Ele.me report: Post-00s college students work part-time to deliver food, mainly because they experience life

  The school season of major colleges and universities across the country is approaching, and Ele.me has released the "2019 College Student Takeaway Rider Group Insights" report (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"). It is understood that a total of 9,896 college students from all over the country joined Ele.me Hummingbird in the summer of 2019 to become part-time riders. Nearly 5 of them became sophomores and juniors, and more than 300 will start their graduate careers after the school starts.

  The report shows that compared with "earning living expenses", "experiencing life" has become the main motivation for college students to choose to be takeaway riders. Nearly 40% of post-95s and 00s feel that their personality has changed after the experience, and they have learned to "communicate modestly" and "treat people gently". At the same time, nearly 20% of college students choose to go to a strange city and travel while delivering takeout.

  The Ele.me report shows that 38% of college student riders said that choosing to work part-time as a takeaway rider in the summer is to experience life, and it is also a social practice. Many young people also expressed the hope to change their personality, contact more people, and discover unknown corners of the city by doing takeaway riders. Second, it is to subsidize living expenses, save money to buy things they like, or gain financial independence earlier.

  According to the Ele.me report, 83% of college student riders said they were satisfied with "the income brought to me by being a rider." Among them, the monthly living expenses of more than 80% of part-time college students have increased to more than 2,000 yuan, the average monthly income has increased by 2 times, and many college student riders have a monthly income of nearly 10,000 yuan.

  Outside of income, the biggest change most college students feel is their personality. Lin, a junior at Nanjing Agricultural University, recalls that the biggest change this experience brought to him was: "Know how to talk to others, know how to be gentle with others." These adults, who are rebellious in the eyes of 95s and 00s, learned how to communicate modestly and treat others gently by being a rider.

  The short-term experience as a rider has changed the college students’ perspective on the takeaway industry. They have truly felt the value and change that the emerging industry has brought to merchants, users, and individual riders. Three quarters of them are very optimistic about the future of the takeaway industry.

  The Ele.me report shows that more than half of college riders are still looking forward to choosing a career according to their major, but 10% plan to still work as a rider or food delivery service in the future. At the same time, they are also very much looking forward to inner improvement and growth through practical experience and their own strengths.

Beidou Navigation System empowers the entire industrial chain

  Beidou network, stars shine all over the world.

  On July 29, the reporter learned from the China Satellite Navigation System Management Office that the last networking satellite of the Beidou-3 system has completed in-orbit testing, network access evaluation, and has been officially connected to the network recently.

  In ancient times, there was Beidou Seven Stars to identify the direction, and now there is Beidou Satellite Positioning Kyushu. This global satellite navigation system independently built and operated by our country will provide global users with all-weather, all-day, high-precision positioning, navigation and timing services. What are the capabilities of Beidou satellite navigation system and how to achieve the development of the whole industry chain? How will Beidou satellite global networking promote the transformation of production and life and empower the development of industries?

  Have five abilities

  Beidou satellite navigation system is an important space infrastructure independently built and operated by our country, and it is also the largest, widest coverage and highest service performance giant complex space system in our country so far.

  Speaking of Beidou, many people’s first reaction is "navigation and positioning". Real-time navigation and fast positioning are the most basic functions of a satellite navigation system. In addition, Beidou also has three features: accurate timing, location reporting and short message communication.

  "The Beidou satellite itself is a timing system in our country," said Lu Xiaochun, deputy director of the National Time Service Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The accuracy of the on-board rubidium atomic clock on the Beidou-3 satellite is at the international leading level, and can reach 5 10 billion seconds per day. At present, this function has been widely used in communications, power, finance and other systems.

  The location reporting function is closely related to the characteristics of Beidou’s "active positioning". Active positioning is a major innovation of China’s Beidou. Using radio measurement technology, through two geostationary orbit satellites, it can not only answer the user’s "where am I", but also tell the relevant parties who follow the user’s whereabouts "where are you". It is widely used in search and rescue, fishing and other fields, and is a "clairvoyant" to ensure the safety of people’s livelihood.

  The short message communication function is the "unique stunt" of the Beidou system. Navigation satellites and communications satellites are two types of satellites, but Beidou navigation satellites have additional communication functions. Wang Bo, deputy secretary-general of the China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association, said that Beidou users can use the end point to not only know their location, but also tell others about their situation through short messages. This function is crucial in areas without network coverage such as deserts, distant oceans, deep mountains and forests, or when disasters occur and communication is blocked.

  "After the Wenchuan earthquake, all ground communication facilities have been completely disconnected. The information is actually based on the short message and short message function of Beidou-1. Although it is only capable of a few hundred Chinese characters, it was very effective at that time." Wang Ping, chief designer of Beidou-3 satellite at the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group, said.

  In the Beidou-3 system, the ability of short message communication has been significantly improved, and the information sending capacity has been increased from 120 Chinese characters to 1200 Chinese characters at the first time, which is widely used in many fields such as ocean fishing, rescue and disaster relief, and global search and rescue. According to Yu Xiancheng, president of the China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association, more than 70,000 fishing boats and law enforcement vessels across the country have installed Beidou end point, and a total of more than 10,000 people have been rescued.

  The Beidou satellite navigation system consists of three parts: the space segment, the ground segment, and the user segment. It is worth mentioning that the Beidou space segment uses a hybrid constellation of three orbiting satellites. In addition to having medium-circle earth orbit satellites like the US GPS, European Galileo, and Russian GLONASS satellite navigation systems, it also has geostationary orbit satellites and tilted geosynchronous orbit satellites. These two types of satellites belong to high-orbit satellites. The higher the satellite, the stronger its anti-occlusion ability. Whether it is in a city with high-rise buildings or in a mountainous area with many obstructions, Beidou can still "hold on to its post" when other satellite systems cannot be positioned. Especially in low latitudes, Beidou performance is more advantageous.

  Benefit domestic service global

  On May 27, China’s 2020 Mount Everest elevation survey mountaineering team successfully topped the world’s highest peak, Mount Everest.

  15 years ago, when our country measured the elevation of Mount Everest, the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) satellite measurement mainly relied on the GPS system of the United States. And this measurement, our country also referred to the four global satellite navigation systems of China Beidou, the United States GPS, the European Galileo, and the Russian Glonass, and mainly used the data of Beidou. Among them, the Beidou high-precision positioning equipment developed by the Shanghai Huatai Navigation Technology joint stock company played an important role in the measurement.

  The headquarters of China Test Navigation is located in Beidou Industrial Park, Xihongqiao, Qingpu District, Shanghai. There are more than 100 companies related to the Beidou industry. The upper, middle and lower reaches of the Beidou industry chain have formed close connections.

  From the application level, how is the Beidou industrial chain divided?

  It is understood that the "Beidou" industrial chain is mainly concentrated in the user segment of the Beidou system, divided into three links: upstream basic components, midstream end points, and downstream operation services. Among them, upstream basic components are mainly chips, boards, antennas and other basic components; midstream end points mainly refer to navigation and positioning devices that can receive "Beidou" signals; downstream operation services mainly refer to providing various basic services such as positioning, navigation, timing, and short message communication based on "Beidou" for government and enterprise users, industry users, service providers, and mass consumers.

  From providing services for the Asia-Pacific region to providing services for the world, Beidou realizes global networking, which not only means that Beidou has a wider coverage of services, but also benefits the entire industrial chain. The related industrial chain products have a set of support systems. The experience, stability and reliability of these products will be greatly improved, especially in the chip and end point industries.

  The R & D and production technology of Beidou chips is gradually maturing. The 28-nanometer chip supporting the "Beidou No. 3" system signal has been widely used in the field of Internet of Things and consumer electronics. The 22-nanometer dual-frequency positioning chip has met the market application conditions. The full-frequency integrated high-precision chip has been put into production, and the performance of Beidou chips has reached a new level. By the end of 2019, the shipment of domestic Beidou navigation chip modules has exceeded 100 million pieces, and the quarterly shipment has exceeded 10 million pieces. Beidou navigation chips, modules, high-precision boards and antennas have been exported to more than 100 countries and regions.

  In terms of end point products, taking smartphones as an example, in 2019, the total sales volume of domestic satellite navigation and positioning end point products exceeded 460 million units, of which the sales volume of smartphones reached 372 million units. As of the third quarter of 2019, more than 400 mobile phones that applied for network access in the Chinese market had positioning functions, of which nearly 300 supported Beidou positioning.

  The whole industrial chain of Beidou is making efforts, which not only benefits China but also serves the world. "In 2019, Beidou’s overseas application cooperation and trade exchanges have become more frequent. Domestic Beidou basic products have been exported to more than 120 countries and regions. Land rights confirmation, precision agriculture, smart construction, smart ports, etc. based on Beidou have been successfully applied in ASEAN, South Asia, Eastern Europe, West Asia, Africa and other places." Yu Xiancheng said.

  Aerospace Science and Technology Group Wuyuan Aerospace Stellar Company has developed more than 1,000 kinds of satellite application products so far, including Beidou navigation handheld, Beidou ship-borne end point, Beidou vehicle-mounted end point, etc. "In 2019, our ship-borne end point products successfully entered the Myanmar fishery market. So far, more than 1,000 sets of ship-borne end point products have been delivered. It not only provides services such as ship positioning supervision, no-fishing and no-navigation area management for Myanmar’s fishery supervision department, but also provides fishermen with positioning and navigation, catch reporting, text communication and alarm and rescue functions." The relevant person in charge of Aerospace Stellar told reporters.

  The completion of the Beidou system will greatly promote a new round of development of our country’s satellite navigation industry. The "2020 China Satellite Navigation and location-based service industry development white paper" (hereinafter referred to as the "white paper") shows that in 2019, the total output value of our country’s satellite navigation and location-based service industry reached 345 billion yuan, an increase of 14.4% over 2018. It is expected that the overall output value of the industry will exceed 400 billion yuan in 2020.

  Applications are limited only by imagination

  Signals are on the horizon, applied around.

  From clothing, food, housing, transportation to water, electricity, gas, heat, from agriculture, forestry and fisheries to disaster relief and mitigation… The Beidou satellite navigation system is deeply integrated into social life and penetrates into all aspects of economic and social development.

  Driving on the road, which road is smoother? Bus travel, how long will it take for the car to arrive at the station? Shared riding, how can I quickly find a bicycle? No matter what mode of transportation you choose, you can’t do without the Beidou satellite navigation system.

  The transportation industry is one of the largest users of the Beidou satellite navigation system. The Beidou system is widely used in key transportation process monitoring, highway infrastructure safety monitoring, port high-precision real-time dispatch monitoring and other fields. According to the data of the White Paper, by the end of 2019, more than 6.50 million operating vehicles, 40,000 express and postal vehicles, about 80,000 buses in 36 cities, more than 3,200 inland river navigation facilities, and more than 2,900 marine navigation facilities in China had applied the Beidou system, and built the world’s largest operating vehicle dynamic supervision system.

  "Where" and "what time" constitute the measurement coordinates of our daily work and life. Invisible and intangible time and space information is not only an indispensable important guarantee in people’s lives, but also an important infrastructure of the national economy.

  Intelligent port construction is regarded as an important means to enhance the core competitiveness of ports. Previously, the Ministry of Transport and other nine departments issued the "Guiding Opinions on Building World-Class Ports", proposing to build information infrastructure based on Beidou satellite navigation system and other technologies, and promote the automatic driving demonstration of trucks in the port area and special scenes.

  In Wuhan Huashan Port, rows of bridge cranes, ship cranes, and track cranes are arranged in sequence, and "flatbed trucks" about 15 meters long and with a maximum load of 75 tons are driving independently. A series of operations such as parking, packing, leaving, parking, and unloading are completely completed independently.

  This is a 5G intelligent unmanned container transfer truck that uses Beidou positioning. Compared with traditional container unmanned trucks that rely on "magnetic nails" on the ground to locate and move, the Beidou navigation system can provide higher-precision spatiotemporal information, transmit data through the 5G network, and enable the car to sense various objects within 200 meters, and the parking positioning accuracy is controlled within 5 centimeters.

  The accuracy is controlled within 5 centimeters – this is not the "limit" of Beidou. High-precision service is a major feature of Beidou. The service accuracy of traditional navigation systems is "meter-level" or even "10-meter-level", and higher-precision services are rarely opened to the civilian market. Beidou "has a national network", and with the help of more than 2,000 ground-based enhancement stations, the Beidou system has the ability to provide users with decimeter-level, centimeter-level and even millimeter-level positioning accuracy.

  When agriculture meets Beidou, sowing is more labor-saving, seedling emergence is more worry-free, and labor production efficiency is greatly improved. In the farmland of Dashetai Town, Wulateqian Banner, Bayannur City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, unmanned seeders are becoming increasingly "ordinary" from "rare things". Based on the Beidou positioning function, the seeders operate by themselves along the preset route. With this precise and scientific method, the sowing deviation per kilometer does not exceed 2 cm, and the seedling emergence rate per mu can be increased by 10%.

  According to statistics, the agricultural machinery automatic driving system based on the Beidou system has more than 20,000 sets, saving 50% of labor costs; the agricultural machinery operation supervision platform and the Internet of Things platform based on the Beidou system provide services for more than 100,000 sets of agricultural machinery equipment, greatly improving the operation management efficiency.

  When disaster warning meets Beidou, people are safer and property is guaranteed. Not long ago, in Leijiashan, Shimen County, Hunan Province, thanks to the "Beidou Satellite High-Precision Earth Disaster Monitoring and Early Warning System", villagers located in the landslide danger area were promptly transferred without any casualties. Through 24-hour real-time monitoring of the deformation and displacement of mountains, reservoirs, and rivers, Beidou provides early warning of possible landslides, subsidence, cracks, reservoirs, and river water levels to protect lives and reduce losses.

  On the special battlefield, Beidou also responded quickly and made every effort to fight. At the beginning of 2020, a battle against the COVID-19 epidemic was launched in Shenzhou, and Huoshen Mountain and Leishenshan Hospital rose from the ground. It was Beidou that achieved high-precision positioning and accurate plotting for complex terrain and landforms; the national "Qianxun Location" online drone platform can realize epidemic prevention operations such as drone precision spraying, providing it with high-precision data, and it is also Beidou; the real-time supervision and control of material transportation vehicles, intelligent machines will quickly send medical materials delivered to the hospital isolation area, and the support system behind it is still Beidou…

  The Beidou system collides with new technologies such as new generation 5G mobile communication, blockchain, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, etc., builds an emerging industrial ecological chain with Beidou spatiotemporal information as the main content, and promotes the transformation of production and lifestyle and the continuous innovation of business models, which will create huge economic and social benefits.

  In the future, Beidou has infinite possibilities. As Academician Sun Jiadong, the first chief designer of Beidou satellite navigation system, once said, "Beidou’s application is only limited by human imagination". (Our reporters, Chai Yaxin, Fu Xiaojing)

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

At first, we should know about the 6X6 model through Mercedes-Benz G-Class 6X6 model, Land Rover Defender, Ford’s modified model, and pickup trucks such as outdoor extreme crossing and polar scientific research. However, this part of the domestic market is still blank, and it is difficult for you to see 6X6 models on the road; First, it is difficult to import into China because the size and emissions are not in compliance; In addition, the premium is too high and the C certificate cannot be opened.

This time, Great Wall Motor revealed the information of the first 6X6 super off-road platform in China for the first time, and prepared to bring real mass production to domestic consumers, with a blue brand and a more extreme off-road version of 6X6 new species, in order to give back to the expectations of more pickup truck lovers and off-road enthusiasts. At the same time, it also brought China’s first large-scale high-performance hybrid pickups based on the off-road super hybrid architecture-Shanhaipao PHEV and HEV, which focused on the two cores of "green" and "performance" and provided more "problem-solving ideas" for new energy pickups.

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

The Great Wall leads the era of intelligent new energy in pickup truck 4.0.

Since the beginning of this year, the auto market has picked up, pickup trucks have been lifted and consumers’ cognition of pickup trucks has changed. The demand for pickup trucks has been constantly stimulated, and the pickup truck market has shown an upward trend with promising prospects.

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

According to the official introduction, up to now, the cumulative global sales volume of Great Wall pickup trucks has exceeded 2 million, ranking first for 25 consecutive years. Great Wall Gun is the best-selling pickup truck brand in China, the first high-end pickup truck brand to exceed 400,000 units, and it has been listed in more than 50 countries on four continents. In the first quarter of this year, the domestic terminal market share of Great Wall pickup trucks exceeded 50%. For every two pickup trucks sold in China, one is Great Wall.

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

The development of pickup trucks in China has gone through several stages. First, the era of 1.0 tool trucks, pickup trucks are mainly freight tools; Followed by the 2.0 multi-purpose commercial era, pickup trucks are mainly commercial, taking into account household use; Once again, it is the 3.0 multi-purpose ride era, and pickup trucks are mainly multi-purpose and ride-oriented. Nowadays, under the background of energy transformation, international pickup trucks marching into new energy sources and full-scene experiential consumption transformation in which users actively participate in wealthy families, pickup trucks have officially entered the era of "4.0 full-scene intelligent new energy".

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

How did the Great Wall Gun 6X6 super cross-country new species come true?

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

China’s first 6X6 super off-road platform, which will be released soon, will be first applied by Great Wall Gun, filling the blank of 6X6 pickup truck category in China. It is understood that the Great Wall Gun 6X6 super off-road platform has three black technologies of "all terrain, super power and unlimited expansion".

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

Yu Jinsheng, CTO of the Great Wall Gun brand, said that the 6×6 super off-road platform of the Great Wall Gun is different from most foreign full-scale 6×6 technologies. Because most overseas models are 6×6 modification schemes made by well-known modification manufacturers, the 6×6 super off-road platform of Great Wall Gun is the original technology.

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

The 6X6 super off-road platform will realize the layout of "3-axis and 6-drive", and its biggest attraction is undoubtedly the technical aspect. Specifically:3-axisThat is to say, the overall wheelbase of the Great Wall Gun 6X6 model is 4288mm, creating a magnificent and powerful body with a length of nearly 6 meters and a width of 2.1 meters; Under the working conditions of cross-country axle and shell pit, the traction ability and roll control of 6×6 are greatly improved, the body swing amplitude is smaller and the stability is higher than that of four-wheel drive models; The three axes are mutually restrained, and snow, sand, mud and other road conditions are prone to sideslip, and the sideslip forces are mutually offset or reduced, so that the anti-sideslip ability and passing safety of the whole vehicle are greatly improved.

6 drive:The 6-wheel grounding area is increased by 50%, the powerful power is fully exerted, the traction coefficient of the whole vehicle is increased by 15-30%, and the vertical obstacle-crossing ability is greatly improved; Under the same conditions, the tire depression depth is reduced by 29%; The release of power enables the acceleration performance of the whole vehicle to be exerted, and the acceleration time of the whole vehicle is only 7.5 s; Sufficient power, larger ground contact area, smaller tire load and better stability control enable the 6×6 to cope with all-terrain road conditions calmly.

5 locks:The Great Wall Gun 6X6 model is equipped with Borg Warner TOD+Mlock intelligent transfer case, which can bear 1900N·m super torque. Standard rear axle differential lock, middle axle differential lock, middle and rear axle differential lock, transfer center differential lock and front axle differential lock, a total of 5 electronically controlled differential locks; 4 hauthoh mode can be switched freely through the mode knob. Four differential lock buttons and 6L buttons on the front and rear axles are independently arranged in the key area of the auxiliary instrument panel, so as to realize the most convenient operation for drivers. The random combination of multiple locks and the setting of expert mode provide great off-road fun for drivers and passengers, and the ability to get rid of difficulties is fully extended. He is a smart tough guy with off-road real kung fu and is not afraid of rough and bad road conditions.

In addition, the vehicle adopts a non-load-bearing frame with high torsional rigidity, which is matched with the front double wishbone independent suspension+middle/rear five-bar independent suspension and 33-inch oversized off-road tires to create a full-scene, all-terrain super off-road capability.

At the same time, the 6X6 super off-road platform can also be equipped with the Great Wall 3.0T super hybrid, electric, hydrogen and other super power. At the beginning of the design, the Great Wall Gun 6X6 super off-road platform can also perfectly match the pickup truck and SUV body, simultaneously develop the second-class chassis, expand multi-functional special-purpose vehicles and recreational vehicles, and realize the super-expansion of the whole ecology and create a new category of diversified vehicles. In addition, the first co-created model of Great Wall Gun 6×6 will control the body length within 6 meters, mainly considering the influence of N1 and N2 models, and meeting the needs of users for blue and green brands.

Powered by electricity, the hybrid version of Shanhai gun provides the optimal solution of new energy pickup truck.

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

Yu Jinsheng, CTO of Great Wall Gun brand, also revealed that the first step of new energy pickup will not be pure electric, but hybrid as the solution of new energy pickup at this stage. The Great Wall Gun will also adopt the strategy of energizing fuel with electricity, and build the first large-scale high-performance hybrid pickup truck in China based on the off-road super hybrid architecture, namely, the Shanhai Gun Long Life PHEV and the HEV model, so as to meet the demand of pickup truck users for "clean energy and high performance".

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

Thanks to the blessing of the off-road super hybrid architecture, the battery life PHEV of Shanhai artillery has three advantages: "parallel mode of engine and motor, highly intelligent energy management and safer all-terrain adaptability", which makes the PHEV of Shanhai artillery fast, clean and intelligent, and is suitable for some users with longer distance and lower frequency. The Shanhai cannon HEV will also be equipped with a 2.0T engine and a 9HAT transmission, with a comprehensive power of 255kW and a comprehensive torque of 648N·m, giving users a double experience of "better fuel consumption than diesel and comparable to 3.0T gasoline power". In urban and off-road scenes, it has unimaginable energy-saving performance and driving pleasure, stronger motivation to get out of trouble and longer cruising range.

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

In the era of "Pickup 4.0 Full Scene Intelligent New Energy", the Great Wall will once again fully lead the development of the industry. Relying on the "forest ecology" technology of the Great Wall, it has completed the flat, networked and decentralized whole industrial chain layout of new energy and intelligence, and made full efforts in the fields of hybrid, pure electric, hydrogen energy and other new energy power batteries. At the same time, in the fields of intelligent chassis, intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit, Great Wall has also accumulated profound intelligence and is committed to creating greener, smarter and safer products for users around the world. It is reported that in addition to the 6X6 co-creation model, PHEV and HEV, a number of high-value pickup products of Great Wall Gun will also be collectively unveiled at the Great Wall Gun booth in Hall 7.1 of the 2023 Shanghai Auto Show to be held on April 18th.

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Rediscover the appearance of the Milky Way

Guo Shoujing Telescope in the Milky Way Galaxy. Photo by Chen Ying

Schematic diagram of the increase in the area of the silver plate. Courtesy of the National Astronomical Observatory
  On August 7, the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced that the National Major Science and Technology Infrastructure Guo Shoujing Telescope (LAMOST), which is managed and operated by it, has successfully completed the first phase of spectral sky survey observation. The first phase of the survey released a total of spectral 9.01 million, including high-mass spectra (signal to noise ratio greater than 10) 7.77 million to determine the spectral parameters of 5.34 million groups of stars.
  The number of spectra published by LAMOST is 1.8 times the sum of the spectra published by other sky survey projects in the world. The dataset (DR5) was released to domestic astronomers and international collaborators on December 31, 2017. In addition, since the first survey, 345 SCI papers have been published using LAMOST data and have been cited more than 3,000 times.
  The boundaries of the galaxy have been greatly expanded, and the radius may reach about 100,000 light years
  In the past few decades, astronomers have generally believed that the radius of the Milky Way is about 50,000 light-years. There is a rod-like structure near its center, with a disk-like structure outside (the Milky Way disk), surrounded by sparse stars (the Milky Way halo), and the sun is about 25,000 light-years away from the center of the Milky Way.
  Previously, it was thought that the Milky Way disk had a clear boundary about 50,000 light-years from the center of the galaxy, at which the number of stars in the Milky Way disk plummeted, as if the Milky Way disk were cut off. But in recent years, some observations have found young stars belonging to the Milky Way disk beyond this boundary, which seems to suggest that the boundary of the Milky Way disk should be larger. However, to confirm this, more and more distant stars need to be counted.
  At the end of 2017, researchers at the National Astronomical Observatory used LAMOST data to accurately count the number of stars in the outer reaches of the Milky Way galaxy by applying complex statistical methods, and successfully drew a cross-sectional map of the spatial structure of the outer reaches of the Milky Way disk.
  Liu Chao, a researcher at the National Astronomical Observatory, said: "We can see from the figure that although the number of stars in the galactic disk decreases with the radius of the galactic disk, it does not stop at 50,000 light-years, but extends all the way to 62,000 light-year from the center. This is about a quarter larger than the radius quoted in textbooks."
  In 2018, an international research team composed of researchers from the Canary Institute of Astrophysics in Spain and the National Astronomical Observatory of China further used the massive stellar spectra obtained from the LAMOST data and other related data to rewrite the size of the Milky Way disk again, and found that the disk-like structure containing most of the stars in the Milky Way may be much larger than astronomers previously thought, and the radius may reach about 100,000 light years.
  "This study provides a new understanding of the star composition of the Milky Way disk and a more accurate measurement of the size of the galaxy," said Mr. Liu. "The constant rewriting of the size of the galaxy will prompt astronomers to re-examine the general laws of galaxy formation and cosmic evolution."
  In addition, the researchers recalculated accurately based on the LAMOST data, rewriting the structural characteristics of the Milky Way halo and establishing a new structure of the inner flat and outer circle. Liu Chao said: "This clear evidence overturns the previous speculation that the stellar halo is a flat sphere with a constant axis ratio, and helps humans re-understand the formation history and evolution of the Milky Way stellar halo."
  Measuring the orbital eccentricity and inclination of nearly 700 exoplanets for the first time, the solar system is not an exception in the universe
  In this survey, researchers used LAMOST to measure the orbital eccentricity and inclination of nearly 700 exoplanets for the first time, and found that about 80% of the planetary orbits resemble the nearly circular orbits of the solar system.
  Zhao Gang, a researcher at the National Astronomical Observatory, said: "This shows that the solar system is not a special case in the universe, but a representative one. To some extent, it enhances our confidence in finding another earth and extraterrestrial life."
  Quasars are distant celestial bodies outside the Milky Way. Their energy comes from the huge attractive force released by the accretion of surrounding matter by the supermassive black hole at their center. They are important probes for studying the distant universe.
  "More than 12,000 quasars have been found in the LAMOST spectrum, with an average redshift of 1.5 and a maximum redshift of 5," said Zhao Yongheng, a researcher at the National Astronomical Observatory. "In addition, the mass of the central black hole has been estimated based on these data. The discovery of these quasars will provide important help for the statistical study of large samples of quasars."
  The sample of nearby host galaxies is a classic in the Large Scale Galaxy Spectroscopic Survey (LAMOST), which began in the 21st century. However, due to the effect of fiber collisions, the sample has a high degree of incompleteness on a small scale. These missing galaxies are observed as supplementary galaxy samples in the LAMOST survey.
  Zhao Yongheng said: "Due to the wide range of the survey, the spectral measurements of nearly 10,000 supplementary galaxies were obtained in the first survey, and nearly 10,000 new pairs of close galaxies were confirmed. These close galaxies have important scientific value for studying the merger process of galaxies."
  The researchers also used the LAMOST data to discover a new class of extrasolar planets – hot starfish, which share several hallmarks with hot Jupiters, providing key clues and new research directions for uncovering the origin of hot Jupiters and other short-period planets.
  Dark matter accounts for more than 90% of the total mass of galaxies, but most of the distribution is very scattered, and the proportion of dark matter at the location of the sun is very low. This brings great difficulties to human direct detection of dark matter.
  "We used the LAMOST data to re-estimate the density of dark matter near the sun, which is of great significance for finding dark matter particles and understanding the distribution of dark matter in the galaxy," Zhao Yongheng said.
  In addition, using LAMOST data, researchers have also accurately estimated the age of millions of stars, increasing the number of star samples with accurate age by 1,000 times, providing basic data for the study of the evolution of the Milky Way; at the same time, measuring the magnetic activity index of nearly 6,000 sun-like stars, found that the sun has a level of magnetic activity comparable to that of super flare stars, confirming that the sun has the possibility of a super flare.
  The discovery of a star with a lithium content about 3,000 times that of similar celestial bodies has doubled the international observation limit for lithium content
  Old metal-poor stars, like cosmic "fossils," record the first history of the chemical evolution of the universe, and their analysis can enable "stellar archaeology" of the first generation of stars and the nature of the early universe.
  Zhao Gang said: "We have found more than 10,000 metal-poor stars in the LAMOST spectrum with a metal content lower than one percent or even one ten thousandth of the sun, building the largest cosmic fossil sample in the world that is suitable for tracking and observation by existing large telescopes."
  At the same time, the researchers also discovered a group of extremely rare small-mass metal-poor stars with lithium abundance exceeding the normal value by hundreds of times. Among them, one star has a lithium content about 3,000 times that of similar celestial bodies, which is the star with the highest lithium abundance known to mankind. The major discovery was published online in the international scientific journal Nature Astronomy on August 7 in the early morning of Beijing time.
  Lithium is the key element connecting the Big Bang, interstellar matter and stars. Its evolution in the universe and stars has always been an important research object in the field of astronomy. However, the understanding of lithium in contemporary astronomy is still very limited. Giant stars rich in lithium are very rare, but they are of great significance in revealing the origin and evolution of lithium. Unfortunately, astronomers have only discovered a very small number of such celestial bodies in the past 30 years.
  "This newly discovered lithium-rich star is located in the direction of Ophiuchus near the center of the Milky Way, about 4,500 light-years north of the Milky Way disk. After further study, we found that the lithium element of this star is likely to come from a special material exchange process inside the star." Dr. Yan Hongliang of the National Astronomical Observatory said. "This discovery changes human understanding of lithium in celestial bodies and doubles the limit of international observation of lithium content."
  In addition, in the nearly 10 million spectra of LAMOST, researchers have found five hypervelocity stars in a haystack, and there are currently only more than 20 hypervelocity stars in the world.
  Zhao Gang said: "They provide an important sample for further study of the formation mechanism of stars that are very fast and can eventually break free from the attractive forces of the Milky Way and’escape ‘the Milky Way."
  (Originally published in People’s Daily 2018-08-08 12th edition)

A week’s news: CPI turned negative again; China’s gold reserves "increased for 12 consecutive years"; IMF raises China’s economic growth forecast this year and next; China Ping An denied the acquisiti

(Original title: Weekly news: CPI turns negative again; China’s gold reserves "increased for 12 consecutive years"; IMF raises China’s economic growth forecast this year and next; China Ping An denied the acquisition of Country Garden)

A picture reviews the important news that affects the market trend.

China’s CPI in October decreased by 0.2% year-on-year, and PPI decreased by 2.6%.

Statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics show that in October, the national consumer price dropped by 0.2% year-on-year. In October, the ex-factory price of industrial producers nationwide decreased by 2.6% year-on-year, which was the same as that of the previous month. The purchase price of industrial producers decreased by 3.7% year-on-year and increased by 0.2% quarter-on-quarter. From January to October, the ex-factory price of industrial producers decreased by 3.1% compared with the same period of last year, and the purchase price of industrial producers decreased by 3.6%.

At the end of October, China’s gold reserves reported 71.2 million ounces, increasing its gold reserves for the twelfth consecutive month.

According to data from the central bank, China’s foreign exchange reserves at the end of October stood at $3,101.22 billion, a decrease of $13.85 billion from the previous month. At the end of October, the gold reserve reported 71.2 million ounces (about 2214.57 tons), an increase of 740,000 ounces (about 23.02 tons) from the previous month, and the gold reserve increased for the twelfth consecutive month.

General Administration of Customs: In October, the monthly growth rate of China’s import and export of 3.54 trillion yuan changed from a year-on-year decline for four consecutive months to an increase of 0.9%.

According to the data released by the General Administration of Customs, the total import and export value of China’s goods trade in October was 3.54 trillion yuan, and the monthly growth rate changed from a year-on-year decline for four consecutive months in June to an increase of 0.9%. In the first ten months of this year, the total import and export value of China’s goods trade was 34.32 trillion yuan, a slight increase of 0.03% year-on-year.

IMF raises China’s economic growth forecast this year and next.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced on the 7th that China’s economy is expected to grow by 5.4% in 2023, 0.4 percentage points higher than the forecast in October this year.

Central Bank: Real estate policy will be adjusted and optimized in due course.

On the 9th, the central bank issued the Report on Regional Financial Operation in China (2023), which mentioned that the real estate policy should be adjusted and optimized in time to adapt to the new situation of major changes in the supply and demand relationship in the real estate market, so as to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

Central Bank: Steadily and prudently promote the internationalization of RMB, steadily and orderly promote the comprehensive institutional opening of financial markets.

On the 9th, the Macro-Prudence Administration of the Central Bank issued "Steadily and Steadily Promoting the Internationalization of RMB", proposing to further improve the openness and access of China’s financial market, improve the liquidity of RMB financial assets, enrich risk hedging tools and improve the convenience of foreign exchange transactions.

Pan Gongsheng, Governor of the Central Bank: When necessary, the central bank will also provide emergency liquidity support to areas with relatively heavy debt burdens.

Pan Gongsheng, governor of the central bank, said on the 8th that the financial sector has taken a number of measures with relevant departments to actively support local governments to steadily resolve debt risks. When necessary, the central bank will also provide emergency liquidity support to areas with relatively heavy debt burdens.

Four ministries and commissions held a symposium on housing financing to understand the financial situation of the real estate industry and the financing needs of enterprises. Vanke, Poly and Longhu attended the meeting.

The People’s Bank of China, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the General Administration of Financial Supervision, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission jointly convened a discussion with several housing enterprises on the afternoon of the 7th to learn about the financial situation of the industry and the financing needs of enterprises. Participating enterprises include Vanke, Poly, China Resources, China Shipping, Longhu and Jindi.

Minister of Commerce: We will continue to promote the whole chain of new energy vehicles going to the countryside to promote automobile consumption.

Wang Wentao, Minister of Commerce, said that new energy vehicles will continue to be promoted to the countryside, and the whole chain will promote automobile consumption. In terms of home, we will focus on three directions: green, smart and suitable for the elderly, and accelerate the release of home consumption potential. The Ministry of Commerce will also promote the consumption of green smart home appliances, promote the high-quality development of the catering industry, and better meet people’s needs for a better life.

The Electronic Information Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will hold a symposium on photovoltaic manufacturing enterprises to guide the rational distribution of photovoltaic industry capacity

The Electronic Information Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology plans to hold a symposium on photovoltaic manufacturing enterprises, focusing on the development status, existing problems and challenges of the photovoltaic industry, guiding the rational layout of the photovoltaic industry’s production capacity, and promoting the high-quality development of the photovoltaic industry. It is reported that the enterprises convened this time include the head enterprises in all links of the industrial chain.

Association: The auto market will surge by more than 20% in November.

The Federation said that there were 22 working days in November, which was consistent with the number of working days in the same period last year. In general, November is the third year’s sales volume, second only to December at the end of the year and January at the beginning of the year, while November 2022 is the eighth year’s sales volume, which leads to great potential for low base and high growth in November this year. What is particularly beneficial to the auto market is the rational decline of the high level of the property market in the past two years. The downward adjustment of the stock interest rate has eased the pressure on the original purchase consumption to squeeze the disposable income of families, and the income of residents’ investment in buying houses fluctuated greatly. As an optional consumer product, the car purchase consumption began to recover rationally, so the retail trend of the auto market in recent months has always exceeded expectations. With the gradual strengthening of the auto market, the confidence of auto companies in their efforts to achieve their annual goals has increased, and the auto market will surge by more than 20% in November.

The National Development and Reform Commission issued the "National peak carbon dioxide emissions Pilot Construction Plan"

It is proposed that by 2025, the pilot cities and parks in peak carbon dioxide emissions will make positive progress in carbon neutrality, and the policy mechanism conducive to green and low-carbon development will be basically established within the pilot scope.

Eleven departments, including the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, recently issued the Action Plan for Methane Emission Control.

It is proposed that during the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" period, the policies, technologies and standard systems for methane emission control have been gradually established, the basic capabilities of methane emission statistics and accounting, monitoring and supervision have been effectively improved, and the work of methane resource utilization and emission control has made positive progress.

Federal Reserve Chairman Powell: The Fed will not hesitate to raise interest rates if appropriate.

The Fed made hawkish remarks. Federal Reserve Chairman Powell said that if the time is right, monetary policy will be further tightened decisively. Federal Reserve Governor Bowman reiterated that further interest rate hikes may be needed.

Yi Huiman: Maintaining the stable operation of the capital market and taking the road of developing the modern capital market with China characteristics.

Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission said in a keynote speech at the annual meeting of the 2023 Financial Street Forum on the 8th that the tracking and judgment of quantitative high-frequency transactions should be strengthened and the regulatory measures should be improved. Accelerate the cultivation of "smart funds" in China, promote the strength of industry institutions, effectively enhance professional investment capabilities and market leadership, and take our own path.

Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges: guide listed companies to rationally implement refinancing, strictly review the use of raised funds, and strictly control the financing scale.

On the 8th, Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges officially introduced specific measures to optimize refinancing and appropriately tighten the refinancing of listed companies. There are five main aspects: strictly limit the refinancing of listed companies with broken or broken net; Strictly require the financing interval of listed companies with continuous losses; Limit the financing scale of listed companies with high financial investment; Require that the previous raised funds have been fully used; Strictly control the refinancing to raise funds to invest in the main business.

The funds released from the adjustment of control indicators will be mainly used for investment banking, market making and other business stocks. The new scale of OTC derivatives needs to be effectively controlled.

A "brokerage DMA business is controlled" quickly fermented on social platforms. It is reported that some brokers did receive a regulatory notice, requiring that starting from November 9, the daily end-of-day quantitative DMA business according to the manager dimension should not exceed the end-of-day scale of November 8. Some insiders explained that the fundamental reason for this move lies in the regulatory requirements for the stable development of capital-intensive specialization of securities firms.

Both NVIDIA and Intel plan to launch improved AI chip NVIDIA products in China market or mass production at the end of the year.

It is reported that NVIDIA has developed the latest improved series of chips for China. The latest three chips are improved from H100. NVIDIA will announce them as soon as possible after 16th of this month, and domestic manufacturers will get the products in these days at the earliest. At the same time, Intel is also planning to launch an improved version of Gaudi 2.

Shi Lanwei: The second phase of the Big Fund plans to invest 1.5 billion yuan to subscribe for the company’s fixed shares.

Shi Lanwei announced that the company’s related person, National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Phase II Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Big Fund Phase II") sent the company a quotation for issuing shares to a specific target, and it plans to invest 1.5 billion yuan to subscribe for the company to issue shares to a specific target in 2022. The final allocation will be subject to the announcement documents such as the subsequent issuance report.

Ping An, China: The report that the company was asked to acquire Country Garden and inherit its debts is inconsistent with the facts. At present, the company does not hold Country Garden shares.

China Ping An issued a clarification announcement that the report that it was asked to acquire Country Garden and inherit its debts was not true. At present, the company does not hold Country Garden shares.

Re-financing has caused controversy. HHLR, a subsidiary of Gaoying, was investigated for reducing Longji Green Energy.

Longji Green Energy announced that HHLR Management Co., Ltd., a shareholder of the company, received a notice issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission decided to investigate HHLR Management Co., Ltd. for allegedly transferring Longji Green Energy shares in violation of restrictive regulations.

Yu Chengdong, Huawei: The number of M7 customers is 87,000, and the number of M9 customers is over 30,000.

At the release of Huawei’s smart travel solution and the pre-sale meeting of Smart World S7, Yu Chengdong, chairman of Huawei’s smart car solution BU, said that up to now, the cumulative delivery of the M5 has exceeded 120,000 units, the M7 has definitely broken 87,000 units, and the booking volume of the M9 has exceeded 30,000 units. "We are making every effort to increase production capacity, so I hope you will wait patiently, because the order volume is indeed much higher than expected."

Tesla China raised the price of Model Y long battery life version by 2,500 yuan to 302,400 yuan.

Tesla’s German factory will produce a new car with a price of 25,000 euros, which will greatly lower the price of Tesla’s cheapest model in Europe.

OpenAI held the first developer conference and launched a user-defined version of ChatGPT.

OpenAI launched a user-defined version of ChatGPT. At the first developer conference held on Monday, OpenAI also said that it will launch a preview version of the latest GPT-4 Turbo, which is a more powerful and faster version of the big language model that supports the company’s technology.

ASML, a giant in mask aligner, the Netherlands: He is very optimistic about the business in China next year.

During his stay in China International Import Expo(CIIE), ASML, the global senior vice president of Dutch mask aligner giant, said that the business in China, ASML has grown rapidly this year. It is expected that China will account for more than 20% of ASML’s global revenue in the whole year, and he is also very optimistic about his business in China next year.

TSMC: Net income in October increased by 34.8% from the previous month and 15.7% from the same period last year.

TSMC announced today that its net income in October 2023 was NT$ 243.2 billion, up 34.8% from September 2023 and 15.7% from October 2022.

This article comes from: financial circles

Wen Jie Xin M7 belt explodes Cyrus.

Zebra consumption model construction

Huawei’s energy is once again reflected in the new M7 and Cyrus.

After the 11-day holiday, the stock price of Celeste has been trading daily for two consecutive trading days, and its market value has once again stood at 100 billion.

At present, the question before Cyrus is, how to maintain stable sales after the release of the new M7? In the longer term, it is the overall profitability of the company.


Old bottle and new wine

Since the beginning of this year, due to the continuous sluggish sales of the series of cars in the world, the share price of Sailis (601127.SH) has generally fallen sharply, and once fell to a low of 24.75 yuan on June 8. After that, it briefly bottomed out and then continued to fall sharply.

Until September 12th, the new M7 series in the world was officially listed, which finally added a fire to Celeste. On September 14th and 18th, the company’s share price successively won two daily limit boards. And on September 28, the last trading day before the 11 th holiday, another daily limit was used to close the first three quarters.

The new M7 is really attractive to users in terms of both product and price. On the basis of the original 6-seat version, it adds 5-seat versions, giving users more choices.

Huawei said that it has invested 500 million yuan for the new M7, and has upgraded its safety, intelligence and battery life. The functions of seat ventilation, heating, etc., which were only available on the old M7 models, have become standard in all new models.

Information from all sides shows that the new M7 is sincere to users.

More importantly, while upgrading the product and configuration, the price is cheaper than the old one. There are five configurations of the new M7 in Wenjie, with a guide price of 249,800-329,800 yuan. The starting price is lowered by 40,000 yuan compared with the old M7, and with the limited time discount of 6,000 yuan, the entry threshold becomes lower.

Then, at a time when new energy automobile products are constantly innovating and choosing more diversification, will users pay for the new M7?

As soon as the 11-day holiday was closed, Yu Chengdong, Huawei’s managing director, terminal BG CEO and chairman of smart car solutions, couldn’t wait to report good news to the outside world: "The new M7 in the world was set to hit a new high of 7,000 units on October 6; It has only been listed for 25 days, and the cumulative number has exceeded 50,000 units. "

Stimulated by this, after the holiday, A shares opened for trading, and Cyrus’ share price went up for two consecutive trading days. The company had to make an emergency announcement and give a risk warning.

It is understood that since August 28 this year, Sailis shares have increased by 110.42%. In the same period, Shenwan Automobile Index has increased by 7.28% and Shanghai Composite Index has increased by 0.36%. In fact, the company’s fundamentals have not changed significantly, so there is an obvious risk of overheating market sentiment.


(of a doctor) bring the dying back to life

Asked about the hot sale of the new M7 in the world, Yu Chengdong couldn’t help sighing in his circle of friends that "it’s not easy to come back to life!"

In the past, Xiaokang Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Seles) spent several years developing a new energy vehicle, named SERES Seles. In April 2019, Cyrus made its debut at the Shanghai Auto Show, and many people didn’t know who it was.

The following year, Sellers’ first SUV model SF5 went on the market in mass production, and only 732 vehicles were sold in the whole year.

At this time, Huawei appeared, pointing out a new path for Cyrus to build a car together.

With Huawei’s blessing, it instantly became radiant. In 2022, the product was officially released by AITO, and after deep binding with Huawei, it became the fastest growing brand of new energy vehicles.

At the beginning of the release of AITO, it set a proud record of delivering more than 10,000 vehicles for several months in a row, and delivered 75,000 vehicles in 2022.

However, since the beginning of this year, the glory of the world of inquiry has ceased.

According to the production and sales report disclosed by Sailis, in the first half of this year, the cumulative sales of Sailis Automobile (actually a series of models) was only 25,800. Among them, the sales volume of M7 is extremely bleak. According to the data of car home, the monthly sales volume of M7 has been less than 1,000 vehicles since April this year, and it was as low as 432 vehicles in June this year.

The reasons for asking the world to go away are very complicated. Tesla cut prices at the beginning of the year to compete for the market, which triggered a new wave of price cuts for new energy vehicles, which is one of the important reasons.

In the early days, the HarmonyOS cockpit carried by the asking world really won a wave of goodwill from users. However, with the increase of users and the extension of actual use time, many users find that the product strength of the world is not as strong as expected.

The outside world has always had doubts about who AITO belongs to. At the beginning of March this year, the brand official once changed the "AITO asking the world" in the relevant promotional materials to "HUAWEI asking the world", but it was quickly changed back and slapped itself, which further aggravated users’ doubts.

It is in the context of the continuous collapse of sales volume that the press launched the new M7, hoping to make a turnaround.


Sustained loss

Formerly known as Xiaokang Co., Ltd., Cyrus used to produce mini commercial vehicles and low-end SUVs of Dongfeng Scenery brand, and its main target users were concentrated in low-tier cities.

In the era of traditional fuel vehicles, the company’s business is not sexy, and the market attention is not high, but with its leading position in the segmentation field, the small life is still good.

In 2016, the company launched the first SUV Scenery 580, with sales exceeding 10,000 for five consecutive months. The following year, the total sales volume of the company’s SUV reached 188,600 units, which directly promoted the annual sales volume of the whole vehicle to reach the peak sales volume of 404,200 units.

It was this year that the company’s operating income exceeded 20 billion yuan, and the net profit returned to the mother also achieved the best performance in history of 725 million yuan.

However, Xiaokang shares only caught up with the brilliant last bus of fuel passenger cars. Soon, the growth rate of passenger car market in China declined to negative growth, competition shifted from incremental to stock era, resources were further concentrated in the head car enterprises, and small and medium-sized car enterprises struggled to survive.

Zhang Xinghai, the head of the company, has a forward-looking strategic vision. Under his leadership, Xiaokang invested and established SF MOTORS in the United States as early as the beginning of 2016 to build new energy vehicles.

Helpless, the car was built and could not be sold. Until the emergence of Huawei. In 2021, the company changed its name, demonstrating the determination of strategic transformation.

Cooperating with Huawei to build a car, not only the products sold well, but also the company’s share price soared due to the blessing of Huawei concept. In June last year, it once reached a historical high of 90.50 yuan, and its market value exceeded 100 billion.

With the increase of product sales, the company’s operating income has increased significantly. From 14.30 billion yuan in 2020 to 34.10 billion yuan in 2022, the loss also further increased, from-1.729 billion yuan to-3.832 billion yuan.

In the first half of this year, the company’s growth momentum came to an abrupt end, and its operating income fell by 11.14% year-on-year to 11.03 billion yuan, and it continued to lose 1.344 billion yuan.

Is the cloud -C system really so magical? I understand after trying the new BYD Han/Tang!

On April 22nd, BYD Tang EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition and Tang DM-P Ares Edition were officially announced for listing, with the price range of 219,800-269,800 yuan. In view of the new car listed this time, in addition to the substantial adjustment in price, its core upgrade highlight is that the whole system comes standard with Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system.

I believe everyone will be familiar with this system. After all, since BYD launched this full-stack self-developed intelligent body control system last year, it has always been the focus of consumers’ attention. According to the official statement, the products equipped with this system will be significantly improved in comfort and handling, but what will the actual product performance be?

Today, we also read it for everyone through a venue test drive.

On the hardware level, Yunnian -C is actually an entry scheme in the whole system, and its structure is relatively simple, mainly composed of acceleration sensor, suspension height sensor, electric shock absorber and intelligent calculation center. Its working logic is that the intelligent calculation center senses the dynamics of the car body in real time through the sensors on the car and adjusts the damping of the electric shock absorber synchronously, so as to improve the comfort and maneuverability of the whole car.

Like this venue experience activity, it is mainly divided into the devil’s rotten road challenge (simulating urban and outdoor off-road road conditions, highlighting product comfort) and the extreme dynamic challenge (accelerating rapidly, braking, winding piles, etc., highlighting product handling performance).

The first project is mainly aimed at BYD Tang, and the simulation lane also includes the most common regular/irregular speed bumps, washboards and potholes, as well as cobblestone roads, climbing and cross-axis road conditions in off-road conditions. Generally speaking, the experience project is also very comprehensive.

Although this Yunqi -C system is only the most elementary version, it is still quite obvious for the dynamic improvement of the whole vehicle. For example, when the road bumps continuously, the system will adopt the control strategy of high frequency and small damping, which will make the suspension system more "soft" and effectively alleviate the impact feeling transmitted from the road to the car. According to the official, Yunqi -C is realized under the condition of continuous vibration of the road at 60 km/h.

Due to the information collection and analysis data and damping adjustment related to road conditions and car body dynamics, it can be found that the response speed of this system is about 1 second, so when you experience the continuous bumpy road, you can clearly perceive the vibration changes in the car, which can really improve the comfort of the whole car.

Thanks to the excellent performance of BYD Tang itself, its passability under simulated off-road conditions is also commendable. It is worth mentioning that the DM-P Ares version of BYD Tang has a rear axle differential lock, which will perform better under off-road conditions than the ordinary version of Tang DM-P.

The other project is the extreme dynamic challenge, and its challenger is naturally handed over to BYD Han, but the difference is that BYD Han can directly adjust the mode, steering strength and braking feedback mode of Yunqi -C through the locomotive system, with higher freedom.

According to the official data, the pitch angle can be reduced by 9.36% in the full throttle acceleration test, 40.91% in the braking test and 28.3% in the pitch angular velocity after the same model is turned on. In the 65 km/h test around the pile, the peak steering angle of the steering wheel decreased from 40.04 degrees to 36.23 degrees, and in the 100 km/h double-lane test, the car body roll angle speed decreased from 19.88 degrees/s to 11.99 degrees/s. Of course, these data all mean a significant improvement in comfort and stability.

In the actual experience, it can also be found that under intense driving, the suspension can restrain the pitching and rolling of the car body in place. Even if the center of gravity shifts continuously, the car body can always maintain a relatively stable posture, giving the driver full confidence.

The successive promotion of the glory edition of Han/Tang Dynasty has given enough sincerity in product technology, configuration and price. With the blessing of Yunnian -C system, the overall performance of the new car has also been significantly improved, and its competitiveness has also gone further. Through the sales data, we can also find that the double car handed over 34,000 vehicles in March, which shows that they have a very high popularity.

BYD’s "Deluxe Tang" spy photos are exposed! Will it be released within the year and sold for 300,000?

According to the plan, three new cars will be launched this year, including a medium-sized SUV and a medium-sized SUV, in addition to the pre-sale D9. Recently, Zhao Changjiang, general manager of Tengshi Sales Division, has also started to preheat medium-sized SUVs on his personal social platform, and the new car is positioned as a luxury and fashionable five-seat SUV. The online auto market has obtained a set of road test spy photos of Tengshi X. The new car is not excluded as a shell test car of a new medium-sized SUV, and will replace the existing Tengshi X in the future. With reference to Tengshi’s pricing strategy, it is estimated that the starting price of the new car may be around 300,000 yuan.

Hot Spots of the Week | BYD’s "Yunnian" official announcement, Evergrande Motor announced the risk of production suspension.

[EV Vision Report] There have been many remarkable events in the field of new energy vehicles this week. You don’t have to worry about missing these wonderful contents. EV Vision will summarize the hot events in the field of new energy vehicles this week for you.

Zero Run released its annual financial report for 2022, with a total annual revenue of 12.385 billion yuan.

Recently, Zero Car released its full-year financial report for 2022. In 2022, 111,168 units were delivered, a year-on-year increase of 154%. The annual revenue was 12.385 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 295%. In terms of sales network, by the end of 2022, there were 582 stores in Zero Run, which doubled year-on-year and covered more than 180 cities.

In terms of gross profit margin, it greatly improved from -44.3% in 2021 to -15.4% in 2022, and narrowed to -8.1% in the second half of 2022, and the gross profit margin improved rapidly. The retail run adopts the dealer model, so the dealer rebate is deducted from the sales income. After deducting the impact of rebates, Zero Run has achieved a positive gross profit margin in the second half of 2022.

In terms of operating profit, the expense ratio (sales expenses, management expenses and R&D expenses) is low during the zero-run period. With the improvement of vehicle product structure and the expansion of sales scale, it is expected to achieve profit faster. At the same time, the utilization rate of zero-run funds is high. From its establishment in 2015 to the end of 2022, the delivery volume and financial performance have reached the level of the first echelon of new forces.

The centralized electronic and electrical architecture will be carried in a brand-new model launched in the second half of 2023, realizing mass production of supercomputing platform with high integration, high platform rate, high communication rate and rapid iteration.

In terms of overseas markets, the first batch of overseas stores landed in Israel in 2022. In 2023, Zero Run will gradually expand its global network in Europe, Southeast Asia and the Middle East, continuously expand overseas markets, further accelerate the strategic layout of globalization, and help improve the pace of overseas delivery.

Geely Automobile released its financial report for 2022, with revenue of 148 billion yuan for the whole year.

Recently, Geely Automobile announced its 2022 financial report. The data shows that Geely Automobile achieved revenue of 148 billion yuan in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 45.6%. The net profit of returning to the mother was 5.26 billion yuan, up 8.5% year-on-year. The total cash level rose by 20.4% to 33.7 billion yuan, a record high.

Specifically, in 2022, the sales volume of new energy products (including Geely, Geometry, Lectra, Krypton and Ruilan) was 329,727 vehicles, up over 300% year-on-year, and the monthly new energy penetration rate exceeded 30% for many times.

In 2022, Geely’s bicycle sales revenue increased by 17% year-on-year. In 2022, the high-end series of "China Star" achieved a total sales volume of 259,087 vehicles, accounting for 23% of Geely brand (including geometry), with a maximum monthly sales volume of 30,000 vehicles and an average bicycle price of 150,000 yuan.

The sales volume of Lexus reached 180,127 vehicles in 2022, and by February 2023, the cumulative total sales volume had exceeded 850,000 vehicles. The Krypton brand delivered 71,941 units in 2022, exceeding the annual target of 70,000 units. The average order amount of Krypton 001 exceeds 336,000 yuan. The second model, Krypton 009, was delivered in January 2023, with an average order amount of 527,000 yuan.

In 2022, Geely Automobile exported 19,824 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 72.4%. In 2022, Lectra shipped 35,588 vehicles throughout the year, with new energy vehicles accounting for 97%. By March, 2023, LINK had opened 11 LINK experience stores in the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium and other countries.

In 2023, Geely Automobile’s annual sales target is 1.65 million vehicles, of which the proportion of new energy sales will increase to nearly 40%, and more than 9 new energy vehicles will be listed throughout the year. Among them, Galaxy L7 and Galaxy L6 will be delivered respectively in the second and third quarters of this year; E8 will be delivered in the fourth quarter of this year. Extreme krypton will launch two new models.

From product export to technology export, Geely Automobile’s authorized income has further increased, reaching 1.66 billion in 2022, up 29.9% year-on-year.

Positioning compact pure electric SUV, Extreme Krypton X will be launched on April 12th.

Recently, according to the official announcement of Krypton, Krypton X will be officially listed at 20:00 on April 12th. It is reported that the new car, as the third model, is positioned as a compact pure electric SUV, built on the vast pure electric architecture of SEA, and available in single-motor and dual-motor models.

In terms of appearance, ZEEKR X’s front face adopts a highly recognizable krypton design language, intelligent matrix LED transmission headlights, hidden in the grille, flat and minimalist shape, creating a digital sense of the future. The 3D stereo LED daytime running light consists of 41 light-emitting units on the left and right, and the double-edge line of the car body extended backward by the daytime running light makes the front of the car more full and stereoscopic.

The tail of the car is equipped with an integrated through taillight, and the "ZEEKR" luminous logo is in the center, which enhances the temperament of the whole car. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4450/1836/1572mm and the wheelbase is 2750mm respectively. In terms of details, the new car adopts a doorless design. In addition, ZEEKR X adopts a frameless door, a frameless exterior rearview mirror, and a hidden charging cover design.

In terms of power, the new car offers single-motor rear-drive and dual-motor four-wheel drive models. The single-motor model has a maximum power of 200kW, and the dual-motor model has a motor with a maximum power of 115kW on the front axle.

In addition, the delivery data of February 2023 was released, and a total of 5,455 vehicles were delivered in February, and the cumulative delivery of brands has reached 86,519 vehicles, up 87.1% year-on-year and 75.1% quarter-on-quarter. I believe that with the official listing and delivery of Krypton X, the delivery of Krypton X can be improved to some extent.

Evergrande Automobile announced that there was a risk of production suspension.

China Evergrande announced on March 22nd that Hengchi 5 was officially mass-produced on September 16th, 2022, and the first batch of mass-produced cars was delivered on October 29th, 2022. As of the date of this announcement, Evergrande New Energy Vehicle has delivered more than 900 vehicles. Due to the tight liquidity, in order to maintain basic business operations, Evergrande New Energy Automobile has taken measures to cut costs, such as reducing the number of its employees. By March 2023, Evergrande New Energy had 2,795 employees, compared with 3,742 employees by June 30, 2022.

Evergrande Automobile said that the Group was at risk of production suspension if it could not obtain new liquidity. However, if the Group can seek financing of more than 29 billion yuan in the future, it plans to launch a number of flagship models and hope to achieve mass production. Under this plan, the accumulated cash flow without leverage from 2023 to 2026 is expected to reach between negative 7 billion yuan and negative 5 billion yuan.

It is worth mentioning that on March 7, Evergrande New Energy Automobile Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. and Evergrande New Energy Automobile (Guangdong) Co., Ltd., affiliated companies of Hengchi Automobile, were executed for more than 1.04 million yuan due to bill disputes. Counting this execution, the above-mentioned companies have been executed a total of 377 million yuan. Evergrande New Energy Automobile (Guizhou) Co., Ltd. has also been executed for nearly 300 million yuan, and was added to the list of dishonesty by the local court because of default in execution.

In addition, the Swedish Global Electric Vehicle Company (NEVS), a subsidiary of Evergrande Automobile, recently announced the launch of the "Hibernation Plan". According to the plan, the company plans to lay off 320 employees, accounting for nearly 95% of the total number of employees, which will start in the next six months. If the plan is fully implemented, NEVS will have only 20 employees left.

As the first mass-produced SUV model of Evergrande, Hengchi 5 is positioned as a compact SUV, which is equipped with a 150kW motor and a lithium iron phosphate battery from Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited with a rated power of 72.8KWh and a cruising range of 602km, compared with luxury models such as Standard Benz GLA, Audi A3 and BMW X1.

Since the delivery began at the end of October last year, Hengchi 5 has been in constant turmoil. Within 15 days after the pre-sale, Hengchi 5 claimed that the order had exceeded 37,000 vehicles, but only 100 vehicles could be found in the delivery data at that time. By the end of December last year, Hengchi 5 had delivered a total of 324 vehicles.

It is also reported that Evergrande has been losing money continuously since it was renamed Evergrande in September 2020. According to the financial report data of Evergrande, in 2018, 2019 and 2020, Evergrande lost 1.429 billion yuan, 4.426 billion yuan and 7.394 billion yuan respectively, and the financial report for 2021 was not released on time. On April 1, 2022, Evergrande Motor announced the suspension of trading and has not resumed trading so far.

The new HI version of Extreme Fox Alpha S opens NCA in Guangzhou.

On March 21st, the new HI version of Extreme Fox Alpha S opened the NCA in Guangzhou (namely, urban intelligent driving navigation assistance). Car owners in Guangzhou can go to the store to upgrade in batches according to the appointment of the sales consultant. This is also the third city that the new HI version of Extreme Fox Alpha S is open to users and can realize high-level intelligent driving in urban areas, and it is the first time in the industry to realize cross-city point-to-point NCA traffic between Shenzhen and Guangzhou, two important cities in the Pearl River Delta. Prior to this, the new HI version of Extreme Fox Alpha S was launched in Shenzhen and Shanghai respectively last year.

It is understood that the urban NCA promoted this time can realize autonomous cruising, unprotected intersection traffic, close-range congestion treatment, active overtaking lane change/parallel lane separation, tunnel traffic and other operations in urban areas.

It is reported that the new HI version of Extreme Fox Alpha S is equipped with 34 sensors in hardware, including 3 laser radars, 6 millimeter-wave radars, 12 ultrasonic sensors and 13 high-definition cameras to achieve 360 all-round coverage.

At present, with the continuous evolution of intelligent driving from ADAS to high-level autonomous driving, the stadium has shifted from high-speed to cities with more complex scenes. How to quickly overcome urban scenes to create a universal autonomous driving solution for the whole scene has become an urgent problem for the industry.

The Extreme Fox Alpha S HI version was launched on May 17, 2022, and the first batch of delivery was started on July 16, 2022. Previously, it has taken the lead in opening the NCA function in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Guangzhou, opening the NCA function in 249 cities across the country, and opening the 290,000-kilometer expressway intercity intelligent driving network. It has driven more than 300,000 kilometers safely, and intelligent parking has helped users realize worry-free parking for more than 45,000 times. In addition, through three OTA upgrades, it has added many functions, such as APA (Intelligent Parking Assistance) front parking, RPA remote parking, and ICA (Intelligent Cruise Assistance) in urban areas, and its high-level intelligent driving ability has continued to advance.

It is worth mentioning that in Shenzhen and Shanghai, urban NCA has become an important tool for users to travel, and the proportion of users who use this function is as high as 40%, and the use dependence of high-level intelligent driving is forming.

Ford Explorer EV officially released based on MEB platform.

A few days ago, a new compact pure electric vehicle jointly developed by Ford and Volkswagen was officially released. The vehicle was named Explorer EV, which was built on MEB platform and was the sister car of Volkswagen ID.4. The official said that the starting price of this car is expected to be 48,000 US dollars, about 330,000 yuan, and the new car will be officially delivered in early 2024.

In terms of appearance, the front face of the new car is designed in the current penetrating style, but it is not a penetrating light group. There are iconic hooked daytime running lights on both sides, and Ford’s brand LOGO is in the center of the enclosed grille. A U-shaped silver decorative strip is added to its lower enclosure, which echoes the bottom line of the enclosed grille and has a strong layering.

The suspended roof also appeared on this new car, and the C-pillar added individual decorative elements. I have to say that the design of the window line of the new car rising at the C-pillar really adds some strength to it. In addition, the style of multi-spoke two-color low wind resistance rim is also unique, which provides three sizes of 19/20/21 inches.

In terms of the rear end, the taillight style and the style surrounded by the rear echo the front of the car, which has a good sense of integrity. This car offers body colors including Arctic Blue and Vitality Blue, Frozen White, Magnetic Grey, Agate Black and Vitality Red. In terms of body size, its overall length is slightly shorter than ID.4.

For the interior, the new car uses a 15-inch Ford Sync Move central touch screen, just like the "move" in its name, which is a screen that can rise and fall. There are touch buttons on the island platform below the screen, which can control the volume and so on. The car is equipped with keyless entry, dual-zone automatic air conditioning, wireless Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, and 10-color atmosphere lights. There is also a bright ambient light directly above the central control, which is actually a Sound Bar sound.

In terms of intelligent driving, the car is equipped with 12 ultrasonic radars, 5 cameras, etc. It is the first Ford model in Europe to provide automatic lane change function. Its other ADAS functions include adaptive cruise control with stop-and-go function, pre-collision assistance, intersection alarm with active braking, and Active Park Assist 2.0 parking assistance system.

In terms of power, Ford has not released too many details. The official said that Explorer EV offers rear-wheel drive and all-wheel drive versions, and the battery can be charged from 10% to 80% in 25 minutes in fast charging mode. The vehicle has the function of battery temperature pre-adjustment, and the charging speed, charging plan and trip planning can be optimized through the system. Ford said that users of Explorer EV can use more than 450,000 charging piles in Europe this year, and it will reach 500,000 by 2024, including more than 2,100 DC fast charging piles built by Ionity in more than 450 locations.

Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited Kirin battery will mass-produce endurance or break thousands.

A few days ago, according to domestic media reports, Kirin battery, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s leading technology, has been mass-produced. According to Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, the volume utilization rate of Kirin battery has exceeded 72%, and the energy density of ternary batteries can reach 255Wh/kg, and the energy density of lithium iron phosphate battery system can reach 160Wh/kg. In contrast, the energy density of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited ternary lithium battery equipped with Weilai ET5 100kWh version is 185Wh/kg, and that of Ferrous lithium phosphate blade battery equipped with BYD Han is 150Wh/kg.

The battery pack integration of Kirin battery is the highest in the world. Under the same chemical system and the same battery pack size, the power can be increased by 13% compared with the 4680 cylindrical battery system. At the end of November last year, Kirin battery was rated as the best invention in 2022 by TIME magazine.

As for the vehicle models, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Kykrypton jointly announced that Kykrypton will become the first brand of Kirin battery in global mass production, and its first pure electric MPV ZEEKR 009 will become the first vehicle model of Kirin battery in global mass production. ZEEKR 009 equipped with Kirin battery will have a pure electric cruising range of over 1000km. At the same time, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Cyrus Group Co., Ltd. also jointly announced that Kirin battery will be launched as a new AITO series vehicle. In addition, LI’s pure electric vehicles will also be equipped.

BYD’s "Yunnian" was officially announced or related to chassis technology.

A few days ago, BYD officially announced the "cloud". Judging from the descriptions of "going over mountains and mountains", "steadily moving forward" and "emperor’s car" in the copy, it seems to be a technology about chassis or driving system.

When BYD registered the trademark Yunqi, there were three kinds of Yunqi, Yunqi -A and Yunqi -P in the trademark name, which were somewhat similar to DM-i and DM-p in BYD’s plug-in technology.