Yang Mi Yuqian’s new film enters the May 1st gear, and the new poster is fully masked and half-covered.

1905 movie network news Directed by the suspense comedy film announced the official entry into the 2024 May 1st file, and released a new set of character posters in one breath, which raised the expectations of the film again. In the posters, the leading actors,,,, and all held a theatrical mask, which matched the hidden faces, making the characters full of mysterious appeal.

A few days ago, the film had its first screening at the 5th Hainan Island International Film Festival. After the screening, director Ding Sheng had a warm exchange with the audience, and the first batch of audiences also gave high praise, "Super cool, crazy" "There are echoes everywhere, and there is no idle pen" "Two faces per capita 800 hearts" "The actors’ performances are too show, and the acting sharks are crazy"… The excellent reputation of the film has come out, which has once again deepened the audience’s expectations for the film. "There is nothing that cannot be solved by a hot pot" will officially meet the audience during the May Day holiday in the spring, waiting to take off the mask and have a hot feast!

I still wear a mask and half cover my face, and everyone in the play has two faces

The movie "No Hot Pot Can’t Solve It" tells an absurd story full of suspense and joy: four people who don’t know each other divide the spoils in the backstage warehouse of the theater, and are accidentally involved in a murder case. A hot hot pot rolls with endless suspense, greed and deception lead to a series of reversals. Finally, the special identities of the four gradually emerge, and the mysterious truth is about to emerge… Director Ding Sheng once said that when creating characters, he hopes to make the audience feel the role effect of "great contrast between appearance and heart".

The poster of the new character version presents the state of each character’s own ghosts and different thoughts. The drama mask in the hands of the characters symbolizes "two faces" per person. The ruthlessness and danger in the eyes of the young chicken played by Yang Mi make people shudder, subverting the playful style of Dora’s head and round-rimmed glasses in the previously exposed materials in one fell swoop, which seems to suggest that the role of "white cut black" will be reversed in the film; Yu Qian’s nine cakes are squinting and domineering, and the boss of the small theater troupe is beginning to show the aura of the big brother of the rivers and lakes; Tian Yu’s director Fu is frowning and dignified, and seems to be planning a ghost idea; Yu Mailei’s rich expression seems to be bitter, and a slightly vicissitudes face is full of "people with stories"; Li Jiuxiao’s 70 thousand is sharp as a knife, and the lonely youth is ready to breathe. The colorful neon background and various theatrical masks complement each other, and the painting style is both trendy and takes into account traditional culture, making the audience full of expectations for this film.

The first screening was full of laughter, and director Ding Sheng implored the audience to "not spoiler"

A few days ago, the suspense comedy "There is nothing that cannot be solved by a hot pot" completed its first screening at the 5th Hainan Island International Film Festival. After the screening, director Ding Sheng also came to the scene and had a lively exchange with the audience who watched the first wave of the movie. Talking about the original intention of this suspense comedy, director Ding Sheng said that it is a purely original work. "There is no reference to any film, and there is no bridge that can be imitated. I just want to challenge how far we can make up the original story." The director also admitted that the creative process requires "filling all the holes dug" and "very brain cells", but such challenges are also full of "novelty and fun", and ultimately "very fruitful".

The thick and colorful pictures were "very cool", and the spicy and boiling story was "very crazy". The audience at the scene expressed that they were impressed by the strong narrative tension and humorous plot of the movie. Some audience members thought that the movie had a good rhythm and exquisite story arrangement, "super-dense details, super-concentrated laughs"; some audience members admitted that they did not expect the story to develop like this, "There is a feeling of willows and flowers when the mountains and rivers are exhausted" "There are so many details that they explode, and they want to brush it again"; some audience members said that the combination of Chinese cultural elements such as hot pot and Sichuan opera in the movie with the plot of the movie is just right, and they "deeply feel the profound impact of traditional culture on Chinese values and outlook on life"… In the face of the enthusiastic feedback from the audience, director Ding Sheng also expressed that he is very pleased that the audience can like it, and hopes that the movie can make the audience like See your "delicate side".

In addition, the actors’ wonderful performances also won full applause. The five characters in the movie have very different personalities, but together they are interesting, "a feast for the group play, very enjoyable" "combined with the plot reversal to show the multiple aspects of human nature". And Yang Mi’s role as a chicken, the super reversal in the film also amazed the audience and became one of the biggest highlights of the film. Ding Sheng also called on the audience not to spoiler and leave more surprises in the cinema.

The suspense comedy "There is nothing that cannot be solved by a hot pot" is directed by Ding Sheng, starring Yang Mi, Yu Qian, Tian Yu, Yu Mailei and Li Jiuxiao. The film officially announced its entry into the May 1st file in 2024!

Jackie Chan attends the opening ceremony of "China Story", tears for the opening ceremony

Jackie Chan (center) and Yu Dan (right) attend the opening ceremony of "China Story" on August 9. Photo by Cao Ji

Lei Yulan (right), Vice Governor of Guangdong Province, unveils the "Guangdong Hut". Photo by Cao Jili

    At the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China presented a beautiful freehand painting of Chinese civilization to the world. Just a few hours after the emotion and passion had not yet cooled, another wonderful Chinese legend kicked off in the public area of the Olympic Park. A large-scale cultural exhibition called "China Story" was officially opened in the public area of the Olympic Park on the morning of August 9. Leaders and representatives of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee and 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country, as well as stars such as Jackie Chan, Zhou Huajian, Mok Wen Wei, Yu Dan, sociologists and 30 representatives of folk artists appeared on the same stage to tell Chinese stories.

  Jackie Chan burst into tears at the opening ceremony

  At 10 am, the Chinese story and culture exhibition area in the public area of the Olympic Park unfolded a huge scroll with seals engraved with the names of 30 provinces, regions and cities, which dyed the beautiful and quiet public areas in the past with a cultural atmosphere. During the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games, more than 30 "auspicious cloud huts" will display China’s national cultural heritage and the vibrant ethnic and folk cultures of various regions through live handicraft performances and audience participation and interaction. Stars and folk artists such as Jackie Chan and Yu Dan became the biggest highlights of the opening ceremony.

  Jackie Chan and Yu Dan, who have made Hollywood famous for Chinese kung fu and become the pride of all Chinese people, and who have become famous promoters of the revival of Sinology in the new century by promoting traditional culture, when the two heavyweight guests gathered at the opening ceremony to talk about "China’s story in the eyes of the world", they collided with a lot of ideological sparks. "We should build a small courtyard and put some things on it so that people around the world can see our Chinese culture." Jackie Chan said that he was present at the opening ceremony the night before, and he cried when the torch was lit. "This is not the first time I have cried for the Beijing Olympics. As a Chinese, the Olympic Games are held in my own country, and on such an occasion, no one can suppress the excitement. The Chinese are good, and the opening ceremony is a perfect start." Like Jackie Chan, Yu Dan, a scholar, said the opening ceremony would give the world a better understanding of Chinese culture. "I hope that Chinese culture can use the platform of the Olympic Games to go to the world and let the world see the real wonders of China."

  Zhou Huajian and his mixed-race son sing on stage

  "Everyone is equally useful. Volunteer, invariably. Forget yourself, and be open-minded. I am a star, embellishing the sky…" As a special pair of volunteers at the opening ceremony, Zhou Huajian and his son took the stage to sing the volunteer theme song "I am a star". Referring to his mixed-race son Zhou Houan, Zhou Huajian was very proud. "We are both volunteers for the Olympic Games. Before the opening of the Olympic Games, he had already reported to his assigned area – ‘China Story’. I heard from the staff that he was very diligent. He helped my brother and sister who were filming documentaries carry the machines every day and went out on location, which made my father a lot of light." Joining Zhou Huajian and others at the Olympic Park to help promote Chinese culture during the Olympic Games, Mok Wenwei and Sun Nan also sang passionately on stage, kicking off the "China Story".

  According to reports, in the more than 30 auspicious cloud huts in the Chinese Story Exhibition Area of the Olympic Public Area, the best national intangible cultural heritage retained by various provinces, regions and cities will be highlighted in a space of 60 to 80 square meters. Jiangsu brocade worth tens of millions, wonderful and moving Kunqu Opera performances, interesting Shaanxi shadow puppets, hidden entrances in Chongqing face-changing, colorful and fragrant sugar paintings… The "Chinese Story" cultural exhibition activities use novel and diverse forms of display such as pictures, real objects, multimedia audio-visual arts, combined with live handicraft performances and audience participation and interaction, to vividly tell friends from all over the world about the beauty of Chinese culture.

  Related Links: Guangdong Cottage

  Among the more than 30 auspicious cloud huts in the "Chinese Story" exhibition area, the Guangdong hut of "Yueyun Chaofeng" is quite eye-catching. In the hut, audiences from all over the world can enjoy exquisite gold wood carvings, tide embroidery, wide embroidery, wide color, ceramics, Duan inkstone and other art treasures, and experience the long-standing Lingnan culture. That morning, Vice Governor Lei Yulan attended the opening ceremony of China Story, unveiling the "Guangdong hut".

  Among the exhibits, it was revealed, was a giant gold wood carving from Chaozhou, the "treasure of the town house" of "Guangdong Hut" – about 1.8 meters high and more than 2 meters wide, with the theme of the "Bird’s Nest" in the National Stadium, showing the moving scene of birds coming and dancing around the "Bird’s Nest".

Editor in charge: Li Dan

Ele.me report: Post-00s college students work part-time to deliver food, mainly because they experience life

  The school season of major colleges and universities across the country is approaching, and Ele.me has released the "2019 College Student Takeaway Rider Group Insights" report (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"). It is understood that a total of 9,896 college students from all over the country joined Ele.me Hummingbird in the summer of 2019 to become part-time riders. Nearly 5 of them became sophomores and juniors, and more than 300 will start their graduate careers after the school starts.

  The report shows that compared with "earning living expenses", "experiencing life" has become the main motivation for college students to choose to be takeaway riders. Nearly 40% of post-95s and 00s feel that their personality has changed after the experience, and they have learned to "communicate modestly" and "treat people gently". At the same time, nearly 20% of college students choose to go to a strange city and travel while delivering takeout.

  The Ele.me report shows that 38% of college student riders said that choosing to work part-time as a takeaway rider in the summer is to experience life, and it is also a social practice. Many young people also expressed the hope to change their personality, contact more people, and discover unknown corners of the city by doing takeaway riders. Second, it is to subsidize living expenses, save money to buy things they like, or gain financial independence earlier.

  According to the Ele.me report, 83% of college student riders said they were satisfied with "the income brought to me by being a rider." Among them, the monthly living expenses of more than 80% of part-time college students have increased to more than 2,000 yuan, the average monthly income has increased by 2 times, and many college student riders have a monthly income of nearly 10,000 yuan.

  Outside of income, the biggest change most college students feel is their personality. Lin, a junior at Nanjing Agricultural University, recalls that the biggest change this experience brought to him was: "Know how to talk to others, know how to be gentle with others." These adults, who are rebellious in the eyes of 95s and 00s, learned how to communicate modestly and treat others gently by being a rider.

  The short-term experience as a rider has changed the college students’ perspective on the takeaway industry. They have truly felt the value and change that the emerging industry has brought to merchants, users, and individual riders. Three quarters of them are very optimistic about the future of the takeaway industry.

  The Ele.me report shows that more than half of college riders are still looking forward to choosing a career according to their major, but 10% plan to still work as a rider or food delivery service in the future. At the same time, they are also very much looking forward to inner improvement and growth through practical experience and their own strengths.

Audi unveiled at the 2023 Guangzhou Auto Show, firmly promoting the electrification process in China.

  On November 17th, 2023 Guangzhou Auto Show was grandly opened. Audi joined hands with two major partners, China FAW and SAIC, to bring 21 heavy-duty models, showing its firm commitment to the China market and consumers in China. Among them, the Audi Q6 e-tron prototype, the next generation of high-end intelligent networked electric vehicle products, was unveiled at this auto show, highlighting Audi’s accelerated electrification transformation and moving towards the high-end travel leader of intelligent interconnection.

Audi unveiled at the 2023 Guangzhou Auto Show, firmly promoting the electrification process in China _fororder_image001

  "We are very happy to participate in the Guangzhou Auto Show with two major partners again, which is an important stage to show Audi’s successful development in China and reshape its vision of high-end travel in the future." Dr. Jürgen Unser, President of Audi China, said, "We revealed the interior of the Audi Q6 e-tron prototype to the audience in China for the first time at the Guangzhou Auto Show, which fully demonstrated the important position of the China market in the process of Audi electrification."

Audi unveiled at the 2023 Guangzhou Auto Show, firmly promoting the electrification process in China _fororder_image002

  The next key milestone of Audi’s electrification transformation in China is the first production model Audi Q6 e-tron based on PPE luxury pure electric platform and brand-new electronic architecture, which will be the leader of Audi’s new generation of high-end intelligent networked electric vehicle products. The new model adopts an innovative design paradigm from the inside out, and the interior space is designed around the needs of users, integrating digital technology, perceptual aesthetics and sustainable concept. In the future, the localized mass-produced Audi Q6 e-tron will also be equipped with innovative configurations developed for the China market.

Audi unveiled at Guangzhou Auto Show in 2023, and firmly promoted the electrification process in China _fororder_image003

  Audi FAW New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., which is responsible for producing models based on PPE platform, is not only Audi’s first pure electric vehicle production base in China, but also one of Audi’s most advanced production bases in the world. It will set an industry benchmark in digitalization and sustainability, and play an important role in promoting Audi’s electrification strategic layout in China and even the world. At present, the project is progressing steadily in Changchun. It is estimated that the base construction and equipment installation will be completed by the end of 2023, and it will be officially put into production by the end of 2024. Audi’s investment in this project is about 2.6 billion euros.

Audi unveiled at Guangzhou Auto Show in 2023, and firmly promoted the electrification process in China _fororder_image004

  In addition, Audi has accumulated a long brand history, constantly deducing and innovating with classics, and inheriting Audi’s innovative DNA. At this Guangzhou Auto Show, Audi and SAIC unveiled the special edition of Audi Q6 RS for the first time, and together with Giovane Elber, a former Bayern star, showed the special painted edition of Audi Q5 e-tron "Bayern Munich", which once again strengthened the sports genes of Sihuan brand. Driven by the enterprising spirit, Audi will continue to work closely with SAIC to build more high-end intelligent networking products in China and China to meet the needs of more customer groups and market segments.

Audi unveiled at the 2023 Guangzhou Auto Show, firmly promoting the electrification process in China _fororder_image005

  The appearance of the special painted version of Audi Q5 e-tron "Bayern Munich" at the auto show also confirmed Audi’s close attention and strong support for regional, national and international sports events in the past decades. In 2002, Audi announced a strategic cooperation with Bayern Munich Football Club, and now the two sides are promoting the continuous upgrading of cooperation in the fields of innovation and electrification. In 2022, in order to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the cooperation between the two parties, Audi delivered the Audi e-tron Sportback 55 quattro, a pure electric vehicle, to Bayern as its official vehicle in China, marking another important milestone in the strategic cooperation between the two parties.

  With the continuous deepening of the dual partner strategy, Audi is further strengthening its leading position in the luxury car market in China. Katy Tsang, executive vice president of sales and marketing of Audi in China, said: "By continuously expanding cooperation with two local partners, Audi is committed to providing China users with a full range of high-end customer journeys, covering three dimensions: high-end products, high-end ecosystems and high-end customer experience."

Audi unveiled at Guangzhou Auto Show in 2023, and firmly promoted the electrification process in China _fororder_image006

  In terms of products, Audi is working with China FAW and SAIC to create a new generation of high-end intelligent networked vehicles for China consumers, so as to fully meet diversified local needs. The new model will be equipped with innovative functions such as digital interaction exclusive to China market. At the same time, Audi is integrating its pure electric vehicles into the digital ecosystem, which has 5.6 million users as of September this year. Audi brand’s exclusive high-power charging station is the key component of this high-end ecosystem. Through the Audi multimedia interactive system MMI and Audi App, all Audi pure electric vehicle owners can enjoy the super-fast and seamless continuous energy experience at the Audi charging station and appreciate the charm of electric travel. As of October this year, Audi charging station has covered 26 cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and plans to deploy about 600 ultra-fast charging piles during the year.

  Throughout the high-end customer journey, Audi is also working with two partners to create innovative customer contacts and sales models, which will jointly bring a refreshing brand experience to China consumers. In terms of FAW Audi, by September this year, 472 4S dealer stores had been upgraded by applying the latest design language of Audi global brands, and eight new Audi CBD exhibition halls had been opened. SAIC-Audi has opened a total of 150 Audi city stores and Audi City in 78 cities across the country, attracting younger users.

  Adhering to the firm commitment to the China market and clear vision of future development, Audi is actively promoting the electrification process and reshaping the high-end travel future of "in China, for China". To this end, Audi will continue to create a win-win situation with local partners, constantly bring surprises to customers in China, and empower the high-quality development of China’s automobile industry. (Photo: provided by Audi)

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

At first, we should know about the 6X6 model through Mercedes-Benz G-Class 6X6 model, Land Rover Defender, Ford’s modified model, and pickup trucks such as outdoor extreme crossing and polar scientific research. However, this part of the domestic market is still blank, and it is difficult for you to see 6X6 models on the road; First, it is difficult to import into China because the size and emissions are not in compliance; In addition, the premium is too high and the C certificate cannot be opened.

This time, Great Wall Motor revealed the information of the first 6X6 super off-road platform in China for the first time, and prepared to bring real mass production to domestic consumers, with a blue brand and a more extreme off-road version of 6X6 new species, in order to give back to the expectations of more pickup truck lovers and off-road enthusiasts. At the same time, it also brought China’s first large-scale high-performance hybrid pickups based on the off-road super hybrid architecture-Shanhaipao PHEV and HEV, which focused on the two cores of "green" and "performance" and provided more "problem-solving ideas" for new energy pickups.

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

The Great Wall leads the era of intelligent new energy in pickup truck 4.0.

Since the beginning of this year, the auto market has picked up, pickup trucks have been lifted and consumers’ cognition of pickup trucks has changed. The demand for pickup trucks has been constantly stimulated, and the pickup truck market has shown an upward trend with promising prospects.

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

According to the official introduction, up to now, the cumulative global sales volume of Great Wall pickup trucks has exceeded 2 million, ranking first for 25 consecutive years. Great Wall Gun is the best-selling pickup truck brand in China, the first high-end pickup truck brand to exceed 400,000 units, and it has been listed in more than 50 countries on four continents. In the first quarter of this year, the domestic terminal market share of Great Wall pickup trucks exceeded 50%. For every two pickup trucks sold in China, one is Great Wall.

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

The development of pickup trucks in China has gone through several stages. First, the era of 1.0 tool trucks, pickup trucks are mainly freight tools; Followed by the 2.0 multi-purpose commercial era, pickup trucks are mainly commercial, taking into account household use; Once again, it is the 3.0 multi-purpose ride era, and pickup trucks are mainly multi-purpose and ride-oriented. Nowadays, under the background of energy transformation, international pickup trucks marching into new energy sources and full-scene experiential consumption transformation in which users actively participate in wealthy families, pickup trucks have officially entered the era of "4.0 full-scene intelligent new energy".

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

How did the Great Wall Gun 6X6 super cross-country new species come true?

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

China’s first 6X6 super off-road platform, which will be released soon, will be first applied by Great Wall Gun, filling the blank of 6X6 pickup truck category in China. It is understood that the Great Wall Gun 6X6 super off-road platform has three black technologies of "all terrain, super power and unlimited expansion".

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

Yu Jinsheng, CTO of the Great Wall Gun brand, said that the 6×6 super off-road platform of the Great Wall Gun is different from most foreign full-scale 6×6 technologies. Because most overseas models are 6×6 modification schemes made by well-known modification manufacturers, the 6×6 super off-road platform of Great Wall Gun is the original technology.

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

The 6X6 super off-road platform will realize the layout of "3-axis and 6-drive", and its biggest attraction is undoubtedly the technical aspect. Specifically:3-axisThat is to say, the overall wheelbase of the Great Wall Gun 6X6 model is 4288mm, creating a magnificent and powerful body with a length of nearly 6 meters and a width of 2.1 meters; Under the working conditions of cross-country axle and shell pit, the traction ability and roll control of 6×6 are greatly improved, the body swing amplitude is smaller and the stability is higher than that of four-wheel drive models; The three axes are mutually restrained, and snow, sand, mud and other road conditions are prone to sideslip, and the sideslip forces are mutually offset or reduced, so that the anti-sideslip ability and passing safety of the whole vehicle are greatly improved.

6 drive:The 6-wheel grounding area is increased by 50%, the powerful power is fully exerted, the traction coefficient of the whole vehicle is increased by 15-30%, and the vertical obstacle-crossing ability is greatly improved; Under the same conditions, the tire depression depth is reduced by 29%; The release of power enables the acceleration performance of the whole vehicle to be exerted, and the acceleration time of the whole vehicle is only 7.5 s; Sufficient power, larger ground contact area, smaller tire load and better stability control enable the 6×6 to cope with all-terrain road conditions calmly.

5 locks:The Great Wall Gun 6X6 model is equipped with Borg Warner TOD+Mlock intelligent transfer case, which can bear 1900N·m super torque. Standard rear axle differential lock, middle axle differential lock, middle and rear axle differential lock, transfer center differential lock and front axle differential lock, a total of 5 electronically controlled differential locks; 4 hauthoh mode can be switched freely through the mode knob. Four differential lock buttons and 6L buttons on the front and rear axles are independently arranged in the key area of the auxiliary instrument panel, so as to realize the most convenient operation for drivers. The random combination of multiple locks and the setting of expert mode provide great off-road fun for drivers and passengers, and the ability to get rid of difficulties is fully extended. He is a smart tough guy with off-road real kung fu and is not afraid of rough and bad road conditions.

In addition, the vehicle adopts a non-load-bearing frame with high torsional rigidity, which is matched with the front double wishbone independent suspension+middle/rear five-bar independent suspension and 33-inch oversized off-road tires to create a full-scene, all-terrain super off-road capability.

At the same time, the 6X6 super off-road platform can also be equipped with the Great Wall 3.0T super hybrid, electric, hydrogen and other super power. At the beginning of the design, the Great Wall Gun 6X6 super off-road platform can also perfectly match the pickup truck and SUV body, simultaneously develop the second-class chassis, expand multi-functional special-purpose vehicles and recreational vehicles, and realize the super-expansion of the whole ecology and create a new category of diversified vehicles. In addition, the first co-created model of Great Wall Gun 6×6 will control the body length within 6 meters, mainly considering the influence of N1 and N2 models, and meeting the needs of users for blue and green brands.

Powered by electricity, the hybrid version of Shanhai gun provides the optimal solution of new energy pickup truck.

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

Yu Jinsheng, CTO of Great Wall Gun brand, also revealed that the first step of new energy pickup will not be pure electric, but hybrid as the solution of new energy pickup at this stage. The Great Wall Gun will also adopt the strategy of energizing fuel with electricity, and build the first large-scale high-performance hybrid pickup truck in China based on the off-road super hybrid architecture, namely, the Shanhai Gun Long Life PHEV and the HEV model, so as to meet the demand of pickup truck users for "clean energy and high performance".

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

Thanks to the blessing of the off-road super hybrid architecture, the battery life PHEV of Shanhai artillery has three advantages: "parallel mode of engine and motor, highly intelligent energy management and safer all-terrain adaptability", which makes the PHEV of Shanhai artillery fast, clean and intelligent, and is suitable for some users with longer distance and lower frequency. The Shanhai cannon HEV will also be equipped with a 2.0T engine and a 9HAT transmission, with a comprehensive power of 255kW and a comprehensive torque of 648N·m, giving users a double experience of "better fuel consumption than diesel and comparable to 3.0T gasoline power". In urban and off-road scenes, it has unimaginable energy-saving performance and driving pleasure, stronger motivation to get out of trouble and longer cruising range.

The strongest domestic pickup truck is coming! The new species of Great Wall Gun 6X6 has 3 axes, 6 drives and 5 locks.

In the era of "Pickup 4.0 Full Scene Intelligent New Energy", the Great Wall will once again fully lead the development of the industry. Relying on the "forest ecology" technology of the Great Wall, it has completed the flat, networked and decentralized whole industrial chain layout of new energy and intelligence, and made full efforts in the fields of hybrid, pure electric, hydrogen energy and other new energy power batteries. At the same time, in the fields of intelligent chassis, intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit, Great Wall has also accumulated profound intelligence and is committed to creating greener, smarter and safer products for users around the world. It is reported that in addition to the 6X6 co-creation model, PHEV and HEV, a number of high-value pickup products of Great Wall Gun will also be collectively unveiled at the Great Wall Gun booth in Hall 7.1 of the 2023 Shanghai Auto Show to be held on April 18th.

There are bright spots and deficiencies, test Lynk & Co 06 1.5T Yao Halo

  [Autohome professional evaluation] Today’s introduction is Lynk & Co’s smallest SUV – 06, the specific model is the 2020 1.5T Yao Halo, its guide price is 138,600 yuan, if not the pink special edition, then it is the current top model of the whole series, the following is its test report.


◆ Comfort evaluation

Lynk & Co 06 2020 1.5T Yao Halo

Lynk & Co 06 2020 1.5T Yao Halo

Lynk & Co 06 2020 1.5T Yao Halo

  The 180cm-tall experiencer sits in the front row, and after adjusting the seat to the lowest level, there are still 4 fingers in the head space, which is quite normal. Keep the front seat position unchanged and come to the back row, there is still 1 punch margin in the head, and 1 punch and 3 fingers in the legroom. This performance is still good for small SUVs.

Lynk & Co 06 2020 1.5T Yao Halo

Lynk & Co 06 2020 1.5T Yao Halo

  The storage space position of (|) is more conventional, and the space cannot be considered large, such as the mobile phone slot in front of the block with wireless charging, but the mobile phone iPhone 13 Pro size cannot be completely flat on it.


  Due to the size of the vehicle, its trunk is not much space after being packed into three suitcases of 20, 24, and 28 inches. There is a storage compartment on each side that can hold two bottles of mineral water, suitable for small items.

  This test car is a high-end model. In addition to a complete active safety system, 19-inch wheels and front seat heating are exclusive configurations. Panoramic sunroof and automatic headlights are standard in all models. In addition, medium and high-end models also have electric tailgates, which are rare in small SUVs.




  The paint of Lynk & Co 06 is uniform and warm, and the assembly process is also good. We selected three positions on the body to measure the left and right sheet metal joints respectively, and the difference between the two sides of several parts is not large.


  The center console has a relatively obvious Lynk & Co family design, and the materials used have always been Lynk & Co’s specialty. The mix and match of various materials and colors makes this small SUV look neither monotonous nor cheap.



  The color and material of this Lynk & Co 06 seat give people a very novel feeling. The front seat is thick, the hardness is moderate, and the wrapping is also good. The headrest of the rear seat is softer than expected, but the seat cushion is slightly shorter.


  The rear child seat interface of Lynk & Co 06 is not on the bright side. When connecting, you need to extend the seat connector into the opening left by the seat surface. Fortunately, it is not very deep. In addition, due to the small area of the back door, you still need to pay a little attention when handling the seat.



  The sound insulation of the Lynk & Co 06 is not very good. In fact, the sound of the engine is really low. The main source of noise is the floor. After the speed exceeds 60km/h, the tire noise is transmitted into the car, which is more obvious. And when the driver’s side A pillar reaches a speed of about 80km/h, a slight whistle will begin to appear.

◆ Dynamic evaluation



More exciting videos are available on the Autohome video platform

Lynk & Co 06 2020 1.5T Yao HaloAutohomeAutohomeAutohome

More exciting videos are available on the Autohome video platform

  The maximum power of the 1.5T three-cylinder engine is 177 horsepower, 255 Nm, and it is matched with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox. The temperature on the day of the test is 21 ° C, and the starting speed can reach a maximum of 3800rpm when accelerating. After turning off the ESC, the front wheels are obviously slipping, and the speed of 1st gear up and 2nd gear is slow, which affects some speeds. After 5 ejections, the oil temperature of the gearbox rises, and the starting speed can only reach a maximum of 2000rpm. Although the starting speed will return to normal after a few minutes of heat dissipation, the shift time will still be advanced. The 1st gear will be up at about 4000rpm, and the final 0-100km/h fastest time is 8.9 seconds.

  Although you will feel that the speed of 1st gear up and 2nd gear is slow during the test, you will not feel that the downshift is very slow in the rhythm of daily driving. The power response of Lynk & Co 06 is relatively positive, and the mid-to-late acceleration is also relatively powerful in the same class, which can also be reflected in the midway acceleration results.

  The smoothness of this dual-clutch transmission is really good. During a few days of driving, whether it is at high or low speed, there has been almost no noticeable setback in shifting gears. It’s just that when the brakes are loosened at the start, the combination is still not as dry as the AT.


  The steering wheel is light, and the front of the car responds quickly to the steering wheel, which makes the driver feel very dexterous. The directivity is not comparable to that of a performance car, but at least the direction of the front of the car is in line with the driver’s expectations.


  The ESC of Lynk & Co 06 will automatically turn on after the speed exceeds 70km/h, and there will be no torque steering, whether it is in a static acceleration test or when the accelerator is pushed to the bottom during driving.


  The suspension is relatively resilient at the beginning, and daily driving will feel that the dynamic response of the body is more positive, but the overall adjustment is still more comfortable. When steering rapidly and sharply, the suspension compression is still more obvious, and the continuous pile winding test will show a trend of understeering.


  Suspension for small bumps will remove excess annoying vibration, retaining a considerable part of the road feeling, the whole process is relatively straightforward, and the sense of advanced in the same class is more prominent.

◆ Safety evaluation

Lynk & Co 06 2020 1.5T Yao HaloAutohomeAutohome

More exciting videos are available on the Autohome video platform

  The braking force of Lynk & Co 06 can be fully released in the early stage of braking, and the foot feel is also easy to adapt to. The average score of 10 tests is 37.23 meters, which is remarkable. It is also worth mentioning that after 10 consecutive tests, the braking system did not experience thermal attenuation.


More exciting videos are available on the Autohome video platform

  The compact body layout gives it a very flexible side in the fast-paced driving process. The suspension can provide sufficient support in the face of rapid center of gravity transfer, and the steering feel is light, but the pointing speed is relatively positive, with clear pointing feedback. The intervention of the electronic assistance system is relatively linear. When entering the B zone in the A zone, the system will only exert a slight force, and the vehicle can easily enter the B zone with good controllability. In the B zone, the electronic assistance began to intervene vigorously. After effectively reducing the speed, it easily completed the test, and the final passing speed was 70.4km/h.

  As an SUV, the Lynk & Co 06’s sitting position is still higher than that of the car, the rear window is not tilted at a large angle, the size of the rearview mirror is normal, the field of vision is good, and there is no discomfort.




  Lynk & Co 06’s passive safety configuration is uniform across the entire system. In addition to the most basic main and co-pilot airbags, front and rear side air curtains and front side airbags are standard. For small SUVs, this should be praised.

◆ Economic evaluation

  The price has always been the advantage of Chinese brands, this 1.5T Yao Halo guide price is 138,600 yuan, its configuration is quite rich, driving texture and the quality of the car are good, to know this price if you buy Honda Bing Zhi, you can’t even buy 1.5L high-end.


 During the fuel consumption test, we turned on the air conditioner at 23 degrees Celsius and drove 103.5km at an average speed of 31km/h, consuming a total of 9.83L of fuel and measuring an average fuel consumption of 9.5L/100km. This is indeed not fuel-efficient for a small SUV. The lack of automatic start-stop function also affects fuel consumption to a certain extent.

◆ Intelligent evaluation



  Lynk & Co 06’s adaptive cruise and lane keeping were only available on high-end models. In actual use, the ACC was easy to operate, followed the car at a suitable distance, and the deceleration when there was a car jammed was relatively linear. However, the level of the lane keeping assistance system was still relatively basic, and the vehicle could not keep driving in the middle of the lane at all times, but would only slightly correct the direction after frequent contact with the lane line.




  Lynk & Co 06 uses a dual 10.25-inch screen configuration and is standard on the whole series. The car has rich functions and a lot of online content, but the car interface is a little cumbersome, and there are occasional cards when sliding. The voice control system has a high recognition rate for commonly used instructions such as navigation or music information retrieval.

◆ Summary

● Comfort evaluation

  The comfort part of Lynk & Co 06 scored 18.5 points, much higher than the average score of 11.75 points in the same class. On the one hand, the interview driving is the top model, and the configuration part scored higher. In addition, the workmanship and materials of the whole vehicle are better in the same class, while the noise part should be said that 06 is not doing well, but the same class is generally worse.

Dynamic evaluation

   The dynamic part of the Lynk & Co 06 scored 11.5 points, and the same class scored 10.75 points. Since the same class is basically not equipped with four-wheel drive, this part of the score is 0, so we will skip it. The Lynk & Co 06’s acceleration score gives it an above-average score in the engine section, and the steering and driving comfort are also better than average. The lower score is the transmission.

● Safety evaluation

  The safety part of Lynk & Co 06 scored 13.44 points, higher than the average of 11.68 in the same class. On the one hand, its good braking performance earned it points, and the number of airbags also had an advantage in the same class.

● Economic evaluation

  The economic part of Lynk & Co 06 scored 4.76 points, lower than the average of 6.16 points in the same class. Its price is more advantageous than that of a number of joint venture models, but the fuel consumption is seriously hindered. In addition, the whole series does not automatically start and stop, and it also loses points in the environmental protection part.

● Intelligent evaluation

  The intelligent part of Lynk & Co 06 scored 15.4 points, higher than the average of 13.8 points in the same class. The high-end model has a more complete active safety configuration, and the performance of the multimedia system is also slightly higher than that of the same class.

● AH-100 total score

How much is the Huawei P7? Huawei P7 price

How much is the Huawei P7?

  The current pre-sale price of Huawei P7 is 2888 yuan.

  Huawei P7 is available in three colors: black, white and pink. The global version is priced at 449 euros. The first batch will be sold in more than 30 countries and regions including the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France and Spain in May. So how much is the Huawei P7? The price of Huawei P7 is 2,888 yuan.

  In the Chinese market, Huawei P7 will launch mobile, China Unicom and telecom versions, and plans to start pre-sale simultaneously at 10:00 am on May 8, 2014 in Huawei Mall, JD.com, Tmall Huawei Flagship Store, Suning.com, Gome Online, No. 1 Store, and Amazon. The current pre-sale price is 2888 yuan.

How much is the Huawei P7?

  In terms of configuration, Huawei P7 uses its own HiSilicon Kirin 910T 1.8GHz quad-core processor, 1.8GHz main frequency, 2GB RAM + 16GB ROM, and supports a maximum of 64GB memory expansion. 5.0-inch 1080P resolution IPS screen, using in-cell technology, the front and back bodies cover the third-generation Corning Gorilla Glass.

Huawei P7 price

  The price of the Huawei P7 is 2888 yuan.

  As Huawei’s key model this year, P7’s performance is remarkable: the continuation of the P6’s lightness and appearance style, the system is more smooth and user-friendly, and the performance has also been improved. 13 million + 8 million pixel camera is suitable for selfies and is also suitable for shooting others. In general, Huawei P7 has made no small improvement compared to the previous generation, and the performance in all aspects is also very balanced.

Huawei P7 price

  Huawei P7 has 13 million pixel rear + 8 million pixel front-facing camera, the main camera adopts F2.0 aperture, Sony 4th generation stack sensor. Based on Android 4.4.2 customized Emotion 2.3 operating system and 2500mAh capacity battery. Support 5-mode 10-band, support TD-LTE, TD-SCDMA, GSM, FDD-LTE, WCDMA (the latter two only support international roaming).

  Summary of the question of how much the Huawei P7 costs. The current pre-sale price of the Huawei P7 is 2888 yuan. Overall, while inheriting the exterior design outline of the Huawei P6, the Huawei P7 boldly overturned the all-metal design and switched to double-sided gorilla glass, while adding composite textures to the back. The overall feel makes people know that it is the P series at a glance, but it also gives people a refreshing surprise.

The new BYD Tang EV is on the market, with a price of 279,800.

On June 1, 2022, the new BYD Tang (parameter picture) EV was officially launched, with a price of 279,800. See the table below for details. The new BYD Tang EV is a mid-term modified model. The front face of the new car adopts the front face of BYD Dynasty electric family, and it is changed into a closed shape, which gives people a fresher feeling. BYD Tang EV is currently BYD’s flagship SUV model. After the mid-term change, the new car will come standard with 7 seats, and it can be upgraded with 6 seats for 10,000 yuan.

We can see that the price range of the new BYD Tang EV is 27.98-33.98 million yuan. The new car has three configurations to choose from, namely, the 600-kilometer battery life exclusive type, the 730-kilometer battery life exclusive type and the 635-kilometer battery life four-wheel drive flagship type. It has two kinds of blade batteries to choose from.

If the first generation of BYD Tang stands firm with the strength of "road tank", then the second generation of Tang has added the item of face value on the basis of strength, and its appearance is really reasonable, even before the mid-term change. The biggest change in the appearance of the new BYD Tang EV is its front face, which adopts a closed design, with only an air inlet below and a silver diversion shovel at the bottom. The top half of the front face of the new car adopts a very layered design, with a wide silver decoration at the top and its Chinese logo in the middle. The whole front face has a strong gas field.

There is no change in the side of the new Tang EV, but it can play well, with a suspended roof and a black painting style for the D-pillar. The side of the new car body has a sharp waistline, and its black wheel eyebrows are very delicate. The side of the body of the new Tang EV is very eye-catching, fashionable and sporty as a whole.

In the rear part of the car, the new car has a layered design. It has a penetrating taillight group. The taillight is three-dimensional and prominent. Although it is simple, it looks very atmospheric, and the lower part of the tail has a groove design. The part surrounded by the bottom of the new car is also very delicate, and the two ends are shaped like weapons.

In the interior, the new car adopts a family style, with a two-piece steering wheel, which is very atmospheric. The central control large screen of the new car is suspended and rotatable, and there are obvious atmosphere lights on the center console, which are interspersed on the panel. In terms of configuration, the new car is equipped with a Dana stereo, and the front seats support heating, ventilation and massage. In terms of power, the 600 km exclusive model of the new car is equipped with a motor with an output of 228 horsepower; The 730 km exclusive model is equipped with a 245 HP motor; The 635km four-wheel drive flagship is equipped with a 180kW+200kW motor, which accelerates for 4.4 seconds in 100km. In terms of battery, the 635km four-wheel drive model and the 730km exclusive model of the new car use 108.8kWh blade battery, while the battery capacity of the 630km exclusive model is smaller.

Leaking Xiaomi Auto, both companies apologized: fire employees and never hire them!

On December 20th, the Red Star Capital Bureau reported that ZAKER official blog issued the "Apology Statement on Xiaomi Automobile Information Disclosure", saying that Bao Moumou, an employee of the automobile division, had been dismissed and would never be hired. A few days ago, Xiaomi Automobile’s real car shooting scene map was exposed, and it was suspected that the media leaked out when shooting the scene map.

In the apology statement, it was mentioned that on December 17th, 2023, ZAKER was invited to participate in the static product tasting shooting activity of Xiaomi Automobile. Before the activity, Bao Moumou, an employee of our automobile division, signed the Confidentiality Commitment Letter.

During the tasting shooting, Bao Moumou mistakenly thought that the photos of Xiaomi Automobile publicized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology were the materials shot by other media in the same place, and mistakenly thought that your company (Xiaomi Automobile) was allowed to publicly release the photographed photos, so he sent three work tidbits with Xiaomi Automobile to his personal WeChat circle of friends for personal purposes without the permission of your company (Xiaomi Automobile) on-site staff and without informing our company, and was reminded by the on-site staff. Bao Moumou immediately realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately deleted the content of the circle of friends. The release time lasted about 5 minutes, but the photos have spread and caused heated discussion on the Internet.

Our company attached great importance to the incident after learning of it, and immediately set up an incident investigation team on the same day to verify the relevant situation and relevant personnel. Bao Moumou, the employee involved, was fully aware of his own mistakes, and our company severely criticized and educated Bao Moumou. His personal behavior of unauthorized disclosure has seriously violated the rules and regulations of ZAKER Employee Manual and the confidentiality obligations of employees. According to the relevant rules and regulations of the company, our company dismissed Bao Moumou, an employee of the automobile division, and never hired him.

The incident was triggered by our employees’ violation of the Confidentiality Commitment Letter, which brought some pressure and influence to your company. We sincerely apologize for this. Our company is willing to maintain active communication with your company, and cooperate with your company to take all necessary measures to properly handle the adverse effects caused by leaks and emotional incidents and fulfill its due responsibilities.

At the same time, our company will earnestly learn lessons, reflect deeply, take a warning, comprehensively strengthen the legal awareness, confidentiality awareness and professional ethics education of relevant teams and employees, and resolutely put an end to the recurrence of such incidents.

"Xiaobai buys a car" apologizes:

On the afternoon of December 20th, Xiaobai bought a car and issued a "Statement on the Number of Information Leaks of Xiaomi Automobile" to apologize.

The statement said: On December 17, 2023, our company participated in the tasting and shooting activities of Xiaomi’s static products. Before that, our photographer Guan Moumou had signed the Confidentiality Commitment Letter. After the filming ended that night, Guan Moumou mistakenly thought that the confidentiality was limited to the company platform. Without the permission of the on-site staff and without informing the company, he sent a partial photo of the car penalty taken on the spot to two WeChat friends for personal reasons, and was later forwarded to the riders by his friends. When he realized the seriousness of the problem, the photo had been expanded on the network and could not be withdrawn.

We are deeply sorry for this, because we violated the "Confidentiality Commitment" and caused pressure and loss to Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd.. After careful reflection and internal investigation, this incident was caused by the weak legal awareness of employees in our enterprise, the lack of contract concept, personal misconduct, and the inadequate internal management supervision of our enterprise. Here, we sincerely apologize to all the affected people and Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd.

In order to ensure that this kind of incident will not happen again, our company has seriously criticized Guan Moumou, and his unauthorized disclosure has seriously violated the company’s rules and regulations and affected the company’s reputation. Therefore, according to the relevant rules and regulations of the company, our company will dismiss Guan Moumou and never hire him. And here we solemnly promise that we will strictly abide by laws and regulations, fulfill confidentiality obligations and re-train and educate all employees of the company in the future.

Once again, I sincerely apologize to all the affected people and Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd. Our company will maintain a positive communication attitude, do its due duty, cooperate with all relevant investigations of Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., and properly handle the impact caused by this leak.

Xiaomi is angry! Lei jun forwarding

On December 19th, Xiaomi Group issued a statement in the official Weibo, saying that recently, malicious leaks and false rumors about Xiaomi automobile appeared in batches on the Internet, and the company made a formal response.

The statement mentioned that on December 17th, Bao Moumou, an employee of the media "ZAKER", and Guan Moumou, an employee of "Xiaobai Buying a Car", intentionally leaked the confidential shooting content without permission, knowing the confidentiality obligation and corresponding penalties. As verified by Xiaomi Group’s confidential management team, the above two people have admitted their violation of confidentiality obligations.

After communicating with its media, Xiaomi will investigate the responsibility of the two people and their media for leaking secrets according to the corresponding provisions of the Confidentiality Commitment signed by both parties, including but not limited to public apologies and fines.

At the same time, Xiaomi Group verified that in November and December, 2023, three former employees of Xiaomi Automobile Department participated in the so-called "Xiaomi Automobile Seminar" organized by external brokers and investment institutions without permission for the purpose of collecting "consulting fees". Xiaomi said that it "spread a lot of wrong and false information, seriously misleading the market and disrupting the normal business development of Xiaomi Automobile".

Xiaomi said that the above three employees seriously violated the Code of Conduct for Employees of Xiaomi Group and the confidentiality obligations stipulated by the company. Xiaomi Group has dismissed them and never hired them, and investigated their legal responsibilities according to law. At the same time, Xiaomi Group reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility for brokers and investment institutions that organize related activities.

On the evening of December 19th, Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi, forwarded the Statement on his personal Weibo, and sent three expressions of bowing.

According to public information, the car involved in this leak is Xiaomi SU7, and the content involved is the static experience spy photos of Xiaomi SU7.

According to the interface news report, with the gradual exposure of various configuration data of Xiaomi Automobile, the last remaining key information is the price. Earlier, it was reported that Xiaomi SU7 will be available in four versions, with the price ranging from 190,000 to 300,000 yuan. The official has not released the information yet, and the sales staff also said that it is still unclear.

Some analysts predict that the lowest price of Xiaomi car starting at 190,000 yuan is hard to be surprised, and I am afraid it will not be able to replicate the sensation caused by the original price of Xiaomi mobile phone at 1999 yuan. In addition, for Xiaomi, which is famous for its cost performance, Xiaomi still needs to establish its own advantages in terms of performance and design.

Xiaomi Automobile has invested 3400 engineers.

R&D expenditure exceeds 10 billion yuan.

According to the news of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in official website on November 15th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the contents of the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products (the 377th batch) and the Catalogue of Energy-saving and New Energy-using Vehicles with Vehicle and Vessel Tax Relief (the 56th batch), and two Xiaomi brand pure electric cars were listed.

According to the public information, the trademark of Xiaomi Automobile is Xiaomi brand, which is a pure electric car, and the manufacturer is Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd.

Recently, Xiaomi Automobile has caused a heated discussion. A few days ago, Lei Jun, the chairman of Xiaomi, a figure in the heat center, also appeared in front of the public to express his views on Xiaomi Automobile. In an interview with CCTV news "Face to Face", Lei Jun said that Xiaomi’s investment in building cars is ten times that of other automakers. For example, he said that the average car brand invested 300 to 400 people in building a car, and the cost was 1 billion to 2 billion yuan, while the first car of Xiaomi Automobile invested 3,400 engineers as a whole, and the research and development cost exceeded 10 billion yuan.

However, Lei Jun also expressed his concern about the sales situation. He was worried that no one would buy Xiaomi after it went on the market, and that everyone would buy it, but it would take a year or two.

Source: Comprehensive Red Star journalist Wu Danruo, Red Star News previously reported, national business daily

Original title: "Leaking Xiaomi Auto, both companies apologize: fire employees and never hire! 》

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BYD’s "Deluxe Tang" spy photos are exposed! Will it be released within the year and sold for 300,000?

According to the plan, three new cars will be launched this year, including a medium-sized SUV and a medium-sized SUV, in addition to the pre-sale D9. Recently, Zhao Changjiang, general manager of Tengshi Sales Division, has also started to preheat medium-sized SUVs on his personal social platform, and the new car is positioned as a luxury and fashionable five-seat SUV. The online auto market has obtained a set of road test spy photos of Tengshi X. The new car is not excluded as a shell test car of a new medium-sized SUV, and will replace the existing Tengshi X in the future. With reference to Tengshi’s pricing strategy, it is estimated that the starting price of the new car may be around 300,000 yuan.