Jackie Chan attends the opening ceremony of "China Story", tears for the opening ceremony

Jackie Chan (center) and Yu Dan (right) attend the opening ceremony of "China Story" on August 9. Photo by Cao Ji

Lei Yulan (right), Vice Governor of Guangdong Province, unveils the "Guangdong Hut". Photo by Cao Jili

    At the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China presented a beautiful freehand painting of Chinese civilization to the world. Just a few hours after the emotion and passion had not yet cooled, another wonderful Chinese legend kicked off in the public area of the Olympic Park. A large-scale cultural exhibition called "China Story" was officially opened in the public area of the Olympic Park on the morning of August 9. Leaders and representatives of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee and 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country, as well as stars such as Jackie Chan, Zhou Huajian, Mok Wen Wei, Yu Dan, sociologists and 30 representatives of folk artists appeared on the same stage to tell Chinese stories.

  Jackie Chan burst into tears at the opening ceremony

  At 10 am, the Chinese story and culture exhibition area in the public area of the Olympic Park unfolded a huge scroll with seals engraved with the names of 30 provinces, regions and cities, which dyed the beautiful and quiet public areas in the past with a cultural atmosphere. During the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games, more than 30 "auspicious cloud huts" will display China’s national cultural heritage and the vibrant ethnic and folk cultures of various regions through live handicraft performances and audience participation and interaction. Stars and folk artists such as Jackie Chan and Yu Dan became the biggest highlights of the opening ceremony.

  Jackie Chan and Yu Dan, who have made Hollywood famous for Chinese kung fu and become the pride of all Chinese people, and who have become famous promoters of the revival of Sinology in the new century by promoting traditional culture, when the two heavyweight guests gathered at the opening ceremony to talk about "China’s story in the eyes of the world", they collided with a lot of ideological sparks. "We should build a small courtyard and put some things on it so that people around the world can see our Chinese culture." Jackie Chan said that he was present at the opening ceremony the night before, and he cried when the torch was lit. "This is not the first time I have cried for the Beijing Olympics. As a Chinese, the Olympic Games are held in my own country, and on such an occasion, no one can suppress the excitement. The Chinese are good, and the opening ceremony is a perfect start." Like Jackie Chan, Yu Dan, a scholar, said the opening ceremony would give the world a better understanding of Chinese culture. "I hope that Chinese culture can use the platform of the Olympic Games to go to the world and let the world see the real wonders of China."

  Zhou Huajian and his mixed-race son sing on stage

  "Everyone is equally useful. Volunteer, invariably. Forget yourself, and be open-minded. I am a star, embellishing the sky…" As a special pair of volunteers at the opening ceremony, Zhou Huajian and his son took the stage to sing the volunteer theme song "I am a star". Referring to his mixed-race son Zhou Houan, Zhou Huajian was very proud. "We are both volunteers for the Olympic Games. Before the opening of the Olympic Games, he had already reported to his assigned area – ‘China Story’. I heard from the staff that he was very diligent. He helped my brother and sister who were filming documentaries carry the machines every day and went out on location, which made my father a lot of light." Joining Zhou Huajian and others at the Olympic Park to help promote Chinese culture during the Olympic Games, Mok Wenwei and Sun Nan also sang passionately on stage, kicking off the "China Story".

  According to reports, in the more than 30 auspicious cloud huts in the Chinese Story Exhibition Area of the Olympic Public Area, the best national intangible cultural heritage retained by various provinces, regions and cities will be highlighted in a space of 60 to 80 square meters. Jiangsu brocade worth tens of millions, wonderful and moving Kunqu Opera performances, interesting Shaanxi shadow puppets, hidden entrances in Chongqing face-changing, colorful and fragrant sugar paintings… The "Chinese Story" cultural exhibition activities use novel and diverse forms of display such as pictures, real objects, multimedia audio-visual arts, combined with live handicraft performances and audience participation and interaction, to vividly tell friends from all over the world about the beauty of Chinese culture.

  Related Links: Guangdong Cottage

  Among the more than 30 auspicious cloud huts in the "Chinese Story" exhibition area, the Guangdong hut of "Yueyun Chaofeng" is quite eye-catching. In the hut, audiences from all over the world can enjoy exquisite gold wood carvings, tide embroidery, wide embroidery, wide color, ceramics, Duan inkstone and other art treasures, and experience the long-standing Lingnan culture. That morning, Vice Governor Lei Yulan attended the opening ceremony of China Story, unveiling the "Guangdong hut".

  Among the exhibits, it was revealed, was a giant gold wood carving from Chaozhou, the "treasure of the town house" of "Guangdong Hut" – about 1.8 meters high and more than 2 meters wide, with the theme of the "Bird’s Nest" in the National Stadium, showing the moving scene of birds coming and dancing around the "Bird’s Nest".

Editor in charge: Li Dan

Ask the World Speed Reproduction AITO Ask the World M5 Smart Driving Edition for the first time in the country, delivered in Wuhan one after another

On June 16th, the "AITO Ask the World M5 Series · Huawei Advanced Intelligent Driving Edition Urban Intelligent Driving Experience Day – Wuhan Station Media Field" event was held in the AITO Authorized User Center · Wuhan University Park Road, and a number of mainstream media were invited to participate in the intelligent driving experience. This event aims to invite the media to actually experience the HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system and Hongmeng intelligent cockpit 3.0, and experience the powerful advantages of the "Double Intelligent Ceiling" Ask the World M5 intelligent driving version in terms of intelligence, performance, safety and comfort.

At the same time, the 2023 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Auto Show officially opened in Shenzhen. AITO asked the world all models appeared at the auto show and held the delivery ceremony of the first batch of owners of the AITO asked the world M5 Huawei high-end intelligent driving version, marking the official start of the national large-scale delivery of the M5 intelligent driving version. This is another milestone event after AITO asked the world to complete 100,000 cars in only 15 months on May 27. On the day of the event, the first batch of delivery ceremonies of the Wuhan AITO asked the world M5 intelligent driving version were also held. A customized delivery and pickup session was held for the first five owners on the spot.

Q Jie M5 smart driving version has been officially listed on April 17, its official guide prices are, extended version: rear drive smart driving version price 279,800 yuan, four-wheel drive smart driving version price 299,800 yuan; EV version: rear drive smart driving version price 289,800 yuan, four-wheel drive smart driving version price 309,800 yuan. The car is the first model equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-end intelligent driving system and Hongmeng intelligent cockpit 3.0 at the same time, realizing an intelligent driving experience that is infinitely close to L3.

Yu Chengdong, executive director of Huawei, CEO of end point BG, and CEO of smart car solutions BU, said at the delivery ceremony: "Thank you to the first batch of owners for choosing the Wenjie M5 smart driving version, which is equipped with a million luxury car-level all-aluminum chassis to bring extreme control. The innovative intelligent range extension technology makes it have abundant power and extremely low energy consumption at all times. Hongmeng smart cockpit and HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-end intelligent driving solution" Double Smart Ceiling "create an intelligent car experience. Moreover, we will be the first to land the urban NCA function that does not rely on high definition maps in 15 cities in the third quarter, bringing a safer and more comfortable travel experience for people and smart drivers."

Equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-level intelligent driving system, the Q & A M5 smart driving version is equipped with 1 overhead lidar, 3 millimeter-wave radars, 11 high definition cameras and 12 ultrasonic radars. Superimposed with new antenna technology, the signal is doubled, and high-speed and urban high-level intelligent driving functions that do not rely on high-precision maps are realized, bringing a pleasant high-level intelligent driving experience. On the basis of the fusion of BEV (Bird Eye View Aerial View) sensing ability, the Q & A M5 smart driving version is the first GOD network in the industry, which can identify special-shaped objects outside the whitelist of general obstacles. Combined with the road topology reasoning network, it can be driven with pictures and no pictures, so that vehicles can see, understand, and drive better.

The Wenjie M5 Smart Driving Edition is equipped with a HarmonyOS 3 smart cockpit. The intelligent perception in the car goes further, allowing the car to adapt to people and realize all-round automatic adjustment of seat position, HUD height, and rearview mirror position. At the same time, a number of new software and hardware technologies are loaded: the first boarding of spatial audio technology, combined with 19 units of professional-grade audio, allows users to visit the performance scene of the National Grand Theater in person; the rear HUAWEI MagLink magic suction car interface, which can be connected immediately to realize multi-device linkage, such as controlling the content watched by children on the rear tablet, front and rear team games, dual-screen access to conferences, etc., makes the Wenjie M5 Smart Driving Edition easily become the user’s exclusive study, game hall or conference room. HarmonyOS 3 also further integrates the car and mobile phone: the PC car-machine interconnection function makes the temporary office in the car more efficient; the address navigation circulation function in the mobile phone application allows the car to be navigated at a touch of the mobile phone.

In terms of power, the M5 Smart Driving Edition is equipped with HUAWEI DriveONE pure electric drive platform and HUAWEI DATS dynamic adaptive torque system and other technologies, with a pure electric battery life of 255km and a long comprehensive battery life of 1425km. In terms of space, the rear leg space of the M5 Smart Driving Edition is optimized to 870mm, allowing passengers to sit for a long time without getting tired; the trunk volume is 369L, and the rear row can be expanded to 776L after being laid down. With 3500W reverse charging, it still supports more than 800km of battery life after a week of camping in the wild, easily meeting travel needs.

The launch of the AITO Qinjie M5 series · Huawei high-end intelligent driving version not only enriches the choice of car buyers for the current AITO Qinjie models, but also elevates the intelligence of new energy vehicles to a new height, making driving more "intelligent". I believe that under Huawei’s deep empowerment, Qinjie cars will be favored by more users.

Fault leader, Jiangsu Satellite TV New Year’s Eve concert is amazing

You can always trust Jiangsu Satellite TV’s New Year’s Eve stage!

On December 31, 2022, at 19:30, the 2023 New Year’s Eve Concert of Jiangsu Satellite TV, which integrates true singing, strength, technology and temperature, began to sing in a shocking manner at the Cotai Arena in Macau, achieving the record of leading the fault and four firsts.

This concert is guided by the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with the theme of "Lighting up Happiness with Struggle", and takes the "we" in the struggle as the core theme, paying tribute to every struggling you, me, and him. The quality and creativity of the "Asia Top Show" will be continued, revisiting one classic old song after another, savoring one beautiful new song after another, drawing inspiration and strength from the memories of the past, and taking courage to embark on a new journey at a new starting point.

Struggle is the courage to move forward

"Struggle Narrator" takes the stage as the "finishing touch"

"Tonight, we use the New Year’s Eve concert to send our sincerest wishes to the audience and friends. May this winter be accompanied by warmth, and all the good things will come as scheduled in the spring of the coming year." At the beginning of the party, this warm and powerful greeting hit the soft hearts of the audience, highlighting the base color of the whole party that soothes and inspires people.

Jiangsu Satellite TV’s 2023 New Year’s Eve Concert takes the "us" in the struggle as the core main line, carefully choreographed and carefully depicted eight sections, and representatives from all walks of life formed the "struggle narrator" to open each section.

Yu Ruofei, a representative of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the captain of the Gansu Blue Sky Rescue Team, told "Self-improving Us", "Moving China’s 2021 Person of the Year" Chen Beier told "We Walk Together", Huang Jialun, chairman of the Macao Patriotic Youth Education Association, shared "We Who Love Life", Tao Jianzhong, an aerospace expert, shared "We Who Dream of the Future", host Yang Lan showed "We Who Promote the National Style", and women’s volleyball world champion Zhang Changning showed "We Who Are Full of Youth". Their stories of struggle deeply moved every audience, and they bravely rushed to 2023 with a more passionate yearning for a better life!

As the "finishing touch" of each chapter, their struggle story also brings a more appropriate expression to the subsequent music.

For example, after Yu Ruofei shared his rescue story, Xue Zhiqian’s partner Guo Guanting sang the heart of the striver with a song "The Lone Brave", "Fight? Fight! With the humblest dream." Whether it is headwinds or desperate situations, you should strive to fight for yourself and your dreams.

Similarly, after Chen Bei’er shared her "infinite road", Alan Tam, Zhong Chuxi, Shan Yichun, and Zhang Chunye sang the firm determination of Hong Kong compatriots to stand with the motherland through thick and thin, and at the same time, it was in line with the hot event of the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, which immediately raised the whole party’s intention.

Struggle is the charm of rooted professionalism

Bringing together the top singers in the Chinese music industry, presenting "Good job"

In this dizzying music extravaganza, the singers all offered "good jobs", bringing a sense of surprise that was "unexpected and reasonable".

As soon as the party opened, INTO1 sang the magnificent rivers and mountains of the motherland with a song "Mountains and Rivers Map", opened the prelude "We who are rushing to the mountains and rivers", and painted the magnificent mountains and rivers with music. The final "We who are moving forward bravely" was performed by Liao Changyong and Sheng Mei’s affectionate song "Pilot", praising the new era and new journey, and drew a perfect end to the party. Echoing each other one by one, INTO1 sang together the strong voice of "Contemporary China, the country is magnificent, the people are heroic, and the future is great".

Sun Nan used the two classic old songs of "See You or Don’t Scatter" and "As Long as You’re Better Than Me" to sing the warm emotions of people watching each other and supporting each other; Xue Zhiqian brought songs such as "Countless" and "What Do You Want Me to Do", and "Xue’s Love Song" gave people a delicate and warm inner touch; Zhang Jie sang many songs such as "Ten Years of Countermeasure", "Whose Tears Are Flying + The Most Familiar Stranger", "White Dove Swan", "Dragon Roar", singing the courage of dream chasers to move forward and be firm and fearless; Zhou Shen joined hands with "Plum Blossom Award" winner Wang Danhong and more than 20 Peking Opera actors, and a "Light" showcased the beauty of the quintessence of the country; Tan Weiwei made a high-pitched note, from "If There Is Afterlife" to "Shanhai" to the classic folk songs of Yuefu "The Song of the Emperor" sings the heroic spirit of bravery and fearlessness.

There are more Wang Junkai through Weiya, from the flash bridge to the main stage, blood singing "Thousand Miles Return" "We Will Rock You", bringing a "heaven to earth" music journey, #Wang Junkai single-handed hanging Weiya #topic also instantly reached the top and continued to top the chart, ranking first in the main search list of Weibo, becoming the first "explosive" topic of all New Year’s Eve parties; modern brother Liu Yuning wearing ancient costumes singing "Looking for One You", Zhang Yifan in a brilliant white dress danced, like a touch of shock in a beautiful love picture scroll. Li Yuchun continued the zero-point finale, singing "internal organs" in a hollow heart-shaped device, singing his hope and love for life in a gentle voice.

"It sounds so good" "It’s too burning"… Litchi New Year’s Eve has captured the hearts of countless audiences. On the last night of 2022, she offered deep and innocent feelings, presenting the "two-way rush" of traditional opera and pop music, singing a common heart and full of hope.

Struggle is the courage to dare to try

Virtual technology empowers "New Year’s Eve assists"

In order to present a "fantastic, interesting, magical and beautiful" New Year’s Eve party, this year Jiangsu Satellite TV also used virtual technology to provide blessings for artistic effects, explore the meta-universe gameplay, and realize the MAX of technological power.

For example, when G.E.M. Deng Ziqi was performing "Gloria", a sea of Wang Yang suddenly appeared on both sides of the stage. G.E.M. Deng Ziqi stood in the middle of a blue water and sang softly, the picture was beautiful.

Zhang Liangying gently sang "At Any Time", a huge phantom appeared on the stage, and the VR painting broke through the dimensional wall.

When Tan Weiwei sang "If there is an afterlife", the audience’s favorite "Big Blue Whale" also made a dreamy appearance. I saw it break out of the screen, presenting mysterious and peculiar visual effects.

This concert has created digital people for many singers, presenting a perfect blend of real people, digital people, virtual scenes, and real stages on the screen.

When Zhou Shen sang "TRY", there were many Zhou Shen on the stage, or bowed his head in thought, or hesitated, or courageously moved forward, presenting excellent visual effects. The most representative is Wang Yuan. When he sang "New Boy + I Can Light the Torch by Myself", he and his digital people formed a "five-person band", some playing the piano, some beating the drum, and some singing, achieving the wonderful feeling of "one person is a band". #Five Wangyuan #also topped the hot search list, becoming another main list for Litchi New Year’s Eve.

It is not difficult to see from the hot search topics such as #Liu Yuning New Year’s Eve Magpie Bridge Stage #, #Xue Zhiqian New Year’s Eve Air Walking The Most Beautiful Overpass #, #Xue Zhiqian Zhang Liangying High-altitude Glass Bridge Stage is very acceptable #, etc. As the core visual element, "bridge" makes the stage shine. This year, Jiangsu Satellite TV broke the tradition of single-layer stage for New Year’s Eve, innovatively designed a three-dimensional structure of double-layer stage, and used a giant arch bridge to span the first-floor stage to form a three-dimensional spatial effect, leading the "Asian Top Show" to advance again.

From the results, the stage creativity also gave the audience a new visual experience. More than 20 groups of artists brought more than 50 performances that night, each show was tailor-made and carefully crafted, with the blessing of creative dance art and virtual technology, presenting excellent visual effects.

Everything in the past is a prelude. 2023 has arrived. The new year will continue to "light up happiness with struggle" and create miracles with struggle.

There are bright spots and deficiencies, test Lynk & Co 06 1.5T Yao Halo

  [Autohome professional evaluation] Today’s introduction is Lynk & Co’s smallest SUV – 06, the specific model is the 2020 1.5T Yao Halo, its guide price is 138,600 yuan, if not the pink special edition, then it is the current top model of the whole series, the following is its test report.


◆ Comfort evaluation

Lynk & Co 06 2020 1.5T Yao Halo

Lynk & Co 06 2020 1.5T Yao Halo

Lynk & Co 06 2020 1.5T Yao Halo

  The 180cm-tall experiencer sits in the front row, and after adjusting the seat to the lowest level, there are still 4 fingers in the head space, which is quite normal. Keep the front seat position unchanged and come to the back row, there is still 1 punch margin in the head, and 1 punch and 3 fingers in the legroom. This performance is still good for small SUVs.

Lynk & Co 06 2020 1.5T Yao Halo

Lynk & Co 06 2020 1.5T Yao Halo

  The storage space position of (|) is more conventional, and the space cannot be considered large, such as the mobile phone slot in front of the block with wireless charging, but the mobile phone iPhone 13 Pro size cannot be completely flat on it.


  Due to the size of the vehicle, its trunk is not much space after being packed into three suitcases of 20, 24, and 28 inches. There is a storage compartment on each side that can hold two bottles of mineral water, suitable for small items.

  This test car is a high-end model. In addition to a complete active safety system, 19-inch wheels and front seat heating are exclusive configurations. Panoramic sunroof and automatic headlights are standard in all models. In addition, medium and high-end models also have electric tailgates, which are rare in small SUVs.




  The paint of Lynk & Co 06 is uniform and warm, and the assembly process is also good. We selected three positions on the body to measure the left and right sheet metal joints respectively, and the difference between the two sides of several parts is not large.


  The center console has a relatively obvious Lynk & Co family design, and the materials used have always been Lynk & Co’s specialty. The mix and match of various materials and colors makes this small SUV look neither monotonous nor cheap.



  The color and material of this Lynk & Co 06 seat give people a very novel feeling. The front seat is thick, the hardness is moderate, and the wrapping is also good. The headrest of the rear seat is softer than expected, but the seat cushion is slightly shorter.


  The rear child seat interface of Lynk & Co 06 is not on the bright side. When connecting, you need to extend the seat connector into the opening left by the seat surface. Fortunately, it is not very deep. In addition, due to the small area of the back door, you still need to pay a little attention when handling the seat.



  The sound insulation of the Lynk & Co 06 is not very good. In fact, the sound of the engine is really low. The main source of noise is the floor. After the speed exceeds 60km/h, the tire noise is transmitted into the car, which is more obvious. And when the driver’s side A pillar reaches a speed of about 80km/h, a slight whistle will begin to appear.

◆ Dynamic evaluation



More exciting videos are available on the Autohome video platform

Lynk & Co 06 2020 1.5T Yao HaloAutohomeAutohomeAutohome

More exciting videos are available on the Autohome video platform

  The maximum power of the 1.5T three-cylinder engine is 177 horsepower, 255 Nm, and it is matched with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox. The temperature on the day of the test is 21 ° C, and the starting speed can reach a maximum of 3800rpm when accelerating. After turning off the ESC, the front wheels are obviously slipping, and the speed of 1st gear up and 2nd gear is slow, which affects some speeds. After 5 ejections, the oil temperature of the gearbox rises, and the starting speed can only reach a maximum of 2000rpm. Although the starting speed will return to normal after a few minutes of heat dissipation, the shift time will still be advanced. The 1st gear will be up at about 4000rpm, and the final 0-100km/h fastest time is 8.9 seconds.

  Although you will feel that the speed of 1st gear up and 2nd gear is slow during the test, you will not feel that the downshift is very slow in the rhythm of daily driving. The power response of Lynk & Co 06 is relatively positive, and the mid-to-late acceleration is also relatively powerful in the same class, which can also be reflected in the midway acceleration results.

  The smoothness of this dual-clutch transmission is really good. During a few days of driving, whether it is at high or low speed, there has been almost no noticeable setback in shifting gears. It’s just that when the brakes are loosened at the start, the combination is still not as dry as the AT.


  The steering wheel is light, and the front of the car responds quickly to the steering wheel, which makes the driver feel very dexterous. The directivity is not comparable to that of a performance car, but at least the direction of the front of the car is in line with the driver’s expectations.


  The ESC of Lynk & Co 06 will automatically turn on after the speed exceeds 70km/h, and there will be no torque steering, whether it is in a static acceleration test or when the accelerator is pushed to the bottom during driving.


  The suspension is relatively resilient at the beginning, and daily driving will feel that the dynamic response of the body is more positive, but the overall adjustment is still more comfortable. When steering rapidly and sharply, the suspension compression is still more obvious, and the continuous pile winding test will show a trend of understeering.


  Suspension for small bumps will remove excess annoying vibration, retaining a considerable part of the road feeling, the whole process is relatively straightforward, and the sense of advanced in the same class is more prominent.

◆ Safety evaluation

Lynk & Co 06 2020 1.5T Yao HaloAutohomeAutohome

More exciting videos are available on the Autohome video platform

  The braking force of Lynk & Co 06 can be fully released in the early stage of braking, and the foot feel is also easy to adapt to. The average score of 10 tests is 37.23 meters, which is remarkable. It is also worth mentioning that after 10 consecutive tests, the braking system did not experience thermal attenuation.


More exciting videos are available on the Autohome video platform

  The compact body layout gives it a very flexible side in the fast-paced driving process. The suspension can provide sufficient support in the face of rapid center of gravity transfer, and the steering feel is light, but the pointing speed is relatively positive, with clear pointing feedback. The intervention of the electronic assistance system is relatively linear. When entering the B zone in the A zone, the system will only exert a slight force, and the vehicle can easily enter the B zone with good controllability. In the B zone, the electronic assistance began to intervene vigorously. After effectively reducing the speed, it easily completed the test, and the final passing speed was 70.4km/h.

  As an SUV, the Lynk & Co 06’s sitting position is still higher than that of the car, the rear window is not tilted at a large angle, the size of the rearview mirror is normal, the field of vision is good, and there is no discomfort.




  Lynk & Co 06’s passive safety configuration is uniform across the entire system. In addition to the most basic main and co-pilot airbags, front and rear side air curtains and front side airbags are standard. For small SUVs, this should be praised.

◆ Economic evaluation

  The price has always been the advantage of Chinese brands, this 1.5T Yao Halo guide price is 138,600 yuan, its configuration is quite rich, driving texture and the quality of the car are good, to know this price if you buy Honda Bing Zhi, you can’t even buy 1.5L high-end.


 During the fuel consumption test, we turned on the air conditioner at 23 degrees Celsius and drove 103.5km at an average speed of 31km/h, consuming a total of 9.83L of fuel and measuring an average fuel consumption of 9.5L/100km. This is indeed not fuel-efficient for a small SUV. The lack of automatic start-stop function also affects fuel consumption to a certain extent.

◆ Intelligent evaluation



  Lynk & Co 06’s adaptive cruise and lane keeping were only available on high-end models. In actual use, the ACC was easy to operate, followed the car at a suitable distance, and the deceleration when there was a car jammed was relatively linear. However, the level of the lane keeping assistance system was still relatively basic, and the vehicle could not keep driving in the middle of the lane at all times, but would only slightly correct the direction after frequent contact with the lane line.




  Lynk & Co 06 uses a dual 10.25-inch screen configuration and is standard on the whole series. The car has rich functions and a lot of online content, but the car interface is a little cumbersome, and there are occasional cards when sliding. The voice control system has a high recognition rate for commonly used instructions such as navigation or music information retrieval.

◆ Summary

● Comfort evaluation

  The comfort part of Lynk & Co 06 scored 18.5 points, much higher than the average score of 11.75 points in the same class. On the one hand, the interview driving is the top model, and the configuration part scored higher. In addition, the workmanship and materials of the whole vehicle are better in the same class, while the noise part should be said that 06 is not doing well, but the same class is generally worse.

Dynamic evaluation

   The dynamic part of the Lynk & Co 06 scored 11.5 points, and the same class scored 10.75 points. Since the same class is basically not equipped with four-wheel drive, this part of the score is 0, so we will skip it. The Lynk & Co 06’s acceleration score gives it an above-average score in the engine section, and the steering and driving comfort are also better than average. The lower score is the transmission.

● Safety evaluation

  The safety part of Lynk & Co 06 scored 13.44 points, higher than the average of 11.68 in the same class. On the one hand, its good braking performance earned it points, and the number of airbags also had an advantage in the same class.

● Economic evaluation

  The economic part of Lynk & Co 06 scored 4.76 points, lower than the average of 6.16 points in the same class. Its price is more advantageous than that of a number of joint venture models, but the fuel consumption is seriously hindered. In addition, the whole series does not automatically start and stop, and it also loses points in the environmental protection part.

● Intelligent evaluation

  The intelligent part of Lynk & Co 06 scored 15.4 points, higher than the average of 13.8 points in the same class. The high-end model has a more complete active safety configuration, and the performance of the multimedia system is also slightly higher than that of the same class.

● AH-100 total score

Japanese Liberal Democratic Party presidential election: Aso’s support is far ahead

  On September 10th, the presidential election of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan was announced, and five people, namely Taro Aso, yuriko koike, Shi Pomao, Kaoru Yosano and Nobuteru Ishihara, formally put forward their candidacy. The above five candidates held a joint reporter meeting at the LDP headquarters that afternoon to explain their political views. The picture shows Aso at the press conference. China News Agency issued Zhu Yanhua photo

  BEIJING, Sept. 11 (Xinhua) According to a survey conducted by Kyodo News as of the evening of the 10th, nearly half of the 387 LDP members in the Senate and the House of Representatives have supported Secretary-General Taro Aso, far ahead of the second economic and financial minister, Kaoru Yosano, who has only about 50 people.

  There are less than 30 members of Parliament who have clearly expressed their support for Nobuteru Ishihara, the president of the Political Consultative Conference, yuriko koike, and Shi Pomao, the former defense minister, and three of them are struggling. However, many Members have yet to show their attitude, and some people will change their minds temporarily, so there are still variables in the final result.

  Aso has won more than 60% support from the largest faction, the Machimura faction (88 people), and nearly half support from Tsushima (70 people), Koga (62 people) and Yamazaki (41 people). In addition, his own Aso faction (20 people), Ibuki faction (28 people), Second-order faction (16 people) and Takamura faction (15 people) basically consider supporting Aso, in addition to the support from some non-partisan members.

Editor: Lu Wei

The new BYD Tang EV is on the market, with a price of 279,800.

On June 1, 2022, the new BYD Tang (parameter picture) EV was officially launched, with a price of 279,800. See the table below for details. The new BYD Tang EV is a mid-term modified model. The front face of the new car adopts the front face of BYD Dynasty electric family, and it is changed into a closed shape, which gives people a fresher feeling. BYD Tang EV is currently BYD’s flagship SUV model. After the mid-term change, the new car will come standard with 7 seats, and it can be upgraded with 6 seats for 10,000 yuan.

We can see that the price range of the new BYD Tang EV is 27.98-33.98 million yuan. The new car has three configurations to choose from, namely, the 600-kilometer battery life exclusive type, the 730-kilometer battery life exclusive type and the 635-kilometer battery life four-wheel drive flagship type. It has two kinds of blade batteries to choose from.

If the first generation of BYD Tang stands firm with the strength of "road tank", then the second generation of Tang has added the item of face value on the basis of strength, and its appearance is really reasonable, even before the mid-term change. The biggest change in the appearance of the new BYD Tang EV is its front face, which adopts a closed design, with only an air inlet below and a silver diversion shovel at the bottom. The top half of the front face of the new car adopts a very layered design, with a wide silver decoration at the top and its Chinese logo in the middle. The whole front face has a strong gas field.

There is no change in the side of the new Tang EV, but it can play well, with a suspended roof and a black painting style for the D-pillar. The side of the new car body has a sharp waistline, and its black wheel eyebrows are very delicate. The side of the body of the new Tang EV is very eye-catching, fashionable and sporty as a whole.

In the rear part of the car, the new car has a layered design. It has a penetrating taillight group. The taillight is three-dimensional and prominent. Although it is simple, it looks very atmospheric, and the lower part of the tail has a groove design. The part surrounded by the bottom of the new car is also very delicate, and the two ends are shaped like weapons.

In the interior, the new car adopts a family style, with a two-piece steering wheel, which is very atmospheric. The central control large screen of the new car is suspended and rotatable, and there are obvious atmosphere lights on the center console, which are interspersed on the panel. In terms of configuration, the new car is equipped with a Dana stereo, and the front seats support heating, ventilation and massage. In terms of power, the 600 km exclusive model of the new car is equipped with a motor with an output of 228 horsepower; The 730 km exclusive model is equipped with a 245 HP motor; The 635km four-wheel drive flagship is equipped with a 180kW+200kW motor, which accelerates for 4.4 seconds in 100km. In terms of battery, the 635km four-wheel drive model and the 730km exclusive model of the new car use 108.8kWh blade battery, while the battery capacity of the 630km exclusive model is smaller.

BYD sold more than 200,000 vehicles in March! Do you think it can sell 3 million cars this year?

With a year-on-year increase of 97.4%, BYD sold 207,080 units in March, which is still so strong. Among them, there are 103,419 DM hybrid vehicles and 102,670 EV pure electric vehicles.

BYD Qin sold more than 40,000 units, and 998 was really cruel. BYD sold more than 40,000 sets in Song and January, and dolphins sold more than 30,000 sets for the first time. According to this growth trend, BYD’s sales in March will probably exceed the sum of the sales of North and South Volkswagen.

In fact, this node was very subtle in March. In March last year, BYD announced in a high-profile manner that it would stop producing fuel vehicles. A year later, it took the overlord of the fuel vehicle era, North and South Volkswagen, out of the horse. It was really something.

It is worth mentioning that Tengshi Automobile sold more than 10,000 vehicles with one model, reaching 10,398 vehicles, an increase of 42% from the previous month. To be conservative, this sales volume is actually likely to beat GL8 to win the domestic MPV sales crown in March. Moreover, the average transaction price of Tengshi D9 is 415,000 yuan, which exceeds many domestic competing products, which also shows the product strength of this car.

In order to avoid it, some people say, how come I haven’t seen Tengshi D9 on the road? Something like that. We calculated the sales volume of Tengshi D9 from last October to now, which is about 34,000 vehicles. The frequency of cars on the road is related to the number of cars, but has little to do with monthly sales. Moreover, their new racing SUV Tengshi N7 has also been officially unveiled recently, and the product sequence continues to be enriched.

This year, BYD’s sales target is to guarantee 3 million vehicles and sprint 3.6 million. If you want the sales volume to continue to grow, the models should cover a wider consumer group. Recently, BYD’s F-series hard-core off-road vehicles also have new news. The "2316" posted on the body was officially revealed: 2 stands for front and rear dual motors, 3 stands for three differential locks, front and rear locks+electric locks, and 1 stands for a brand-new off-road platform, which should refer to the Yunqi system released some time ago. 6 means that the new car will be released in June.

According to this rhythm, it is not impossible to drive BYD to cross-country at the end of the year. Don DM-p burst into tears and finally had a big brother.

The other is about Seagull. Just last month, BYD released the official map of Seagull, which means that Seagull will soon open up a small pure tram market for BYD and become a new sales growth point. At the same time, BYD will continue to transport vehicles overseas this year.

Next, there are Qin PLUS EV Champion Edition, Song PLUS Champion Edition, the new Song Pro DM-i and other new cars to meet with you. Whether BYD can rush to 3 million vehicles this year, let’s wait and see.

Is the cloud -C system really so magical? I understand after trying the new BYD Han/Tang!

On April 22nd, BYD Tang EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition and Tang DM-P Ares Edition were officially announced for listing, with the price range of 219,800-269,800 yuan. In view of the new car listed this time, in addition to the substantial adjustment in price, its core upgrade highlight is that the whole system comes standard with Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system.

I believe everyone will be familiar with this system. After all, since BYD launched this full-stack self-developed intelligent body control system last year, it has always been the focus of consumers’ attention. According to the official statement, the products equipped with this system will be significantly improved in comfort and handling, but what will the actual product performance be?

Today, we also read it for everyone through a venue test drive.

On the hardware level, Yunnian -C is actually an entry scheme in the whole system, and its structure is relatively simple, mainly composed of acceleration sensor, suspension height sensor, electric shock absorber and intelligent calculation center. Its working logic is that the intelligent calculation center senses the dynamics of the car body in real time through the sensors on the car and adjusts the damping of the electric shock absorber synchronously, so as to improve the comfort and maneuverability of the whole car.

Like this venue experience activity, it is mainly divided into the devil’s rotten road challenge (simulating urban and outdoor off-road road conditions, highlighting product comfort) and the extreme dynamic challenge (accelerating rapidly, braking, winding piles, etc., highlighting product handling performance).

The first project is mainly aimed at BYD Tang, and the simulation lane also includes the most common regular/irregular speed bumps, washboards and potholes, as well as cobblestone roads, climbing and cross-axis road conditions in off-road conditions. Generally speaking, the experience project is also very comprehensive.

Although this Yunqi -C system is only the most elementary version, it is still quite obvious for the dynamic improvement of the whole vehicle. For example, when the road bumps continuously, the system will adopt the control strategy of high frequency and small damping, which will make the suspension system more "soft" and effectively alleviate the impact feeling transmitted from the road to the car. According to the official, Yunqi -C is realized under the condition of continuous vibration of the road at 60 km/h.

Due to the information collection and analysis data and damping adjustment related to road conditions and car body dynamics, it can be found that the response speed of this system is about 1 second, so when you experience the continuous bumpy road, you can clearly perceive the vibration changes in the car, which can really improve the comfort of the whole car.

Thanks to the excellent performance of BYD Tang itself, its passability under simulated off-road conditions is also commendable. It is worth mentioning that the DM-P Ares version of BYD Tang has a rear axle differential lock, which will perform better under off-road conditions than the ordinary version of Tang DM-P.

The other project is the extreme dynamic challenge, and its challenger is naturally handed over to BYD Han, but the difference is that BYD Han can directly adjust the mode, steering strength and braking feedback mode of Yunqi -C through the locomotive system, with higher freedom.

According to the official data, the pitch angle can be reduced by 9.36% in the full throttle acceleration test, 40.91% in the braking test and 28.3% in the pitch angular velocity after the same model is turned on. In the 65 km/h test around the pile, the peak steering angle of the steering wheel decreased from 40.04 degrees to 36.23 degrees, and in the 100 km/h double-lane test, the car body roll angle speed decreased from 19.88 degrees/s to 11.99 degrees/s. Of course, these data all mean a significant improvement in comfort and stability.

In the actual experience, it can also be found that under intense driving, the suspension can restrain the pitching and rolling of the car body in place. Even if the center of gravity shifts continuously, the car body can always maintain a relatively stable posture, giving the driver full confidence.

The successive promotion of the glory edition of Han/Tang Dynasty has given enough sincerity in product technology, configuration and price. With the blessing of Yunnian -C system, the overall performance of the new car has also been significantly improved, and its competitiveness has also gone further. Through the sales data, we can also find that the double car handed over 34,000 vehicles in March, which shows that they have a very high popularity.

BYD’s "Deluxe Tang" spy photos are exposed! Will it be released within the year and sold for 300,000?

According to the plan, three new cars will be launched this year, including a medium-sized SUV and a medium-sized SUV, in addition to the pre-sale D9. Recently, Zhao Changjiang, general manager of Tengshi Sales Division, has also started to preheat medium-sized SUVs on his personal social platform, and the new car is positioned as a luxury and fashionable five-seat SUV. The online auto market has obtained a set of road test spy photos of Tengshi X. The new car is not excluded as a shell test car of a new medium-sized SUV, and will replace the existing Tengshi X in the future. With reference to Tengshi’s pricing strategy, it is estimated that the starting price of the new car may be around 300,000 yuan.

I won the 2021 Beijing Benz E300L E260L.

At the beginning of March, the domestic long-wheelbase version released 2021 redesigned models, only six months after the release of 2021 mid-term redesigned products in September 2020. The new product cancels the 1.5T+48V light hybrid power of the previously controversial E260L model, adopts a 2.0T low-power engine +48V light hybrid system, and completely removes the "small displacement" hat. The price range of 10 models is 43.99-562,900 yuan. The new car still offers two styles, the standard version and the sports version, and there is also a certain upgrade in configuration. Recently, we took a real shot of the 2021 modified 00L sports luxury model (hereinafter referred to) in Daxing, Baoan, Shenzhen, to see the specific changes.

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment
Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

New car features:  

First, the mid-term change model will be changed again in the year, and the appearance will continue to be standard and sporty.

Second, the carriage adopts the classic layout of double 12.3-inch continuous screen, and the sense of luxury atmosphere is the strongest in its class.

Third, E260L model cancels the 1.5T+48V light mixing system and replaces it with a 2.0T low-power engine +48V light mixing system.

Four, 00L fashion increase the whole car keyless entry, electric trunk and induction trunk.

V. The driver assistance enhancement kit including adaptive cruise is added to the 00L distinguished model.

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The 2021 E-class itself is a mid-term product, and its appearance has changed greatly. As an annual redesigned model, the appearance and interior are not the key points. The configuration and power of some models are mainly adjusted to achieve the purpose of increasing distribution and enhancing competitiveness. Still provide a standard and sporty double-style appearance. In terms of color, the new car only offers two color schemes, Obsidian Black and Arctic White, which is not personalized enough.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The front face still provides standard and sporty double-style modeling, the sports version adds a sports kit, and the flat middle net is decorated with a complex grille, which matches the huge round LOGO;; The standard version fills the net with multi-spoke trims, and the LOGO stands above the hood. The two versions bring different visual effects and are suitable for users of different ages.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The headlights have been redesigned, and the original dual-spoke LED daytime running light has been changed into a brush with a folded corner in calligraphy, which is as close as possible to the latest family style. The high-profile models are also equipped with geometric multi-beam LED light sources, which have more intelligent effects. The side cheeks are not equipped with front fog lights, and the sports version adopts a more exaggerated double-spoke diversion groove shape, which looks a lot of spirit.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The body size has not changed, the length, width and height are still 5078/1860/1480mm (1490mm for four-wheel drive version) and the wheelbase is 3079 mm. Compared with the main competing products at the same level, it has no size advantage and the overall performance is moderate.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The exterior rearview mirror is decorated in black, and the shell is integrated with LED side turn light and side camera. Except E260L model (reversing image), it is equipped with 360 panoramic images, and the display screen is very clear. The E300L model also comes standard with electric adjustment, folding, memory, heating, automatic reverse rollover, automatic lock folding and automatic anti-glare functions, while the E260L model lacks memory, automatic reverse rollover and automatic anti-glare.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The door handle with the same color on the body is decorated with chrome, and the keyless entry function of the whole vehicle is standard except E260L models. Among them, the E300L fashion model in this redesigned model has increased the keyless entry function of the whole vehicle.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The whole system comes standard with 245/45 R18 front and rear wheels, and the wheels with five-spoke petal shape look very fashionable. The tires are matched with Han Tai Ventus Evo 20,000 Tushi series products, which are high-performance tires focusing on sports and handling.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The tail shape of the new car pays more attention to flattening, inheriting the flat conical taillights of the "Big Brother" S class, and the multi-point lighting effect looks radiant. The bottom still adopts double exhaust pipes on both sides, and the nozzle is decorated with quadrilateral chrome-plated frame and connected with chrome-plated strips, so the overall exquisiteness is still very high.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The layout of the car has not changed, and the digital cockpit is still composed of double 12.3-inch integrated screens. The bent center console is particularly beautiful under the decoration of the ambient light, and the connection with the door panel is also smooth. The design and luxury of the car are still very prominent. The car is equipped with the latest MBUX intelligent interactive system, and the playability is further improved.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The steering wheel has been replaced with a new family style, and the left and right double-spoke shapes have increased the three-dimensional effect, and the functional area division is also clearer. Among them, the left side is mainly the driver assistance system, and the right side mainly controls multimedia, etc. The center still uses touch mode, which feels good. The E300L Premium Model adds an enhanced version of driver assistance components including lane departure warning, lane keeping assistance, road traffic sign recognition and adaptive cruise. In addition, the size of the steering wheel is too large, the grip is particularly full, and the touch of the leather is also delicate.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The 12.3-inch full LCD instrument panel is standard for the whole system, and the UI interface basically continues the style of the old model (2020 model), providing three themes to choose from, and the information status of various vehicles can be seen at a glance.   

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The 12.3-inch central control panel is also standard for the whole system. Compared with the old model (2020 model), the car is equipped with Mercedes-Benz’s latest MBUX intelligent human-computer interaction system, which, like the new generation, can be controlled by touch screen, touch keys, touchpad and voice recognition. At the same time, it also supports fashionable functions such as navigation and OTA upgrade, and the human-computer interaction experience is greatly improved.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The air-conditioning outlet still adopts the classic four-circle shape, and the air-conditioning system, multimedia and vehicle function panels below are basically unchanged. The clock in the center of the old model (2020 model) is cancelled, and the functionality is no problem, and the style is less tasteful.   

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The central armrest is made of very textured solid wood, which looks quite luxurious. There are two water cups, a Type-C interface, a 12V power supply and a mobile phone storage compartment with wireless charging function under the foldable cover, which is unique. Although the 12.3-inch central control panel has achieved touch control, it still retains the control panel of COMMAND, which will be more convenient for the old users of Mercedes-Benz. The buttons on both sides include driving mode adjustment, parking radar, 360 panoramic image, automatic start and stop, volume adjustment, screen switch, sunshade opening and closing and other functional buttons.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The split armrest box has a large opening and a good volume, and two Type-C interfaces are built in.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

Mercedes-Benz has always been a benchmark for the construction of cockpit interiors, and this car is no exception. The center console is covered with a large area of soft leather, decorated with rich wooden decorative plates and chrome trim strips, and with the addition of penetrating atmosphere lights, the vision, touch and smell of the carriage are very pleasant, and the 13-speaker Burmester Berlin sound creates a first-class auditory experience. This cockpit can really make people stay for a long time without getting tired.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The front seats are wrapped in imitation leather (the top models are made of genuine leather), the padding is moderate in hardness, and the side supports of the seats are in place. The front and rear, backrest, height (4-way) and waist (4-way) electric adjustments are supported by the main and co-pilot seats, and leg rest adjustments are also provided, so the ergonomics is well done. The front seats also support the functions of heating, memory, and adjustment of the front and rear seats. Seat ventilation and rear seat heating need to be optional.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The rear seat is made of the same material as the front seat. The inclination angle of the cushion and backrest is large, and the backrest supports angle adjustment. In addition, there is plenty of space, so that the rear passengers can get a comfortable "Ge You Lie" sitting posture, but the middle cushion is short, the platform bulges obviously, and the comfort of the middle seat is not high. In terms of configuration, it is equipped with three independent telescopic headrests, and aviation headrests are also equipped on both sides. The size of the central folding armrest is very large, and even the headrests are folded down as a whole, which integrates more storage space.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The air outlet of floor-type air conditioner is adopted, and the shape is changed compared with the old model (2020 model), and the original open storage compartment is cancelled. The sliding cover below has a built-in water cup slot and two Type-C interfaces, which maintains the same convenience and aesthetics as the front row. In addition, the E300L distinguished model in this modified model has added independent air conditioning in the rear row.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

All models are equipped with segmented electric skylights, the first half of which can be opened and the area is considerable.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The side wall of the rear compartment has been tightly wrapped, showing good performance in depth and height. The volume has not been announced yet, but the visual volume is considerable, and the luggage for four people on a long trip should be able to accommodate it. There is also a storage compartment under the floor, but there is no spare tire. The car is also equipped with an electric tailgate and a button to close the door and lock the car. E300L fashion model adds the functions of electric trunk and induction trunk.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The change of power is the focus of this change. The core is to cancel the 1.5T+48V light hybrid power, and replace the E260L model with a 2.0T low-power engine +48V light hybrid system. The maximum power of the engine is 145kW(197Ps)/6100rpm, and the maximum torque is 320Nm/1650-4000rpm, matching the 9AT automatic manual transmission. E300L adopts a 2.0T high-power engine with the maximum power of 190kW(258Ps)/6100rpm and the maximum torque of 370Nm/1800-4000rpm, which is also matched with 9AT automatic manual transmission.  

Farewell to Disputed Displacement Configuration and Slight Increase of Mercedes-Benz 2021 Model E300L Real Shooting Brief Comment

The chassis layout has not changed. The front and rear are multi-link independent suspensions, and the front and rear drives are still the main ones. Among them, E260L is equipped with two full-time four-wheel drive models, and the central differential is a multi-plate clutch, all of which support variable steering ratio and suspension soft and hard adjustment. Only the top-equipped premium model E300L comes standard with a driver assistance system close to L2, which has lane keeping function. However, the adaptive cruise is not at full speed, and the rest E300L is optional, but E260L doesn’t even support it.  

Brother Kan’s comments:

On the whole, this generation is relatively, with elegant and atmospheric appearance and very attractive cockpit. However, it is indeed controversial because it is equipped with a 1.5T engine. It is not necessarily said that the power is not enough. After all, it is assisted by a 48V ISG motor, which mainly causes psychological pressure to users. Is it still a luxury medium and large car? This time, the purpose of the modified model is to let the small-displacement engine leave completely, and let the E-class return to its sense of grade. Of course, the entry price has also increased slightly, but it is not excessive. In addition, the E300L fashion model and the distinguished model have increased the configuration, and the price has also increased accordingly. Generally speaking, the new products hope to maintain the overall image and status of E-class, rather than relying on low prices and concessions to attract users.

E-class long wheelbase quotation:

Mercedes-Benz E260L sedan 439,900

Mercedes-Benz E260L four-wheel drive 461,900

Mercedes-Benz E300L sports fashion 479,900

Mercedes-Benz E300L limousine 498,900

Mercedes E300L limousine 562,900

Mercedes-Benz E350L four-wheel drive 642,800 

Mercedes E300 e L plug-in hybrid car 509,800

E-class standard wheelbase quotation:

Mercedes E260 442,800

Mercedes-Benz E260 4MATIC 463,800

Mercedes E300 499,800

E class coupe

E260 coupe 521,800 

E260 four-wheel drive 547,800 

E300 595,800

E350 4MATIC 689,800

E260 convertible 633,800 

E260 convertible coupe 4MATIC 653,800

E300 convertible coupe 707,800 

E43AMG 895,800

E53AMG 948,800

E53AMG coupe 978,800

E63 S 4AMTIC+ 1,560,800

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