position in the field of voice recognition. In recent years, the car-mounted voice system developed has been widely used in different models of major brands, and its voice recognition accuracy has reached more than 95%.

However, used riders know that the voice recognition system in the car is also flawed; First, the response is too slow, and it usually takes a few seconds to respond after a command is spoken; Second, even if the recognition degree has reached more than 95%, there will often be recognition errors and unrecognizable situations, and used riders should all have experience, so at this stage, voice control can’t represent everything.

ponyHot review

It is undeniable that with the development of science and technology, cars in the future will become more and more intelligent and technological. You don’t even need to press buttons, and you can fully realize human-computer interaction and unmanned driving. From this point, BYD is undoubtedly a pioneer. But at present, the level of intelligent technology is not enough to support this change. Otherwise, with the technical strength of BBA, I dare not try to cancel the physical keys of central control so far.

Some people will say that Tesla doesn’t have physical buttons either, because the market share of Tesla is too low. Even if there is a problem in this respect, it is considered as an individual phenomenon, but the sales volume of Tang after listing will be more than ten times that of Tesla. With such a large market share, the problem will soon be highlighted.

Of course, these are only analysis. Only after the vehicle is handed over to consumers for a period of time can we know whether the worried things will happen. If you have any questions, welcome to smash the hammer.

Daimler and Bosch get the unsupervised automatic parking permit to directly hit the pain point of "parking difficulty"

  Dr. Michael Hafner, head of driving technology and autonomous driving of Daimler AG, said: "As a pioneer in the field of autonomous driving, this project is ready for mass production of automatic parking service in the future." It is understood that the automatic parking service service can be realized through smart phone applications without the supervision of safety drivers.

  With the arrival of the "new four modernizations" with electrification, intelligence, networking and sharing as the core, autonomous driving has gradually become a field actively explored by the automobile industry; The increasing competition among enterprises has also promoted the spread and expansion of autonomous driving towards more subdivided fields.

  On July 23rd, Daimler and Bosch jointly reached a new milestone in the field of autonomous driving: the two companies have been approved by the relevant departments of Baden-Wü rttemberg to use the automatic parking service system in the parking lot of Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart.

  "The approval of the relevant departments of Baden-Wü rttemberg has set a precedent for other parking lots around the world to be approved to provide automatic parking services in the future." Dr. Michael Hafner, head of driving technology and autonomous driving of Daimler AG, said: "As a pioneer in the field of autonomous driving, this project is ready for mass production of automatic parking service in the future."

  "This decision of the relevant departments shows that Germany has the ability to take the lead in realizing innovations such as automatic parking service." Dr. Markus Heyn, a member of the board of directors of robert bosch Co., Ltd., said: "Autopilot and automatic parking are important components of future travel. The automatic parking service system confirms the achievements we have made on this development path. "

  In fact, since the beginning of cooperation, safety has become the primary prerequisite for Daimler and Bosch to jointly develop automatic parking services. Since there was no formal approval process for the unsupervised autopilot function before, experts from the Stuttgart regional administrative department, the Baden-Wü rttemberg Ministry of Transport and the German technical inspection service TüV Rheinland jointly supervised from the beginning of the project, aiming at evaluating the operational safety of vehicles and parking lot technology.

  It is understood that the automatic parking service service can be realized through smart phone applications without the supervision of safety drivers. Parking service is the first fully-automatic unmanned parking function officially approved for daily use in the world (level L4 of automatic driving classification standard of the International Society of Automata Engineers).

  In daily life, parking is really a headache. Matthew Nimmo, chief system architect and safety manager of Bosch, said, "Statistics show that accidents caused by parking account for 40% of all traffic accidents, and AVP(Automated Valet Parking) system can effectively reduce accidents."

  Specifically, the driver will drive the vehicle into the parking lot, get off the bus, and then just click on the smart phone to send the car to the parking space-automatic parking service does not need a driver. When the driver leaves the parking lot to do business, the vehicle will automatically drive and park in the designated parking space. After that, the vehicle will return to the drop-off point in the same way. This process is based on the cooperation between Bosch’s intelligent parking infrastructure and Mercedes-Benz vehicle technology. Bosch sensors installed in the parking lot monitor the vehicle’s driving path and surrounding environment, and provide information needed to guide the vehicle. In-vehicle technology converts commands from infrastructure into driving operations. In this way, vehicles can even go up and down the ramp by themselves and move between the floors of the parking lot. Once the infrastructure sensor detects an obstacle, the vehicle will stop running immediately.

  In fact, Daimler and Bosch began to develop fully automatic parking technology in 2015; In the summer of 2017, the two sides showed the public the automatic parking service under real conditions for the first time; In September, 2018, parking service technology made its debut in China, and continued to be further tested in the China R&D Center of Mercedes-Benz passenger cars.

  It is worth mentioning that in July 2018, Daimler became the first international automobile manufacturer to obtain a road test license for self-driving vehicles in Beijing. In the same month, Daimler successively renewed the letter of intent for cooperation with Tsinghua University and signed a memorandum of understanding with Baidu to strengthen strategic cooperation. (Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Zhang Wei)

Pre-sale RMB 500,000-600,000. The M9 will be listed on December 26th.

  [car home Information] Recently, we learned from relevant channels that the M9 will be officially listed on December 26th. This car has been pre-sold before, and the estimated price is 500,000-600,000 yuan. The official calls it "the best SUV within 10 million".

Sailisi automobile asked for M9 2023 extended range.

"Ask M9.Extended range version

Sailisi automobile wenjie M9 2023 pure electricity

"Ask M9.Pure electric version

  positionLarge SUVWen Jie M9The brand-new design language of "Kunpeng Spreading its Wings" is adopted to highlight the luxurious atmosphere. Wenjie M9 has Huawei xPixel intelligent car light, which can not only project various characters, patterns and even animation effects, but also display various patterns when the vehicle is stationary, thus enhancing the interaction between vehicles and people. There is little difference between the pure electric version and the extended range version, which is mainly reflected in the front surrounding ventilation holes.

Home of the car

"Ask M9.Extended range version

Sailisi automobile wenjie M9 2023 pure electricity

"Ask M9.Pure electric version

  The M9 has a straight roof line, thus obtaining better head space in the car. The front and rear fenders protrude slightly from the body and are full of muscle. In addition, the addition of the hidden door handle and the brand-new low-drag wheel rim has greatly optimized the drag coefficient of this car, making the drag coefficient of the whole car reach 0.26cd. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 5230/1999/1800mm and the wheelbase is 3110mm respectively. As for the tire, according to the application information, it uses two specifications: 265/40 R22 and 285/40 R22.

Sailisi automobile asked for M9 2023 extended range.

"Ask M9.Extended range version

Sailisi automobile wenjie M9 2023 pure electricity

"Ask M9.Pure electric version

  The shape of the tail is more generous, and a large number of horizontal design lines are adopted at the rear, which is conducive to improving the visual width of the rear. In addition, the car adopts a through taillight shape to visually create a layered feeling of the car. With chrome-plated rear fender, it brings some youthful effects.

Home of the car

  In the interior part, combined with spy photos, the new car adopts the very popular triple screen layout and will integrate AR HUD function. In terms of details, the new car will be integrated with wooden decorative boards in doors and other places to create a stronger sense of grade. Combined with the information we have obtained before, the new car will also integrate the HarmonyOS 4.0 cockpit, Huawei ADS advanced autopilot assistance, rear aurora projection, and the co-pilot queen seat.

Home of the car

  In terms of space performance, the interior of the new car adopts three rows of seats, the second row is independent seats, and the third row of seats supports electric adjustment, air conditioning outlets and other configurations. In addition, we can also see from the picture that some simple texture designs will be incorporated into the seat cushion and the back of the chair to enhance comfort.

  In terms of power, the M9 will have two versions: extended range and pure electricity. The rated power of pure electric drive motor is 62kW and 88kW, and the peak power is 160kW and 230kW, respectively. The extended-range hybrid version uses H15RT 1.5T engine with a maximum power of 112kW. It is matched with double motors, and the maximum power is 165kW and 200kW respectively. The battery is a ternary lithium battery from Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited. (Text/car home Chen Hao)