What is the difference between BYD Tang dm and dmi?

The difference between BYD Tang dm and dmi is the power system. Tang dm is equipped with 2.0T+ plug-in hybrid, while Tang dmi is equipped with 1.5 plug-in hybrid. There are some differences in power between the two cars.

BYD Auto is an automobile manufacturer with independent research and development, independent production and independent brand, and is committed to producing national cars with good quality and low price. In terms of product design, BYD Auto combines the international advanced design concept and the aesthetic concept of China culture to create a unique model.

The brand identity of BYD Auto has also changed. The new logo no longer uses the original blue and white colors, the pattern is changed to an oval shape, and light and shadow elements are added, so the font and graphics have changed greatly. This change highlights the essence of BYD’s innovation, technology and corporate culture, and injects new connotation and vitality into the brand.

When choosing Tang dm and dmi, consumers need to decide according to their own needs and budgets. The 2.0T+ plug-in hybrid system equipped by Tang dm can provide stronger power performance, while Tang dmi is equipped with a more economical and practical 1.5 plug-in hybrid system. If you pay more attention to dynamic performance, you can choose Tang DM; If you pay more attention to economy and environmental performance, you can choose Don dmi.

In a word, there are differences between BYD Tang dm and dmi in power system, and consumers can choose their own models according to their own needs. At the same time, BYD will continue to adhere to the development route of independent research and development, independent production and independent brand, and constantly introduce more high-quality and innovative automobile products.